Chap.5. the Epiflle to the (jalatiam. The fecond pomt to bee conGdercd, is, A whatistheflelh I.A•!. It illhe corruption of the wholenacurcofman. For-r,he-right con.. ceming of this, wee mu£1 makead1H1o~ion ofthree rhinos: Mans nature,the f>culncs of nature, and ~he· corruption of both, which corruption hath two parts: the lolfe of the Image ofGod,and a pronenes toall wicked' nelfe. Moreouer, this dillinction mull bee 'without fepararion of nature from faculties, or ofcorruption from either: fo as wee may {aytruely,thatthenature,and ~hepowers of the foule ofmao,arecorrupted. In rhc Ben, are rwo things. Ajfe£1i'"'• and Lu(h. By4ff'<aioN,vnder!landmordinateaf– fettiom, which !hew thcmfelues and beare fway incarnall men,asangerin C~~ti~tlloueof B pleafures morerhcnofGod,in the men of rhelalltimes. :. Tim.3· 3· immoderatefor· row in Ahab,whcn hecouldnotobraineNa– bothrvineyard,J.Kin.>l.'l- . LH/harc inordmareand infatiable deores after the things of this world, as riches, ho– nours,ple~fures,&c.oftbis (orr :trecouetouf– nelfe, gluttony, pride, the lull of the fle!h, &c. The v(e.B:rthio wefee what acarnall man is,namcly,one that iscarried away with (omc inordinate affeclion,orfome inordinarelull. Hmddtd many good thingsat the aduice & mouonof JohnBaptiO:, whome beereueren– ccd: yerwashecacarnallman. For bee was polfelfed with an inordmateloue of his bro· C thcrs wife. difciple of Chrill, yet a carnal! man : becaufe hccwas carried away IVith cheinordinatelufrof coueroufnes. Therhird point, iJtouchingrheofficcof aCbri!lian man. And rhatis,ro cruci6e the A ell•,with rheaffedions &JuCis. Forrhebet– tcrconceiuingoftbis,Crucifyingmull be di· Uingui!hed. It i• etther the achon of Chrifl, orouradion.Cructfying.which is the adton of Chritl,isrhree-foJde.Tbe6rll is,vpon the crolfo,where Chrill llood in ourroome, and bare the burden of our finncs, and madean Expiation ofthem.In this refped we are fa id ro beecrucified with him,Gal.:.J 9· The fc– cond is, in vs, when Chrill conuaiesrhe ver– ruc ofhis dcach into the hearts of rhenahar D areioyned tohim, for rhecaufing and effe– cting of thedeath ofCiooe. The third is, in baptifme, whereby Chri(l fealestherwo for– merro them thatbeleeue,Rom.<S.J.6. The crucifying,which is ouradion,is no– thing elfe bur rheunirationofChri1lcruci6ed,onthismanner: Hewas 6rllattached :fo mull we bringourfelue1 intothe prefencc of God. Hewaoarraigned :[o mull weefetour Cefucs at the barre ofGods iudgmeor.Hewas accufed:fo mu(} we indite& accufeour [dues ofourowne fins, at the barrc of Gods iudge– menr. He was condemned; and(o mull wee iudgeourfelucs,rhar 1ve be not iudged of the LorJ.Aftcr iudgemenr,we mull proccedeto execution ofthe fle01: & that is,to vfc mean.: rocructficic :and they are three. Thefirll is, by faith to~pply to ourfeluesChrill cruci6ed:and that i; to beJceuenoronJythat Chritl was crucified for vs,buc thatwe alfo weiecru– ctfied with him.Where this faith is,linoe ll~al nomorehaucdommion. Thefecond "to beacdo.-ncrhe flellt bychefword of tbe fpi– ric: and that is done, by aferiousappltcauon ofthecommandemenrs,and the of God, eo our feuerallalfedionsand lulls. The thitJ is,ro Aiethe occafions of euery lin, and to cut otl'chc fir!! beginnings ofeullJ. The vf<.Thisdotltiuc (erucsro condemnc the.drowlieProtdlanrs ofour time,,.vhopro~ felle Chrillwirhout making any change io lite and conuerfa~ion. FN ttlcyare Saims in che Church, but in their corumondcahngs they arc as worldlings. I L Secondly, they arc here reprooued, char haue many good gtfts of God in them, and ycc ntucr procc('de ro a chorowrefor– mation.For theyvfero chcrilh in themfelucs naughty alfetlrons,& damnable lulls. There isfomc one fweerellnneororher, char they cannot abideto crucifie. Ill.They r.lfo are to beblamed rhatcan– not abide to hcare their owncpnticul.u (jns, to benoted,and rcprooued.They are vncru– ctficd &vmnorrifiedperfons. And the ~<ord of God isrhcfwordof the fpirit that {erucs tokill and de!lroy rhefleih. I V. In afllifuons becontent, and quiet. For wee oughtto crucifie thealfedions, and lu(ls of our fle!h: and becaufewcfailein this duty, therforc'God himfclfctakc•rhe worke tn hAnd: and he will cruci6< our corruption by hts challifemcn"· Further,ofthts duty ofcrucifyingthe He!h, there arc three points to bee conlidered. 1. The time when this adionmu!l bcginne1 namely, in our bapt1fme, or firfi conucrlion. ThereforeFaH/ fauh, thcyrharareCht~!ls, h•u<cr;~cifi<d,d-c. ll. What mu(l be cruci– fied/ An( The wholeflelh,wirh cueryinordi– nate alfedionandlu(!. This makes againll them that fly and detc!l fomclew finncs,and run headlong tnro others. li1. \Nhar iscru– cifying/ Anf.ln 11 are rwo rhing•,the reflrainr of rhe cxcrcife of finne, (which is in parr in ctUJil men,) and the killm;; of originall cor– ruption,inalthe parrsand branches rhereol. .!t.nd that is done when wee doe not onely mournc for our corruptions, but alfo hate and detell them in our !dues. z; If,.e liHcin theSpirit, let vsnlf•pa/k.! in theSpirit. In thefe words is contained the la!! reafon ofthe rule of good hfebefore mcnrioned, in the 16.verf. For the vndcrllanding whereof rwothingsarcto bee conlidcred, whar Jt is,~ liue in the Spirit f and what to walke in rh: Spirit ITouching the firll. Life ts rwo-folde , created, orvncrcared. Vncrearcdl1fe 1s rhc life ofGod. Created isrhar which pe:raincs rorhecreature-.AnJ rh1s is either oatu-rall>or F t 3 lprr1·