Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

(HAP. .VI. w13reth:en;if aman!be (aOen by occajion intoanyfault 1 , ~e wh!ch are JPiri~144ll ~ :?o/lore juch, a one with the:/pirit of ~~ee{enes,conjidermg thj 1~/fe,lejl thou aljo be tempted. . E Apo!\lehaui~gfini· A finncsarelikerofltps and flidirig:i, whmby fhed the fir(! part of the men fall and hurt rhemfelue•, bur great fins lnf/ru/Jion' touching.the ardike downefals: for asrhey wound' lame, faith of the Galarians in· di/ioynr,or breakefome member of the bo· the u,ver.ofrhe 5.Chap. die; fothefedoewoundand wall rheconfcitb'e J 3· vcrfehe comes encc,Thercforea's waarecarerull for ourboto the fecond part, tou· dies 1 roauoiddowof81lcs;fo oughcwc ro be as ching good life, which continuesto rhe 1 J. carc(ull, nayarhou[and times more carefull vcrieofthe 6, Chapter,in which be fir(! profor ourfoules, rorakehcede ofthe downefall pounllsthc fitmme ofhis doC!rme, v.13. Seofannc,or fallirrg_a.-ay from grace. And as condly, hee makes particular declaration we flmnoe an yce or flipperie place, fodcare rhereof.In rhefumme of his do<'lrine,firtl,he offlidingand falling: fo ought we to fhunne fets downe the ground of all good •dutics, the fmalletl finncs and the leafloccafions of which is,rbeircAUing t11 Chriflian !ibertif. Se· & finne,for fcarcofmaking abreach in confci~ condly,rwo rules ofgood life. The fir!l,that ence. Secondly·, Igarhor hence, thatlinners we mu/fnot v[4 our libtrtit a4 a~ occllji'(Jn to the are notro deferrc therr repcmancemorrhofe fofo ;which is illu!lrated and handledmparthatare to admonifh,rheirreproofes: for !lnricular,from the 1<:i.v. to the l6.The fecond, ning,is the breakingofa bone,or di!ioynting that we mu{lftrueoneanother inioue, which is ofamember: and reproofe,is th:!feuing of1t amplified from the :6.tothe r 1.verfeofrhis in orderagaine.Now the fooner a bone newChapter. In handling whereof, he firli rely broken, or out ofioynt,isfer, thefooner it mooues the impediments of ioue, aa; vaine 4 is rellored tohis right frame,;:wdcured: So, gloric,enuie,&c.verC:6. Secondly, hoe prethe fooner a man after hiS fallts admontflled, fcribes the manner, how it is to beobferued, thcfoonerand moreeamy n,.n he be able to and practifcd, by fundriefpeciall rules: the recouer himfelfe.Thirdly, rhis n,e,ves,thatit firtl wherofisconraincd in this u·erfe:where C isa poinrofgrearskill,to bring • foulein orwee mayobferue rhef• two generall points. der and frameagaine. There is great dexteriFir!l,thc dmie prcfcribed. Secondly, the rearie required in fettinga bone, and ChJrurgifonsro vrge the performa11ce thereof: The ans findeitamatter of great difficulrie, to {er duryis,thc refloringofour brethren: where a ioynt ;much'tnore dtfficulrie is there in the weareto conGderfourethings. Firil,the dufoule:and therforeas it is notfor euery horftyitfelfe,r#ore, Secondly,rheperfonswho le•ch to meddle with fwing of bones: no are tobereflored,rhtJiharareouertak!nbJany ·more is it for vnskilfull workmen to temper ojfenet, Thirdly, the perfons that mull rewith rnensfooles. This is onefpeciall rea(on Clore, rhofethar are[piri111aN. Fourthly, the whyPaul[aith, The] that •"ffiriutal!oughrro mannerhow,inth~{p•ritsf,uk.!nef[r. reftorethrmtht~tarefallc~t. Fourthly, hence we Forthe fir£1:. the duty is fer downe in the are til.ugbt)notto wonder, though linners be wordreftore, which in theOrigin~ll fignifies, (o loath to be reprooued, and account 11 (o to fer aioynt,or bone that is broken ;fo as it D painefulla thing to beereflored, and thinke may become as flrong and found, as euer it thofe 0 ifenliuevnto rhem, and skarfe their was:forhc word IS v(ed,Matth.zr. J6. friends,which labour to reclaime rhem:con· By this we learnefundric things.Firtl,th>t fidering the fame is to be feene in the bodie: it isthe nature .,ffinne,tofet all thing• our of ti>r heerhat hath a bone broken, or our of order. It wasrhefinncof Achan thatm•olcJ ioynt, can hardly endure to haue ittouchod, tbt ''"'"· Iof. 7-•s. ltwasrhe linneofAhah orpointadat. La!lly,in that Saint Pa•lcomthattrouhledl(rae/, 1. King. aS. J 8. the finne mandsrhofe thatarefpiritualro rei!ore them of falfe Apofllcs that trouh!ed tht Gal•tians. that are fallen, and prefcribes nor how often, 1 Nay, it driuesmen beGderhem. but fpeakes indeAnitelyave lcarnc that as of: felucs,as appearesin the exampleoftheproren,asour brother falleth, weemu!l rellorel' dtgall fon11e, who repenting ofhis finne, is him; foros we are notto forgiue our brorher (-•_ld_ro_h_a_u_ec_om_:_"c:.':::h•~·,:L>f:c'lf.c:' .:·L::u:.:k:.:·'::5~·:c'7'.:-~S-:.m::•:.:l:.:l _ _o::':::'c:::.:cortwtfc, orfeauen till)eS, (" htch Pmr --------------~--------------------------------------~·~h~cu,g~:______