\ ~;1.:~.:~1;?verf.4Sa :;.,:,::::;:: .. t~::rr.::.:~;,:~muk$ncff'. . . 349 1, . po1edcoc.cnuU,:;.reof cwo ~vru. F1rH, rho(~ ..A-IaJ:...ve~ IS~thc: ferJmg,orqUJ_eungof the j ArJfi.Rhet. chat haue rcceJOcd rhe fp1rit of regcncratJ~ mmde,frecmglt from pcnurb.auon,cfpeclal· 3_d Theod. un,andduebeginneto fauour the thingesof ly m reprening rhereuengefull affection. A lib.•·" P·>• rhcfp~rir,Rom,8. Secondly!thoferhar hauc "'"".!and 1""' JPmt arcroyncd together, 1. recc1ued agreater portion of the fpmt, and Pet.J·4· Anorableexamplehereof wchaue a greater meafurc of fpiriruall grace•, of tn Mofu, who•bee.ng prouo~ed, m !lead wllomcP.tul fpeakes,l .Corinth,14. 37./fany ofanger,lhc.,ed mecknelfe. Itlurther make• tht"ir!him(eift robe aPtophet orfPi>'ttua//.•.. Of a man to yeeldof !m right, and nor to profethcl.ucer, tbewordesareto beevnderllooJ, cure the matter in r•gour andextremJty,and and by them hee rneanerh rhofe,whomc hee foir iooppofed to(iueriti<, J,Cor-4-z r.Sha/1 calledpafel1mm,Philip.3.13.Heb.;.4 No'• I comevmo JOH withArodde, or in loHe, audth< fpmruall menarc more 611e to ro!lore rhofc JPtrtt •f mu k.!n•ff'! Hence ariferh another rbararc fallen,tben any other. Frdl,becaufc property; ir bridlcth the tongue,and theout· they are !ciTe tainted with Cinnc then others, ward man, either by Cilence, as Chrill bceing and fo may more freely reprooue.Secondly, prouokeJ, "'"' dumbe""dop:netJnot hi< motllh, becaufc they hauemore knowlcdgc&louc, B Ifa.s3·7· '" " {ilent, andan(roered not a'll'ord, both knowing bow to rdlore, and ~<illing to Luke • 3· 9· or by a (oft and gonde anfwer, do it \Vithgrearercornpaaion,and fellmv.fcc· whtchajfwagtth rrrath, Prou. 1;.r. There is ling. Herhat mu!l fpeakein feafon a word to great reafon why men thould reilore their theweacie,muffhAHiatDngueoftlu /tarned, 1orcch~eo in ~JI mcekenelfe: for _without it (a.so+Woen Peterirco.,.erud,hem•fl flung· there IS norhmg bur fwclling,and factJOn,bur ihenb~& br:thrm,Luk.zz.Jz.Hcnce it follmvs, troubJcs,and ta·agedies. Aga1ne,as meckeoes· cite more cxcclknt gifts any mon harh re. •sneccilary foreueryChrill•ao,ColoU:z.:.r. ceiucd,rhe more bee is bound to beeferuiccaTtt_. 3· •· fo it is moll necelfary for him that blevnto othen. For ifCpirituall men mull w<>uld fruitfully and effectually reproouc, rellore them thatare fallen, themore a man Hence it is,that rheApolllecommaunds vs, is inducdwith fpiritllall grace5,thc more hee to inftn,[l them in muk._nefl~, that Are&QntrA~ ou~ht to reUore. For the Apolllc faith, At r; mi»ded,>.Tim.>.zs. cu:rJmanha~h rmi•cdagift,(olrt himminij/er Motiucrco enforce this dury,are thefe: itv11toothm, 1.Pet,410. ThisdurywaspraF~rll,the exhoaation&examplcofChriC! ct1fedbyour Sa~ior CnriU,Ioh, IJ.I>. And to lu(ortowmofhim, r.Cor.rt.r. who was low~ it m~creswirhrhe~nncofmaoy,whohaoing C IJ& muk•.Mar.rr.>9.forhew.uledM~ flmp rccetUcd great gifts and graces of the .Spirit, t• tbt (Lmghur, '"d lfkca lam6e dumbe brfw• arc (o tarre from relloring thofc that hone a~ hJJ fhtllrrr ;(o opmedhe 1MbrimoHt.h~ Ifa.s 3 . 7 . gain(t rhem,thar they fcornc and difdaine to rvhen hewourmiltd,he reHi!ednotag11inphen he lpcakc vnrorhem :for if they be 2t variance (Hjferd,hahr~•tnednot, r.Peu.z3.as it may wah any, the common faying is, 14mMgood appeare by thatmeckeanfwer ;I/ l h4HttHill aman .uhu, wh7 /hoHid I g" to him? let him fPokf•.b••re witneff'ofth<tuilhbut if I hamru U com~ to mu, &c. Thcfcmen are farrcvnlikr fPok._m, 'WhJ (mitefl thoHmt f Ioh. 18. z3. p 1111 J Abraham. who thoughhee exceededLor, as harh no llroogcr argument to exhort rhe IYell inoutward gifies, as in inward graces; Corinthian•,thcn67 them:rk:>rfl'· andg<ntlcycr Good not vpon hiS priUilcdge, but WdS neff'ofChrij/, >.Cor.zo.r, rhe fir fl man in makingthe league of vmtic, Secondly, it"a verruewhich God dorh Genc(is 13. &. Furcher,in that fpirituall men make great accour.t of, r. Pet. 3·4· Ameek$ mull rellore their brethren, wee learne that andqumJPirit, i4 bifou God, • thmg much fer we hauenotthe g•fuof God beUowed vpon D bJ. vs, for ourfelues ~lone, bur for thegood of Thirdly, God bath made excellent pro· others :thepolfeilron ofthem belongstovs, mifeuo them that are of a meekeand hum· rhcvfeofrhem roorhers, Lamy,in that fpi · blefpirit, that hewtU.guile themini,.dgement, muall men,cfpec1ally the holy men of God, 4nduachthr"' hu>J>Aw,Pfal.>s.9· Thatth? aad numllers of hiS word, ~re the Lords fur· !hall bebid inth•d•!tfth<LOI'dt wwh, Zep. geom,to bin1vp the broken, andrarfe thofe •·3· That thrJ foallinheritthuarrh, Mat. 5 , 5 , rhar arc fallen: asalfo his phyfi!fans, to re. Fourthly, confider rhe comfortable ef- !lorerhofe that are in afpimuallconfumpri. fects, and the good thatcornos thereby, A o ;J of nrace:we oughtto make great account (oft, meeke, and milde anfwcr t>rnerh aTPay of thcr:n,:tnd ha:uthmltn{tnJ,ul~r 1-:JUt.fw their wrath,Pcou.ts. l. Meeke,aodgentlebeh~ui· work$fa~<. I.Thclf s.'.9· Fortf wemull h~. our h<Aperhcoleso[ fire vp•nourmemit~ h<ad, •;ourrhe borloly phylman(as SyMctd" (al!n) R.om. u . zo, A (Oft tongurbr.ak,ph thebones, Eccl.38. 1. whocurcrh hurthe d1feafes d the Pro~•·•s. r s. See rhcexample of qid"n•p· body: howmuch more ought we to honour pcaltngt!.e M<d~anites, Iudo.S 1 &r andA'· fpiruuali Phyli!fans, which cure rhefpiriru. o•g•ilpac1(ymg Oauid. I.Sar~. 1'/ •• ' all maladies ofour (oules( Flrly, wtdh..rur mec~nclfc 'icecannot (a.- The fourth and bflpoinris, the manner uinglyheare the word e11h~r read orprc•· hc:w wee mun rdlorc , laid downe in rhefe cheJ,Iam...... ' ' G g It