Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1Chap.5. - · thc-Epi~le to th; qalat{ans. 343) \then indeedcthcy haue: ur in aword,doe (o A - The JaO tbmg,IS theremedicoFpridean·~ ·:· \ dlccmeof theirgiffs, .asifrheyl\a~ not rev.ain-glory;w·hi_C)1 ii the rarhrr to be rhought l l cc 1 Ucd them fi-om God. And this is adah.1vpon, bccaufe_'ir is agreat impcdunent~of nableboatlmg. _ ChriOianlouc. Thisremedie conlif!sparrly --tiT. Exc•(,.GoJ,bletlingswemay fcck IQ "''dirarion,and partly inpr4lli(c. - for: and what arc glory and honoor,burrhe - -1 Remedies in medit4tion, are rhcfc. I. God bletlingsand gifrso(God/ An(. There are r~!iOcth all pfOIIU pcr(ons,and-grue~gracF to twQ degrcesofhono\Jrt The firlltis!'rhe ho. • tliohumble,!·P;et.;.s.rhe rta~n '!• bccaut. nour lhar euery m:tu ha'ih in'hirpta1:e and the vam-glonous map, fccktng h:mfclfc 'itrr~ calling. For<ue([>alling ordainej_byGod' •-" npr God,ro~~ Godofhi, h~\o~r. ' Thu>the harh a glory annexed vnrott: wfirchbeemg proud flhar_rh~ exalrmg hm1fdfe aboue the 1 rhegifrofGod, 1t may be both fought for, poore Publrcan,wcNaway lelfe!Ufhncd,thar and enioycd . The: other degree~ is that 1s, norapprooucdofGod, asrhc Pubi1can 1 I which is aboucamans place and calling,and •·as. z. Irrsrhc worke ofthe diucl/, to puife rharougbr norro befoughr for. Euery pervp rhc mind with felfe-lrking, and concert, [on mull conrent himfdfe with the honour I; rharrhereby he may workemans perdition, whicl!rs (orrcd vnro hiscalling. NeuerrheGen. 3· 5· Bur God workerhcontrarily: fvr ltlfl!, if God giuc greater honour, bee may hee thercfor_:.abafc_r hffiCI] 1 rhat bee might 1n accept it, but wherc:Godgiues ir rro!-,there · !lis goodt~me,~emore cxalr them. 3.There it mufl nor be deGrcd. It rcma_inerh rhere· ts norelrgton rn that heart, that ts wholly forc,rhat vainc-glorie is abraunth ofpride, benrro feekcrhc praifeof men, Ioh. 5· 44. wherein menpnfldpally referee aIrbeir ll U· And_ the man rhardefires to be ralked of, and dies counfciis, indcauours,andgi(rs,rorhe adm1rcd by others, doth thereby 1n effect hon~urino and aduaunciug gi.ueooriccvnroall rheworid, thar his hr:tn rhe ne~r pornr to beconGdered, is, why is nor foond in rhefighrofGod. headmoni01cth rhe Galarians ofvaine.gloRemeqie!.conGllrnginprnUif•, are: firO, riel Anf. The Galarians were men ofvnderanindeauour·~o acknowledge rhc great .MaOandrngand knowledge, and were adorned iellie ofGod, ~nd witballour ownc bafenel!c with many excellent gifts. N01v, rhey that and vtlenelfe before brm. 1. We oughttoa[ hauc receiued good grfts of God, many C crtbeallgoodrhrngswehaue,orcandoe, ro urnc:s are moH vainc~glorious. l .• C()rint,Il. Godalonc,andnothing ro ourfelucs. For in .7· Matth.6, s. And wbereas all other vices all rh~r befall vs, God rsrhe principall agent, fCcde vpon that which is cuill, rhisvice of our felucsarebur toolcs and inftrurnenu in 'vaine-gloric, feeds vpongood tHings. For his hand;by righrrhereforc rhecommenda1 aman fome:imes wil be prowd,eucn bccaufe tion belongsvmohim,and :1ot to vs.3.In all .he1snot prowd. actions and duties ofreligion, firil wee muCl 1 A rhrrd poior to beconndered, is, where indeauour to approue ourfelues to God,and vain·glorie is to be found! An[. It is no rare the nexr place is to begmen to man>nor con· matter: for lt is acommon vice,and fprea.ds rra.riwife.4.Whcn wearereuilcd wemuCl reCl 1t felfc farre and w1de. Some there are,which .content;when wee are praifcd roour faces or neuer Jrfr vp heart nor hand vnro God ar orherwife,we muff rake hced.Forrhen Satan home, andyetthe fame perfons in rhe pubflandsatour righrhand roputfevs vp, and like arfemblies, will make ~s though rhey confequenrlyto ouerrhrow v•. Jr is a true prayed with great deuotion.And what isrhc f•yin(l, tharremptarions on the right hand reafon hercofbutthis, that they arecarried D .re farre more dangerous, then rbofe on rhe with afpiritofprideandarrogancie, feeking left.In th.efift place, P4ul> rcafon ro dilfwade rhe commendation of men that behold rrom this Gnne, istaken from two euill fruits them, rather then to approoue their hearts ofit, Contention, andEnuie,prou~king ()ne 411()~ andconfciencesvnto God. Ofanotherforr ther,enuying one~tnothtr. Men that areambltiare thofe, that haue beene old and auncient ous, ifthey be crolfed in their courfcs, grow hearersof the word, who notwirhllaoding contentious, if they profper in the world, doelirt!e,or norat all profir, either in knowthen are they enuied by others. Reade for ledge,or in good life: and the caufe is not in rhis purpofe rhe hiflotie ofSAmuel and s aul, the Gofpel, or in rhedifpenfetsofit, bur in r.Sam. 15. Seeing then vaine-g!orie harhfo themfelues: bc~aufe they receiue not the bad fruirsilfuing from it, it mnO reach vsro Gofpclfor irfelfe, but for the praife &corn. abhorreand dctell irwirhall our heam, and mendation ofmcn,and for rhecredirand acon rheconrrarietofeeke by all mcancs polficounrthey arcm~by rcafon ofChnOranpro· ,ble to prcfcrue and mai~Jtaine louc .in rhe feflion. ; J . .~ ,wholccourfeofour liu·es, ' r.!.. 'Theend of the Jift Chapter.