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I.Booke. Cafes ofConfcience. 19 ~---------------------- The fir(\ istheSp~rit ofGod dwelli~g in vs, A rhefpim bewanting,and ourfanC!ificarion be and tcfhfying vnto vs, rhat we are Gods vnce~rtalne\•nto:rs)how then may we bcalfuchildren.Bur fame will haply demaund.How red! fhe anC.verrs,thar we mu!lrhenhauereGodsfjllfit giues witneife, feeing. no~ there courfe to the firff ?eginuings,and motions of !ucnor:uela.cic,nsi' A.t[E"craordtnarlc rcuefanddicanoo, wh1charc thefe. Ftrll, to feele lationsarcceafed ·andyettheholy Gbo!l in our mward corruptions. Secondly, robe di(- andbytheword, ~euealeth fomerhings vnro pleafed with our felues forthe:n. Thirdly, to 01 en:for whichcaufe he is called truly theSpr- ~egtnne to hate Gone. Fourthly, togmue fa ritof Rrud.tio•, Eph.J. 5. Againe,rhe holy oft as we~all and offend God. Ftftly, t-:> auoid Glloll giues te!lil\lonie,by apply_mg the prothe occahonsofGnne. Stxtly;roendeauour ~o mifeofremiffionof hnnes,and ltfecuerlaflmg doe our duty,& to vfe good meancs.Seuentnby ChrtCI, particularly to the heart ofman, ly,ro delire to Gnneno more. And l.t!lly, eo whenrhefame is generally propounded, tn pray roGodforhrsgrace. Wherethefcand rhe Mini£lericofrhe word. And becaufe marhe ltke motions are,tbere is rhefpirtt ofGod, nyare re•dy preCumpruouOyro fay, they arc whence they proccede: and fantli6carion is thechildren ofGod,when they are not, and begunne. Oneapple is fufficient ro manifeCl rharrhey haue the wirnclfe of Gods Spirit, B the life of rhe tree, and one good and conwhen in truth they wanrit:thcreforc we arc to fhmt motion of grace, is fufficient to mampttradttference bcrwee~erhis carnal concetr, fell Cantli6cation. Againe, ir may be dcmanand the true re!limonte of the Sptrtt. Now dcd, what mull be done, •f both be wammgl there betwo things whereby they may bcdif. An/"'"· Men mufl nordcfpa~te,burvfegooJ ccrnedonefromthc other. The 6rCI is, by meaneo,andtnrimerheyOJalibe alfured. the meancs. For the true tellunonie of the holy Gho!l, is wrought ordinarily by the prcachino, reading, and mediratJOn of the word ofGod; as alfo by praier, and theright v(c ofthe Sacraments. Bur the preCumpruou1 reCltmonJe,arJfcth in the hearr, and is framed s,a_ z. in rhc brainc,out ofthe vfe of thcfe mcanes; orrhough inthevfe, yet with want of the bleffing ofGod concurringwith themea!1cs. The fecond i•,bythe etfetls, and frutts of the Sptrtt.l'or it flirres vp the hearr,ro praier and inuocatlon ofthe name ofGod,Z ach.t z.1 o. yea ircaufeth a man to crieand callcarnefily vmoGod,in the time ofdt!lrelfe, with afenfe and feeling of his O\VOC rnifcrics: and with dcepe finhes andgroanes which caJmot be vr– tercd,to0cr~uc mercieandgrace at his hands, asofalouingfather, Ram. 8. z6. Thus did Mofes crie vnro beauen in hiS heart, whm be The fecond placeis,rhe 15.Pfalme. In the 6rfl verfe whereof: this que!lion "propoun. ded,namely,Who ofallthemembers of the C hurch,lballhaue his habitation in heauen1 Theanfwer is made in theverfes followmg: and in the fecond verfc, he fets downe rhree generall nores of thefa~d perfon. One is, to C walkc vprightly inGnceritie, approoumg his heart and l•fe ro God:rhefccond is, ro deale iu!lly in all his doings:the third is/or fpeech, to fpeake rhe truth from the heart, Without gutlcor 6attcrie. And becaufe we are ealily deceiued ingen~rallGnnes, in thq, 4.and 5· vcrfcs, therearc fetdownc feauen morecui– dent and fenublc notes offinceriry,iufltceand w.. indiflrelfcatthered fea, Exod. •4· 15. And thts.gifr ofprayer, is an infallible reflt– ruonie of Gods Spmt; whtch cannot !land with catnail prefumption. ThefecondTellimonieofour Adoption i10ur Sptrit,tharis,ourconfciencefanC!ified D and renewed ~y rhe Holy Gho!l. And this alfo ts knowne and difcerned ; 6r!l, by the greefe ofrhe heart for offendingGod, called godly forraw,, by a refo· lutepurpofeoftheheart, and endeauour of the whole roan, in all things toobey God: rhirdly,by fauouring the things of the Spirit, Rom.8. 5. that ts,by doing the workes of the Spirit,wirh ioy and chearefulnelfc ofhearr, a• in the prefence of God, and as his children and fcruann. truth.One is in fpcech,nor to takevp or carry abroad falfe reports and fiandcrs.The fecond 1s, inour dealings not todoe wrof.lg to_our neighbour,more then roourfelues.The third is,in ourcompanie,rocontemne ~icked perfans worthy robecontemned. The fourth is, mourc!limationwe haueofothcro, and rhar is,to honour rhem rharfeare God.The fift is in our words,ro fweare &·nor to change: that is,romakeconfcience of our word and pro– mife,efpecially if irbeconfirmed by oath.The fixr is,in rakingofgaine,nor rogiue money to vfury,thatis,not to rakeincreafe for bare Jen– ding,butto lend freely to the peote. Thela(l i~,t<? giuetcfi!moniewithout bribericorpar– ttaltty. In thefr!t ver(e,isadded areafon ofthe anfwer:he that in his indeauour doth all rhe[e rhings,fhall ncuer bemooued, that is, cut oH from rhe Church as an hypocrite, . sra. 3. . . ~. Now putthe cafe;rhat rhe teClimony ofrhe Spirit be wanting: then Ianfwer, thatthe o– thertellimony,thefantlification ofrhe heart, will fuffice ro alfurevs. We know it Cufficienr– ly robe rrue,and norpainted fire; ifthere bee heate,th 0ugh there bee no flame. ~~::cafeag_ame, tharrhcre!limonie of . The thirdplace of Scripture is the fir(\ E- S.!ohns 1, pt!lle of John: the princtpall fcope where· Eprllle, of, istogiueafnllrejolnllon tothe con(cwru of •.loh. 5 ., 3 man, tor1ch1ng the certentie of his (AIHation. And the principall grounds of alfurance, B 4 whi~h