I \ 'lhe Epi/lle Vedicatorie. ) I !n a d~ttdl~tttr,that u in" /iu~/7 'lHJic~, 1etthe bare rtlfdsng t{the JcriptNrt i4cf gre4t ffndjinguluvf~ •. . which m~appeare f,)thU,th4t itMfoofte~-commAndtd6] pr~tpt,ttnd (ohighf]ccmmmdedb] thepr 14 .. : l,M.cchob. [}i{<efth:SaintJ:and(ojlr4itlyforbiddm,.,,bjcrMtl Antiochus,(Db; tht Rom4ot Antichri/f,N•ithtr ~:~f~rr.J. dare I deme 6uzth:~t Godh{ltb anddoth'l-{dr,not onel.J'""meanu l[edifjcllli~, bHtai(DofIJ'orltin: the ll,c:~p. 1:.. cor.mrfionof1mm1ofhi&{.trHantt,as.Augullincco'!foffithDjhimfolfe, thMh~wAtconmrudbyrtadit~g thatplace inPaul Rom. 1 .l .14.conHt"rtrd(l fay)n~tAJ4n,btretilze0ul1•hicb id rtdaimel{r,rb hU er.. roniousopiniom, 6Ht 41 aleftfoeepe ll'hich u redftud .. ,a b!oniht..ho•efro;;, tlittTfOHrlj hiJ w~ ..... Not– ll'ithft.mdinrT,inreadintT the s criptHri ~~ go~Al?n~isnot(• I re: aguidetheql6rep n~ce"Arie1 !ltt/i.~ E1~~ Mt,S,p. ,!> , " , n. "J' r u• \ nuch confeueth)whtcb"'"l oe AI the Mercurialir.uatwa;•p•if.' A manto therightwaJ. Andthuguidt ts mherthe outward,ortheit~wai'~gmde_:t_hecurwtti'dguide (I'[pl11kl cfreAdingOIUIJ)'! aCommcnra· rie,qpeciull;fuch • one M •f.,n/J•(Ied (pm1 hathmuchbrwhedvpon:(~eing it i&the brft /e4rning the Theorickeofhimwhi<h u ,k}_lfullinthePrac~licke. Thtinw•rdguide,u thef!iritcfRmel.rion,whicb dweUrthcne!yin~tnhum!Jte,Jce~ble,Andohed1ent h"tArt,'Aihich ~hlfotNtr Vri»g_eth,hath ., promife that he/b•O lznow thetruth,loh,7·'7·••dvntl<i'f/Andthe[tcretJ•fGod, Pfal.t 5;1 + RndwithoHIwhich tbt Scriptum.,re6ut.uaRiddle•rAclafped booke. Fdrtbefull and p.r(eEI. kz!... !rdge ofthe n>ordc••· ;~,;:;.••· jif/eth(.u l>pipbanius(•ith)invnderitandjng~nd feeling, th4t i&,not in bAre(pteulation onrl](fl>im– ln ~ncho. mingin.tbebr.ine,butin4{tnjible(auing /zu•fl>ledge Jinking·intotbe AjftFJioNsofthe he"'t: and b] thu rar. !att~rthec•mfortiiMt me;~ningoftheScripturtJIJ beturvnderfic,d, then bJAllthe fPcctdtttkms.ofthe m•flcuriomSk!pt~k.!~:asthej~>utnescfhonie i4 bttttrk._nowne in A moment b; him thAt ••fl<thit,dJm b] tbofe I batJPenJmAn]boumin tbtcontemplation ana difcour(e•fit. But/forgetm7jtlfevery m•chmta~ngvpon ,,,.,..J,.,/efJurttof•ch antx,.ciful (choNtr in tht hotJke of God. Therifore witb~utfHrtber in/i"tiHtltioneitherf6rp4rdonfor mJ ~oldnu,w ACctp~linceef m1 paines,Ie~mmendJDH toGod,Atui to thewurd.ofhU.gr~tce, "fllhicb is 11/Jlt tobui/J )OHfurlktr, Ami giu~you an inheritAnceamongaUthtm whicl• art f .,.C/ified, FromEruanuell CoUedgt; Augull, I;•. .,-04 A louer of your VVorlhips vertues,in all dutie to command, Rooou:&: CvovvoRTH, CHAP. -