! 342 .A·Commentarie 1Jpon Chap..). i\ [piriru·-:- .1;;-1.--;:N;:a-:-tt~Jr:-a;;ll-;1-;,f-e,-,-,-;-lc-a-;d-;b_y_n_a_r_u-ra~II~A:--:-1:;:h:-:er='a'-:n:-y:-m-an...:h;-a-t':"h-::G:;-o-d:-s-S::p-,~,i-ti-n-h-is_!h:_e~arr c<~:ufcs and mcane~, as: b.y mearc,dri~kc,doaor no~Thclifc·ofa m<\o~ilt d1fcoucr &pro~ rh•ng;brea<hmg,,ndfuch hkc.Splrirualllife, claime toa.IJ thcworJd,beforeGod,men and IS by, and from tho Sp~tir. or rhis.therebe aogels,whuhnl)[<lfis. Ifa man·in thec~urfe rwo degrees. Thefirll "• when the Spirit of of hit hfe and callmg bcgodlyand vcrruous God take1 vp his habitation in man, ll< withleadmg hiS life according r.o rhe will &word ·altgouerocth all thepowers ofhi•focile, by of God,in an hbnelland carelull end·eauour· putung intorhc minde, anew light of knowthvugb he f.allll1in fmnc particulars: what J ledgl', lllW the wiJl and :ttft:Clioos, new motiuer t~e worlcl th1nkc1 of·ftim,hc.e is rbe man ons; &mclinarions, wbereby thc·y arc made 1 that Is endued with the SpiritQf God~ ..; 1i"• confonmblo to.the-will ofGod. Tbcf<cond Lallln rhis teachetb,whatis the office of degree r.f fpid<uall life is, when the fpirit ;all Chritl<aolpwplc,nannLy,r•w ...lk_in.rn•Spi) dwc:Jh:th 111 man, •.anJ gouernctlirhe powers 1 nt,tt1at lS,to tr"aJJ.te & or.:J.crFbewhoJeoouclt of;thefcule, and furrher cloth fhflaioe the ,aod renour of their liUe•, accordmg to the b.ody,unmediatdy·withOut natura!I meanes, ,line and lquucofGodSI\Ord:and Spirit. A 1..~-orinth. 1 5. 44'• it rifoth ag4ineaffirirua/1 \?: · ~otmc towhicb duty mafbee that fearefllll bod'"• that 1s, abody liumgin thQfC'cond de~ r~rcar pronounced vpou tbofubat turn..e.a..: grec offpiri<ualllifc, not beingtitllained by llde, and •'>llk.e in thm own.-crooked •·a•es; rrrcanc!J,bminuncdJarelybythcctcn~211fuPfal.us.). :: ·r, .,. ~. . ; .i. ;. l!entauon ofthefpirit. The firltof thde dezG Ler-usn1J}.eed•firo#s-f v~in•-glorJ,pr11> -gr.ecsi!l in.this ltfe, thcfecond·after thisJ1fe, :uok.!. 10 goneanothtrA1U)mgonl~notber. J:. ~ m; and after the Jafl iudgcmeJitF when bo. Tne~cope; From rh1s zO~verfe, rorhc u . . dy and CcJUic1hall be reunited. And ofthe verfe of thcdt~ptcr foJJpwing, S. Paul harrformcr,this place IS to bevnderllocct. dlesthc fecond rule,whidJ hfe.had propounTo walkem tile Spirit, is, fir{l,-tofauour dcd mthe 13. vcrfc o( thi•<=.hapter: CJ!d"' rhe-rhinss ofllre..Splrit,Rom,m. 8.5,7. And f:me Me anofhcr. In the handJing whereot~he t-h.atis~ to mimlc,'WJih,like,dcGrc;andaffect firlllabours ro rake a.way·tbe .Jm·pedilrients dTcm; c.m,in aword,to fubicCl.amans fdlc to of louc: and tbcn bee fers downe the mam~~r, : tl>c lawo~G~d > ·in'all the powers-and faculhow the rulpJ~. to be obferued, T liis.zo.vcrle , fties'of the foulc. 1Forther.hing.s reuealed in IS arule)th.cendewla:reof, is (Oremoouc the the law,are the thing~ofthcfp"it,'wbich fpr" anpediments of louc. . :· rit n,uilat n<l'haad: be feuered f1 othe >;Jord. ln rt!i• verfe foUie poiots are efpecially.to .Sccondltltow:rlke inthe patlt.way of righ<e- C be con.hdcrecj.Firll,wl;at t·be dcfire ofvame. oufndf<, \lithout.olfciJC'e ei~her of God or glory is I .(lnj. ltis a branch ofP'ide,wbich Jtl•n, Pfalmc •·H· ro. llhirdly,towalkenot makes men tP rcferrc all they h<ue, or can lh2ggil1gly, bot Ordcrtvbyrule, by li.r.e, and Jo,to their owne priuareglory,.and aduanceby meafure.For Lo muchtheword[wnl~Jimmenr.For bejter vnderllanding whcrofoonporteth,in theoriginal;asif P4u/llwuld ha-ue 'Jdrr a Jade ihe cxcuf~s·tbat men hiiu;, for ,aid!Let vs,('.\•hile!l: we Jiuc in this world)not the: defence or excufe of this finne. onlyindcauour to dofomcone,or forne tewc I. e~·e~Jfo. Vain-glory Inctfctl is no more goodac'lions;hutin the courfe ofour.hucs& but the feeking of mens approb.rion,~>hich o•llings, order ourfdues according to the may lawfully b}!done. .dnj; Tofeekc<hc•p· rulcandlineofthcwordofGod. probationo( men, is no fault, fothat itbee .~·Thevfe.ThisJte,.;t in tbc firfl p!Qcr,cutsotf krughtin agood manoc.r. Th~right maoncr the 01ift> and excufesoffundry perfons in ,of feekingJhepraili:ofmcn,jsth<S: Am.an tbefedaies,u·bopr0fe!Tethemld<les to betbe mull in this lite palfe through three fudgechildren of God, Rnd yet for their Jiues are D a1cnts; theiudgementof God, of hisowne much to beblarnid,becaufethey le<dethem confcience,andof his neighbour:and theornot according t0 thcfpirit,butaccording to derofgoiogthrough the,is,in the firll place, rhefle01.And thefe perfons,whatfoeuerthey · .he mutt feeke fCJrtheiudgemem and approfay,doein decdeand in trut)l, deceiue them· bation ofGod: inthenex1,his owne :and in . [dues,and are quite dellirute ofGods Spirit. tbctall,hts ne•ghbors.Nowthcvain-glorious I Fur if they liucdin rhe Spirit, they would a!- m~n takes another courfe,firll &principally I fo walke in the Spiriqlr is noran idle fpirit in aiming at the glory and.good l1king of man, [' ao_v, but itwiJJ 01cw and fllaoifeR it fclfe,in a hauingfmaiJ ornoregardc{rbe cwoorhcr. holyandordcrlyconuerfation.Youwillfay; 1 I. B:.:cuf•. There is agood boafting, Iffucb perfons haue not the Spiritof GoJ, wluchDaHid vfed,and rhat we may lawfully whatother Spirit haue they I An(. If their v(c,P}•I.?.8• .tlnj. Boaflingio either lawfull, : l1fe beenaught, they hauean ~ndeane fpirit orvnlawfuJI.Lawtul bonllmg is in theLord, 1 1 cjwcllingin them: and the God.of thisworld "hen being vrged and compelled, weecon- ·!Jath blinded their e1es,and makes them that feife thegood rhingsthat are in,,,, to God• I J rbey canno< fee the right way wherein they glorie. Ofthisreadcat large, z.C"·'.'· Vn-1 flJOuldwalke,r.G::or,4. 4 • lawfull is, when menafcribe rhc g•ltsthat Againc,wee learne from hence,arrue and chcy hauc ofGad, vmo 1hemfclues : or ha- .---~-· pregnant figne; wlmeby to difccrnc, wheUlng g•fts, doarrogate morevnro thcfe;~·:~ !.