Chap.6. the Epi~/e to the fjalatians. 35'1 ( thU Pub!ictm~, Luk. 1 8. 1 J.aod yet hec is re· A notpur(tlu_e;: lcffthrmlllfo6eumpud, an~ I prooued byo!lrSauiour ChrHf. .AiJ(.True it notJoH: whzch hee docth not throuS:h rud~· tS:for heon:lyconfldercd his mvne fuppofcd nelfe of fpeach, asfomeoftheaunc1cnt D1- '""" lo· ve"ue' which helhould not haucconfidcred uines hauc thought : butwllh grcat10dgc· cum. bur fo'llo"cn, though rhey had bin rruc ver. mcnt he vferh a familiar Hcbraifme, cllanrucs indecJe, according to Chricts precept, ging the number. F1rCt, to gsuc thegreat~r Maub.6. 3· L<t 1111tth] lift handkpoumhatthy force, and to fctthe !harper edge vpon hiS righthanJdoth: and Paulr praClifo, l'hif.'p-3admonition. For that wh1cb JSfpokcn to all, 13. lforgettbatwhichub<hind:and ncucrfo isfpokcn,to none. Secondly, to !hew how much as·lit:htly confidcrcd his owne finnes, hard a tbmg 11 IS fora man toconfider turnwhichPaul hcerewould haue vsco confider, fclfe. Iris narurall for men to fp1c motes m and therefore he is reprooued. other mens eies, and not topercciue beames Paulwouldhaue vstoconUderourfclues, inthcirowne. M.ttth, 7·3· tolookeoutward bocaufe the ferious confiderarion of our atothers,not inward at themfelucs.LikePlw owne w~:akenetfe, will rnoouevs ro pratl:ife ·tarchJ L,mi.e. or Fa7riu, whichcarried their this duty ofmcekenelfe :for as wee helpcvp B eies in their beads when they wentabroad, thofe thatare fallcn,relicue the dillrelfed,pi· bur when rheycamehorn~, put them vp in a ty the afHided,bury the dcad,&c,bccaufc we boxe. In doing good and being bencficiall, confider our felucsinthem, tbatrheircafc weo mull not fo much confider our fdues, may beours : Sowecoughtto rellorechofe Phil.z.vrr,4. bur in iudging and reproouing, thatare fallen, in all meekeneOc 1 becaufe we w•e oughtro bcginne with our felues. may (all , and be ouertaken as well aschcy: For rhe better vndcr!landing of the dotherather, bccaufe God himfdti:in corrcClchine ofbrothcrly correction, ar.d Chrifliiog and reproouingvs, d01h dcfcend to our an rcproofc, I will handle thefe fourc quclli woakenelfc, •ndconfidersthat weearrGutjlrfo, om: I.who arc to be rcprooucdi II.forwhoti And4 windthat paffrth,aml e~mm<thnot agaim, Ill. by whom I IIII. in what manner/ P(alm;7S. 39. and Chri!l bccamelike vnto vsinallthings, andwastemptedinlikefott "' I. WhoaretobtrfprootJtJ! (yet withoudinne) that hee might be merci· An(. All that arebuthrm: for fo our Safull, and a fai1hfull high Priell, and might uiour Chri!lfaith, IJ•hz brorbrr ftr.n< Againfl bee touched with a[enfeof our infirmitiC!!. rhu, reprot~Juhim, Marrb.J8.I6. And Saint H,b, z'. t7,1 8; and4.15. Obidl. He thcrfore Paul[aith,Brrthren,.ifany man&c.The name that knowsa!TurcdJy he ea not beouercomc C Brtthrtn. is taken foure wayes in Scripture, by temptation, is notto rcproouc in thefpi· as Imm< harh well obferued againI! HeiiJi. ritofmeckncs. An/. Nomanisfurc,&therdiu1. I. forthofe that are brethren by na. fore no man can be fccure. Againc,though a turc,as /acob andC[lu1; the twelucParriarks, man know hcecan nottotallynor finally fall AadrewandP<t<r; lam" and John. II. for away,yerfeeinghedoth finde by experience, thofe that are ofaffinitic. T bus the kinfmcn that hec can nor ouercome without much ofChri!larc called his Bmhun : which the a doe, wicl:Jout much !lriuing and wra!llmg, Heluidiansnorobferuing,thoughtthey had nay oftontimcs not without refilling VlliO beene hisnatural! brethren, by the Virgine blood : he ought to vfe more meekenes and Mari,: rhus A6rahAmandLe<are called6umildenelfe, confidcring withwhat difficulty thrtn,Gtn,{it 13.8,14. thongh Lot was but his he.ouercame: our SaulDrChri!llearned by brothersfonne, Gcn.t4.u, Thus la<Oh the ... experience how hard a thing ir \vas to oucrnephew ofJtaban, called himfelfehu 6rothrr, come temptations, •hathe might hauca fclGm.>9.u.andlo J.rbancallerh him,ver.,I s. low.feelingofourinfirmities..Therforefpi- D III.formenofthe famecouncrey. Thus all ritual! men mufhemembcr;•that·they were the Iewes arc called brethren oner.,anothcr oncecarnall,cuen babes in Chri!l:rbofe that Dm.t7.•S· Fr01urnong thybmhrcnfhaltth•" ate llrong, mull confider that they were mak.;aKingourrthu, and D<u.>3.·t9.Th•u once weake: old men thararcgraue and (}aj.. (ball nat g~Nttovfurit t~ th) hr~thrr ; and,Roed, mull call to mind, that once they were in m<n. 9.1. Patil[aith, hucould wiP, himfelfe•· the hcatoftheiryouth, and what difficulrico •••huna, oraccurf(d,for hu 6whren; that is, encounrred them, and with what contention the Iewcs.IV.for thofeofthefame rcltgion, •hey palfcd the vaoirie of that age: andfo ,,John 3· 16. Wumuf/laydownfOur liq" for thcyOtallthe betterrcprooue others in the ourbmhrm. Matthe1v 23. 8. OnruyourDo- {pirit o( meeknelfe, ifthey looke themfclues flour, to wit, Chtill, •ndaflJ< arrbmbrrn, 1 , m.theglalfe'oftheir example : this is Paul" lf ••J th•tu calledabrothrr b" reafon,whywe fl1ould fbewallmetk._eneffeto4D (lfornicatour;withfucb flnonee 4 tenor. Tothd~ nun, lucaufewee o~tr (tluuwert in.timtsp11fl, weemay adde a fiftacccprion: for all thofe vnwif', difob<dimt, &c. Tit.3·'•l· that areconfederatc,orothawifeiovncd to· Laflly,markeherc howPa•l changes the gerhcr,by the·bo~dof narure,hum~niry,fonumber: for hauing faid, T< thatar< JPiriwciCry,or ftlendOup.Tbus Ahabcals Brnhadad al/,rrflm &c. in the plural! numbcr,here he hubmhrr,thar rs,his friend, J.Kin. zo. 3 2,33• 1 _c_._tt_h,'-c_o•.:.!i_ar.:.'.:.i•g~th:!.J!.:f( 2 1f:..'•:..:i:.:n:..t!::.:' 3 g.::u:::la::.'•<e•::n:.;d:_t__ ' t:::h::u:::s.::S.::i"'::.:.:":::".:;and Lmi are called bmhrm in Gen 49 . s Gg 1 mc/z<d·