Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

fa~jcscoward• men,O,allmuch lll.Ote.falle to- A , ,.H F.or.(lijjA•'- ~"Cbrij/J, ~;,.,crucified W~Jq,God.. ,, , ·•I u rheftcfo;wsihthc•Jfofil•n••ndluj/r. ,_ i Meck,cnc{fo] The fame in elfc~·0th long .-,Jhefc<?pc. ~~p thefewords, PnHiprooue~ 'fulfermg. The <!!lf~r~nce is,rhar" rh~t )"~l.<hhefa1d immediarly.bcfore nam.- mor_egeP.erall,and/m•g{•ffiri•g" tbe high<;U lxl that there i~ Qo Jaw again!!fpiritu;ll meo i degree ofmcckenclfe, ., ,. And of thishecgiue•a doubJe rea!on. On~ , Tm•p•r.ncc]. It is rhe moderation of Ju[l \!',fpitituallll)CQ arc Chrif!s:rhereforc th<~ ,and appetite, tn the y.feofrbe:g<fts,andcrca· I' IJO law agamf! rhem, ThefcctmdisrhiS;:> 'tuies of God. for rhe bctte.r praCl:iOng.of· That is cruaified·infpi,ritualkmen;wbicholie :tbi~ vcttue,re(J\Cn, thefe foure,rules :., lf-1;1' condcm~J'~01 O'mely, the fi<;_fh, with tlrC: ' : ). We mull vfe moderation i>>meatcs and alfechonsand'lulls:rher<fore rhere is no'law ~~Wl~cs.This !ll<ld,eration is ro ,cat~ &drinke rocondemp~,t!J~(piri.ruall mah. ; wtth perpetual! a!>(l,incncc. And abl!inenc< In rhewor.~s.Iconfiderrhree.poinrs. The' !lttritakeletfe,rhe,n thatwhich_paturcdefires,. fi(f! IS:'yVhat-!1 a Chri(lian-1 A'lf.AChril!i ·and not more., ~nd that mc~fure of mcate an" one thalls~~ril!s, (faith P~ul:) And b~ and cl<inke, whicqferues ro refren,nature, & B' I!Chrdls fiue 11(~lCS, I. by rhe right of creato m~ke vs fir.for the.fcruiceof God& man, uon. And fo ~re,;tll men .11. by righr of reis.allowed vs of God,and no more. demption, •.Corm. 6,19, Ill. by the tree 'i i. Wee mu(\vfc moderatipq_in our ap· &1ft and dona_<j!Jn ot God the Farher, Ioh. parcll. And that is,to~pparcl!our (clues ac- '7-11. this ~o.n~ti9n IS-beguo,mthe erernall' Giirding t,o our fc)\c,, the receieleCI<on of- G<?d,ancj it IS·aFcomphthed in: ued faOuon of9ur C<?Untry, ac;cor)ling to our our dfeCiuallvocarion, I V. bypropagati-1 ability. H ere ttlccommQn f•ulr is,to beeout on. For all rrueb<leeuers fpring our of th~ of ailordfr: ('nr:almoCl ki10\Vany meablood of Chnl! : andare of hiS bone, and of fure,Eueryme.atlFP~r.fon now ad•ic•will bee hiS ftcfh, as cuewas of the booeand flc0 1 of a.g.eotleman)~tg~hrlewoman. Ad~m. V.. Uxour donatiQnjn bapriCme,~in' I II. W ce n\u(\ vfe moderation, in getwhrch weeconfccrate our felucuo Go~ and titigQf goods: and!hat is, to retlqlnte<lt,if to Chntl. · . we hauefoodand raiment for ou~fc.lues,and Thcvfe. Thismun teach ~s to refign~our· them that b~longvntovs,1 .Tim.<l,8.Hcre is Celues to Chul!,and to fuffer h1m to.raignc i<i our £line,we may nor deGrc robe rich,vert:9. uur hearrs,apd to take rhe yo•kc ofrheGef; Thekinghimfelfmu[lnor mulriply his sold pel vpon vs. But ala,, it is far orher•ilc-with and liluer,Deutcron.17.17.and yetharh hee C many of V$, Forfame liuoin rhe tranfgreffi6 more ncedeof golde and muer,then any priofthe very l~w ofnarure,fo f~r arc they from uatc man. . ob!eruin~; the yofpel.Otheuthinke it fuffi• . I V. Thercmu£lbeeamoderarionin the CJcut to folio.- rhe teachrng of nature, If fpendmg of our goods: contrary ro the fa. thoy worOup God in fame gcneraiJ manner !hion of many that fpend their fub[lance in Ifrhey liuepeaceably, and hortno man, and teallmg,and company, and keepe their wmes meane well(asthey fay) then a!J is well :' and andch<ldren bare at home. the doingof further durier, is reputed curi· , ·,.Jgainfi f•"h thtr• is no/a"'] Here!'•olfets ous precifcnes, Andli1ch perfans vfually redawnerhebeocfit,that comes by the former duce religion to thepraCitfeofnature. They vermes, Thewords carry thiS fenfe: Againl! will bcefauedby faith : buttheirfauh is qo· fuch verrues,and agam ll perfons indued with thing elfe but fidelity,Theyfay they worlhip. foch·vmues,.d,ere is no law. And that for God,but thiS worfhip is norhing.cls,but rhe!t twocaufes.Onc,thcrc is no law to condemne good meaning,and theirgood dealing.Thefc fucb. Secondly, there is no law to compell D men areccnrent thatCht~f! !hall bee theirs·: them ro obey:bcsaufe rhey freely obeyGod,_ but they willnot bee Chril!s, andfufferhim as if<herewere no law. to haue a Lordllupouer th<m. Marke then rhe condition of fpirituall I I. H thou bee Chri!!~, rhen commend men~ They area voluntary and free people, thy fouk,and life,and all rhattbou ball, inro feruin• God freely,without conf!rainr.So as the hands of Chri!!.This was rhepracl<le of ifCprl!lwouldnotjiiuevnto th_ein life eucrDAHid,Pfal.zz.ofChriCl vpon rh< crolie: of Jallino, yet would they l.oue h1m, and defire PAul, •·Tun. r. rz, And thispradife IS the the a.fuancement of his kingdome. On the oncly way to obtame faf<ry and proreCiton. contrary, if there were no ~ell, and God For Chrill no doubtwiiJkeepe his owne. would not punifh adultery, drunkennes,blafIll. Comfort. Ifthou be Chril!s,he will pbemy, &c. with etcrnall dearh,yet would a ' care for thee,& norhmg lltall be wanting v.n. Cbri£lian man abllaine from thefethmgs: rorheethatislorthygood,Ioh.r7.Z4Rom: bccaufe hcknowesrharrheydtfpleafeChri!!, · 8,33. Therefore remember thislelfon.Neand bee is goue_r.nedwirh another fpirit, ro uer greeueo4ermllch,neuercareouermuch, which they are contrary. neucr reioyceouermuch m rhethmgsofthls Alfo thefe words area rea[on of verfe 16. world. It thou wcrt at tbineownedifpofing) Thmis nolawagamf/t!J<m th•t do th<fethings: and findmg, it were(omewhat: but there IS thereforewalk! in theJtirit. · one that cares farthce,namely Chri!!. ~~~~:~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~Thc