Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

TO ·THE .. RIG . HT .-·vvoR~ SH-IPFVLL SIR B.ASSINGBVRNE . GA VD Y, KNIGHT. l GHT Worfoipfull,hAuing bunelicm(td(omeytare agoe{according r.thun. 'cientl.udable cuj/omr oftheJl•i•er(itie)tointerprrt S.PauhEpiff!u: andthm tAYNtfll;intrtAit_db1 M.Petkini bil Exrcutor, andothmhilfriendr, (whirh had(omeinterrf/inl!lt)to(uppiJthilt whtch w44dofeEiiue in his Commmtarie vpon tluGalatians : osurcomrattbtiaft6Jthtirimportunirie, Jtindtrtgok._e the b•Jmej[e ,. m•k.ingtriaDof "'l {lmplt facultie in thil Jhort Chapttr,which I halle btreaccording to JJ1] paore tn/ent,(hu'fotd: Yet not dnringto pHUiP, ittothet~iew ofthe wor/J,w1thoutprtmi(ingjonu11'hatinwaJofexcuftfor 111) boldnef[t. F" •J Hirtius, or (~t~ othertthin~e)Oppius, lues,g impartHr.ui 6] h~friendzo crmrinue the Commentaries /Przf whichC:z:farloftvnfinifoed,d•rfln'tprrfNmetomakeaSuppty,>mhommakjngji~fla~ /!pofo~ie for h•m- l bc4o G,JI, felfcf or,utnnptmg totAt tilt 4 /4Jk.!f eemmg lhtresnto compiD't lrlth bmJ whowMm~orn~ paralit:!~f/cau{tb.iue I toexcu(e '"} (ilfefor thismy boldalle.,pt, in vndertakjng to rqua/ihim, who intheiudgemmtofall((auefocb,attjfumeofW-.tmbJtale andnot by toHch}IS fofub!lanuall, con· cifc,e~act,methodicall, that(asit u(aidojC:z:far) he hathdifcouragcd wifemen from writing. S~ncs l~oButfoeing Idfu rJot intb~vaineconfidence ofmineo~r~e/ujficieacie. orexa8nuoftheworke ,p1 oclaime a ~m~bes d chaflengeto ,tl/mmtcenfuret:nor ret tak! vponme( a4 (a)fome hatltdonein otherwritert)(o ;o ct~~rrie the dc;:c~~it~ Author Rlong,that theRt4d:rPu1llnotperceiueb~tthatheUJlillrt4ding him,,ork_nowwherche, Bm– gy where [beg;,(forthal hee~ng impofliUero~ttamr ,we_rc {6KJ toa~umpt:) hutrme/7 tofinifo that which tum: Suc– otberwifePJouldhilutbeenesmprrfeil,to[Atufie tbereqne{l of mJfrundt)aed tohe!pt forward theLord 1 ton.mCzf hui!ding,thoHgb not M a fiJilfterbuiider ~1th hewen/llnn,orfolijhedS ~~tphir~:yet a& 11(rru~ 11ndvndetla- ~~.j~~~~el · /Jourerasic wereJPith4 bAndfuO,frubhifh,Ihope l {hallo/Jtame( ttl !eafl) thu[iltJourA~le con{lrutlionJ ta deMon· !u thought ,ufar.refromvAnit~e_herein,aJ.m]confcrenced~tb:r'~t~effew~h TJJeI did it_in/impbcitie, ;~nd taign·inhi! 'fllitboflt ~tJ/eUAtson pffmgu!Jlrstse.And.!f11 wtrenapre/HmpnonfnG~1lebcrrus tofini./h Bernards Ser.. Elfayes. monsvptJntheCanticlu,nori,.Clichtoueusto(uppf](b)fimre Vog~!f which -wert wanti"g in Cyrtls t. then· 6 Co11lmentMietvpon lohn,nr;rinWol6us,Rc:uterur,mu/o&her_tmderntwriterJ,Jocontinucthe Commen- 7,8. ' ' tariuo[Martyr,Z•mchius 1 &c.but ratherwork.,u'n'ort/,ieofgreat co~mn~ndAtion,andde[eruing weD if the ChHrch of God: ltrfl{rit wiOnet /Jeimputed to me M Aviet,1t1hich;,othersis accormredtU 11vertue. Furtber,iflfh•llfumetoAltJ withthevnsl,jlfu/1!immerto haue iOJntdhumanocapiri,ceruicemequi– nam,inthat Iexceedt ilsmuchthe otberpArlinprofixitjt, as I coiiJt{hort of i_t indexttrttie, I hope I (hAll themoreeaftlJobtaintpordon,con(idtringit,..u"'1jir/1 draught, not hauingtak,enpenji/1in hand before, ••d (uingthurorkj f,...uto fioi{h,.,if&eapur Venerii,thefairefac.,[Yenus,lchoforAther (becaufe1 could""bit oftbeiuftproportionwhich I aimedat)to exctede mta(Hrealiult,thento be dt(e£/iue :thin· king thmb,to[ute them the bmer, (eeing 6eautieorfairenes (to[}rak,cmoreproperl1 ) confif/ronely in ~;reatnes,M_thtPhilofophtr[itith.And[omtperb•ptm•Jihink,eIhatitfaOethOIItJPtU,i~thatJhatltgiutn Erhi<Jib, 4 • 11 mmbod~t,becaufe~thadle({< !pmt,Butrohatotherrthmk,e or(ay (for""••other thf<gr,fomthis, loo. "P·l· ~mon ,.i/lhautthetrword•)itt/:jUethnDI,fo I maJ hauetheapprobation ofthe godiJ and well affi£/rd Rcadtr:tfl"ciaO,JOtirJIJ!or{hipfuUPatron•ge,to wh•me I humbiJcommendit, at thejirf/(mitt of my fa· boRrr,a(implejlswtrgro,.inginafohoUmgardrn:dtfiring it maJ be fujfmd to grow eitbrr in thefoa· dorpor(t~tmefhimo{]ourprottCl~on,t~ilt fo ofthegod!] it ma'j6elutterttcctptcdAndofthe c~tterpiUtrthe lej[e touched:(thoje I mtantwbzch wtUcomlltheJler_be boforetbeJvnderflanJtheNo"'"'• condemning thatwh~eb they ought rather tocomm:nd,at lea{l,.htcb they can'"'tamend.) Jlouchfafe therefore Right Ww(bipful,to receiuetbitpooreprr(enf,arapledge of "'Jwjainedloue,& hm,bledHty:.nd aref/imomeof my thanktfu/neffe to qodfor hu manifoldgramofprndence,iuj/ice,fobrietie,mrek:!ne(fe,hnmifitie, libe. rAlitie,lujlmedvponyou,efPecit~UJyour!oueof hU trHth,11ndcor.tinuallmeditlftion '"'hi! w6rd:which WIIJ thtthing thAt moontdme(aOb;-ref!ullrftt a[.dr)to ojftrtbit CommtntarietOJOHr view, and to haue it graced withyour_counttnance:tbat bJ thu meanttlmightthe moreftirrevp •ndk._indle(ifit wmpo!JiUe) 1••rloutand!tk;ngoftheword.bJ •ddt•gfe..eltotheftre,andO)ft to theflame, lt it rrcorded ofTheo· doGusthe(econd,tbat he wrll theNm Tef/amtntollcr with bil oronehand,andofAlphonfus King of Sp4ineand Naples; that here.&theBible 14.timesouer with thurdinarit Glof!e (the luf/ hdpt be had mtho(edaier.) A•d I doubt.,l butthatJOuwiUpcru(ttbil expofitioutyourlti(ure, andf/i/1contir.ue t• rtAdetheho!J Scriptur~ M hitbtrt610H haut done,and(ob~ An(werAble to that which i.J 'llrJicedofyou, llndtoth~tt~x_rr~orJm~Jri.~ comm~nd&tion whichyo~rflfithfu!IPaf/ourhatb ~{ten giuen of your ddsgmc~ ~tndde:wertrltJntb4t heh4l{t:.Nowl~t 111r a~de th~& one th~ng, thatthoueh tb(t'e bemt t_htli~afficarir. '., '· I•Ji --1