Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

348 ACommentarie ~pon Chap.6. -- tffough~vc~y ml,Jc.h) ~'!t ~ticb./ca:untie ti"'.ts j.A Ui~he:i!Jtn,Matth.l ~;-;3:1s mcamooely0f2 fe~•m umtJ,'!~~t. "·' aso~fen as ~l< finneth a. _ tot•RlOf'~fin•ll dcoiAD.~ 'I: hough a:'pl~n be a gamavs, Mmh. •8. fo w.emoy not reaor!" grreuou• Idolater, aforccrer, and.!(i_uen to :our brother, tw1fc, or thrife onely, but totuJ, witchcraft, yet he may be re~fored and finde ~""'i": as often as hee0Ja!llinnc ag:i(~rl!vo. rl IiJ~rqic,as~A~•Jl<sdJd,z.Chron.33.Though Matth. 18. If hcfinn<agamf/th~.;;,o.•ndretl aman bee defiled and polluted with finnc.a– h•mofhi4fa"l', &c. Thcre~orc it were to bee , gain(l nature, yet hccmay bee clcaofed and .wi0~~~.1.•t1Jot·ay'J•~.1oau~ ~ care to rcl!orc .. wanlfd\f£.o!" 1 rl!fm. ~0"!c~ino,ngi)1e!=lcrin- ,h.,accil•c't/l,nlmes, (o they would rc,Uorc th1~ns wcrcfornicarors,adulrercr,s l"~ntons ; their brcth\~n•!;eeing talleo into ·any fiil~ . buggetcrs;bni)il'il<ereW1 (bidJanClifr,;J;ft]Jift: ~uen bccau~c.rll~Y arefello~ n~embe{~o~t~e cd, r .<i:or.~·~·' " · It n~ay p.efaid,tl~a!i' ~ rm· fame my(bcall b<\dte. - '-.'· • pufljb!c thAt th!Ywhrfh•ncc harubemi~lighi- · The fecon_dthtng to beconGdered, tsthe nrd,andr.jicdifrhebwrcnlygift, &r.ifth<Jf•li pcrf~n tv be rcUored, and that 1s,e~ery one <~~WA"?, flmddGurme,,edag,qinc hy refmi~tnce. rhat If' preul!nted and ouerrakcn, either- by Heo.G:•h5)6. Ylafw.Thac rrxt is w be vndcrthe Oetghr of Sarhan, or_ alluremcnt ofthe ,B Oood.Pt·aY)li\.terfall,rotall,~nd finoi!.npo(la. world,or fuggcU1onsofhrs.qwne lldh: (fo he. fie.And that text, Heb. Io.zG. If> ·efi'·"' m/. fin ne not again(l rhe holy Gho(l,nor openly h•t/J,afwn•th.,.crrcel~'d!be t,_n,,[.JJgJcfthc .skornc religion, and difc1plint>.) as Pe:er whq trmh,rPeu r~wu:i11..ctb;t;p 1J10U{AC'"ificc f~r (rm:t', feli beeing oucrtaken with ,ouermuch fearc. i• to b_eVIJP<r(loosl. _of.~ l"ilrull, and mal,riand 'Da,u1d with oucrmuch plc.afurc. Hence OU$ renouncingof rlJC~QQwne rrurh., a-s the we fecthefubtilty of Sathao; who IS alw·aic• circutnOancesofthcplace; andcollac_ion of tripping attbe beele, labourm~ to (upplanc 1t w~ch o.:hers,doe ma~ifcqly euicr.Againe,il vs;as alfv the dccettf~lndfe of lmno, preuen;_ all trnne committed voluntarilyanq.~ll,l!ngtingand oucrt~~ingvs, bqfo_rc we be aware. ly were Gmply incxpi.lble,euery mars cafe Weare chercfqre eo be cir,un·1fpecr &car.ewereda'mnable,And t)loqg~1 the wor~i\"'i"'• full,le(! we be fvpplante4. J;he Apo(!Jead- !ignifiell'i0W.g/y,as Arif!.'tle rakp it,f;'rk.(d•.J. 1 , rnonifht'th vs Utrt~e hadcleft we be hllrder~ed c.:tp.-;z.yet fomerime it Cignifieth,ffitt-.f!di;' and ihroughthde;riifulnmffi,ne. ,Heh.J.IJ. and, ma/iri•~fll.·•~iti~.vfed by the S!'ueqty, Exod. tluuwewa/k;.dreti~JPe[t/J,__not (l4foo!es, 6ut M U,J3,lii•O.b~CJ..1r(lpcur~•'r<t,QCdebUa,\Tiay be I l.~~fe.Eph.s.I5.~hat \1/C rvalk$n:ith arig/;tfootc-. C reUored,qot«,Or ptccatA.Anfir,They G.1I. z. 14. and_,ma~c jlraight fleppu -zmto(lur arc vfed.inPitfertmlyone for the c.rhcr, as fepc,!tf/ tharwhich u halting bct,ur!'.'dout oftht migh~pe fhewed,ifitwcrcneedfull. Bur Ifis a w,.;•. Hcb.rz.I z.For asthoferhatwrameand confelfed trutb,auouched by An(dme,andohic n~a!lcrics, Jooke war~ly to themfdues,._ rhers,vpon this tcxr. Lafliy,whcreastheA~ Jell they be fupplantcd by their aducrfar!q!< po(!Je fpcakcth indefinitely l if ••! man""· [o ought we much more,confidcring,ll'r 1rrA··,tr_/f(}re him. 1gather, rhat rhc gifu , file"" ~g•inj/jleP, •ndbioud, but •g•inp pri~ci. and graces ofGod, beilowed vponvs, oughr pnbtics andpowm.Eph.G.u. . to beevied in re(loring thofc that arc fallCIJ. AgainewhereaSit IS faid,if• "'"''b.ouerra. . withou!fc(pedofperfons:for herein fpiritukfn by ••yfinnc,hcteacherh that no man is.•~· all men are debters,to thcwife,and foo!,fb,as e;nptcd from fallmg,orbeing ouertakcn and the Apo(lJe f•ith ofhimfelfe,Rom.I ·'4· fupplanred by finne' for hcefpe<kcs indcfi.. Th~rhird rbingto beeconlidercd, is, the njrely,ij aman,as S.luhndotb:if""!manfinn~,· porfons·thac arc to rcilorcthCir brtthren,laid wehattca~aduocaU,I. Toh.l.l. Thts makes adownein rhe[cwords,]tlhAt arcjpiritt~llil. gainG the Catharifts or Puritana, who ,a SpirituatJ men areoppofcdtoc4n::4/J, as J, uouch,they neither hauc finne,nor can finne: Cor.j. J.l couldnot fPeak.f vntoyor-J brethren,t:U 'becaufethey be tre<-s ofrigi1teoufnetfc;and A D tmttJfPirithAIImen,but t:u 'f,!tUDcarm;/1: an4nlltHgoodtrucannot bri"'l.forth tHillfruir, r~tO mt'n.t.Cor.Z.I4.1S.Thenllturaii11{Anpt1'~ Furrbcr 1 hence'I gorhcr 1 that pardon and ' cciutth n•!rhcrhing10( thejjiricofGod' b,thu re£litution, is not to be denied to th~m thar , tbAt isfPirituAIId•{ctrnethallthings. Now carfall after their conuerOon, a !I bough rhere nail and narurall men,are oftwo (orrs: either wcr~ no place for repentance, o,r hope of !althey are fuch as arc altogether flcfnly, dctiiqatlon.For Paul would baue (uch to be rdlocuteofg>a~e ~r.dgodlinctfe, bccing in thw rcd}asarccucrrakcnbyany Un, except they ;.mrc(orratl,ler corr(Jpt)~~turals, of¥.home be incorrigible,and incurable.Therefore the; S.P.w(fai<h)Tb'] that "'"Jrhcjl,fb,(.•nourthc Not~atim;s, doe crrc, in reaching,that linnc~ tbit~gsof/b~Jlefo, RooJ. S.s. and yrrferhe .8. commitrcdafteramansconnerfion, are vnThqlht~~~r,sinthejl4hc~trmot pleafe God, ~r pardonable, confidcring rher.e is hop~:) ~n ruch as;..rsng;nrra~e,y~t~re\"ea~c~asbelng aore,forgreat &hainousfinner$.Forrhough butbabc,s it1 CIJriO I. th.e 6e0>boeiOgJarre a man in pcrfecution deoie Chrill, >nd ret1rongeriP them, then lhefptnr, I'•cf..wore nouncchisrcligion,yethcemaybe renorcd, • m.o(lin. th~ Church o( Cormcl1: ror Pa•l 2nd repent asPcte. did. Luk.~z.;z. (for that ' .(airh,h~tqJl,M~otfPeal;,cvntDthcm,as vntofPmCayingofChri(l, Whofoeurrfoali d~-.icmc betuallmen_,bfl,t4tvntocarnall!1.Cor.3. l. foryrt , ~remm, him lrillld~niel,efort!my FatherwbJc~ ;e!lruarnal{~fprw/,enthercsJttm?'17!f 1V:t ('J'JU"rm,!!_, <-11'1'