' \ '\352. A[ommentarie --vpon Chap.6.1 w•ck.cdMff<,dm IS,conkJer•tein euill. Thus A exempttheircleargy men(as they call tilt m) Jr all men are callcJ brethren one to an other, from all reproofes~nd eccleua{iicall procee- 1 by reafon ofthe bond ofnarure,Gc~c(.9·5·"' dmgs, 10 thrulling them into fome one rr.othe hm1dif A mans brotb~r, wtfl1ru1~~re the life naflery or other, Je([ chc1r cxOpJary pumfl1 ~ J of m.m. In all Counrnc. thnfe that a!Toc<ate mem Jhould bee ablemifl> or d>fparaoement themfelues cogerh"'r 111 ~arre, after a fpe.CiaH fo thc:trorJerand p~ofciiioh: where~s PAul illanncr, arccalled Srvorn~bretl,ren. No.vwe wouldhome rhe MmzUers and Elders, yea aiJ \ mul Pot rdhame the word B-rtth,.rn , to fupcriours,tobc reprooucUas wcil as others~ thof-: rb:u are brethren by nature, or byaftort bedoneinorder)and wirh ducrefped(a; I fi:my,or bycounrrey;aeirher enlarge it I<' all after I will thew.)Thus Paul bids theCololfithofe that are brct!lren by the bond of oaans, th•t they lhould fay to Archippw,T.~c ttJrc: buconely r? rnofe tl~atare br.ethren 1~1 hecdcro rhy mimftcr], t,haz thou haft ucmudi;t I rb~fourthacccptiOn,thar IStof.ty,IJrethrmm tlu Lrnd,tharthoufulfi!lir,Col.4 17. rebgnn, or 6rcd;uni1J the LiJrd, (rholi-Jb they. I I. VVc are bound coreprooucaJI that are· be f•lfc bmlmn) ifthey ?e brethren at IeaU ill the church,to whom we owe duty oflour, moutward profc_!Tton .: tor repronfebemga bm we are to louc ourfuperiours as much. if parr ofEccle{tllfflcalldi{clp!me,belongethnot B not more tbC orhers: therforcwc arc bound to rhofe that arc out of the viiible Church, tu reprooue them af.,cla. others. Ill.There as eo I ewes, Turkcs, P~g~ns ; bccaufe our is greater reafon wc:c 010uld reprcoue rhem Samour ChnO fcllth, ifbt:chcartthc~ not, then cithtrs. 1. Becaufc they being in hioh. u!l the ChtJrch : and if hec ~""'" mt heare the er place,arcingre:~.ter danger of fallino then Ch11rch, le: him. .J 6~evnro thee as an he.1tb~n others,and therefore hauc mOre nced~fadman, andapt!blictm. W hidlcannotbecvnmonirions&reproof$. 1.Beca.ufcthey hauc Ucrlloocicof him that ts a hcatilcn or Pagan many that will Hatter them, but few ornone \ aiready. And l'.toliarth, J.Cori•th.s.u. If thatwill,ordarerepiOouethem• . tJYI} rb~t u calledabrwh.6'r,that is,a Chrtihan, It will bcfa1d,all are not to bcrcoprooucd be aforaicarnui", &c. and then be adJes 10 tht: which hue in the Cburch, forfon~c bcfcor- .next verfC,,.,h.ub~m: I tOdo~.toiudge them dJ.Il ncrs, who (asSAlomon (aith) mufl nor be reare Jr;idJout? tbat IS, fth..h as arc no mcrnb_crs prooucd. And our Sauiour ChriU forbiddthc·Church,towbomc Ecclcjut{licali D•fciderh vs, to~caff pcarlab"'forc Jivme, M 11 thew plme rCacbcth not ; doe not yeiudgethem :hat y.6. I anfwer, that only open fcornen, con* 4re wtthm1 that ts; fuch as arcot the vihbJe remtlers, perfccurcrsofthcword, arero bee Church, (uch as dofubiec\ themfeluesro the C cxcepted:othcrwlfeall wicked men are to be l cen(ure andJtfct plmwfrhe Church. It becenfurcd and rebuked. For 1. Chnll fpeakes j Jongcth thc.:rcforc ro thofe that ~re pf the ofmamfefl comemncrsofrcligion,whcn he Church>atlea!l in thcw;bi.X fpccially tothofe iaith,rhat thqare!lk..ejiPine,which tramplcpredut arc of the fame particular Church, J1riompear!avndertbc•rfu te :and ofperfecu. uingvnderthc (a.ut: particular goucrnment. rers, whenhe fairh,rhat/ik$doggcs they rctunu Albelt 1 tbecafc may fa tall eut,.thar tho(eof ag4i;,e, and~t/1 torew~thtm. ~· Chn9 beei'ng another Chmch.profdlingthc.famerel>g1ou here vpon earth, d1d nor hmderthe Phariwirhv;;,may be reprooucd and cenfured: yea fes,Sadduo·es, Publicans, and harlots, (rom ,,ne Cbt1rch may admoni01 another; for commingtohisSermons:muchlclfewould they bceing me111bcrs.one of :mothcr,artto be debar rhcm ofthi.scenfurc ofrhe church. pmcurc the good one ofanothcr,as P••lrcai l• The woman ofSyrophenilfa(though calchcth·by the fimil1tudc of the hMd and the ledadogge) yctwcrhofth<cmmmcnhat fall .rm·d:Jbers ofchcfoimc body l 1.Cor,11. Therefrom thcchi!drenJ table, Mlftt.15.1.7· 4. PaH( lore al that ate.in..the bofome oftheChorch, Q did often admoni01 and rebuke the {orinthi-. I eucn rhe rutghty Prmccs and Potentates <>f ant, though they wore carnall and Hetllly· rile e>rth,arefnbi~Cl to rcproofc,;f they doe minded: thereforeall men, though neuer fo offend: thus NathanthcProphet reprooocd . , publ1ke •nd-notorious offenders, (ifrhey be VtJr.e 1 d, 1.Sanl.x.z. and /kariou tbe pri~il,rc- ' not open (corners or pcrfecurc:rs of d1e bukcdv~._,.h, z.Chrcn.%6. 18. and Pa11/ reknO\•netrnth) are to bereprooued. I proouedPeter.ico hisfac:e,G~J..t..ll.Therfon: ObieU~ Prophan~men which notoriou:Oy thole men, yea thofe l'vhglflratcs or Mo·, offend and fcand•llze rhe .Church by the" narths thatcannotindurcthe Jeallreproofc,. wicked liues,haue no fello•·Jlup w1th Chnll, :Jnd w 1 ll not yeehi their ncckes to Cbrifi his. but are to be accounted as dogges)out ofthc1 yoke and rhc1r backes to rhc: rod ofEcclefia~ church. , · •· '~rud/cen:uu, arr- grcady to be cenfurcd: fQr i I anfwcr 1. Theyare.notto bee~ounted h .rem •heyconrrmne Gods ordinance. Let . dogges,which doeacknowledge thett faults, rh ·mconfider; thar they arenot better then' the greatnelfe ofth~ir finne, and the mcr1r.e kmg Dau~d,whohauing finned, patiently en· ofChrill: for fucha doggewas the C:man~- Jurcd rC'proofbyN ~,J;,n,Let,thcm rememtHh woman,Who was a true bele~uer. 1. Th_ts ber how kmgV<.<oiah was llricken with lepro· is agreeable ro Saint Pardsprad,fe,_who drd fie for relilhug God in the minrllery. And admoni01 thofe amoogH the Connth>ans, I , the poprOl fort come to bee raxcd who that were carn•ll' and dtd not at the vene_ 1t~C- - ' fidl