Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

[afes of Conjcience. I. Booke. A three kinds.The firll is,tmmediatdy from rh --------------! Diucll;and it i• called the temprattonofBiaf– CHAP. VII. Ofduthirdm•ine f041io., toHrhingdif/rejJe of minde;•nd!!"'"ally of alldij/refJet, and their rnn6din. IlI. ~~cllion. How a man beeing in di~ flrelfe ofminde, may be com~ i forted and releeued.? , phemies,or the Biaffihemausll-,nptation. The le cond is,fromamanstnr:nr.finnrs, onginaiJ and aduall;and this alfo bath fundry branches,as we O~all fee afterward. The third proceedcs from lmt~gir;atitm corrupted aoJ dcpraued. Now anf-verablc to rhefe teuerall kmds o Temptations, arc the l<ucrall kinds of Dt· llrelles. Aod·asall temptations may be redu– cedtorho~ fiue,wh1ch hauebcenc befOre na· med, (o may all dillrdfes be rcducad ro fiuc headsarifl,tg ofthe for"'ertemptalions. SeiJ. 2. An{. Omitting all circumflances (confi– dcrmg that much m•ght be fpoken touching this ~etlion) I will oncly fc1 downe rhat whichlrake robe moll marcrialto the doubt in hand. BeforeI come to handle them in particu TbeG<nc. B lar,wcaretq,conlidcrinthe firO place, wh:a ra_Jl Rem~~ is rhe befl.andmofl Gcnerall Rc:medic, t•&ofan whichmayferue for all thefe,or any other re es, kindoftemptation,tharis incident to man: SeiJ. I. mnreiTe of D f{lref[e of. mind•( whtch Salomon cals • miodein bro~enor troubledjfirtt) IS, wben a man is gencra\J. dlfquietcd and d1ilempcred in confciencc,and PIOu. 18·'4 confequendy mhisaff.:ctions,toilching.hJse· llate before God. Ti11S d•llrc!foha1h ti>Ode– grees,rhe Jctfe>andthegreacer. The Ie!Te is a linglc Ftare,orgriefc,whCna manllandethm fufpenfe anddoubt oftus ownefaJuation,and ~ in fcare rhat he !hall be condemned, The grearcrJitlretfc lSj DefPaire, when a man is and by this, the curingof any particulardi– llrelfc,willbe·morc ealie and plaine. withourall hopeo( faJuarion, in his own fcnfc andapprehenfion.I call o~rpa!re agreater cli.. firetiC,bccautC irisnotadi01nC}. kind ofrrou· bleofmind, (as fame doe thinke,) btU rhe highdl: degrcc,in euerykmdof"dillrctfc. For euery di_ilrcif~: mrbe nunde,ts afcare ofcon– demnation,and comes at length to defperati– on,tfit be not cured. Thisgenerail Remedie, is the Applying of thtpromi(eof WC euerJaGing, in and by the hia(/dofChrill. For no phylicke, noartor sktllofwan, can cureawoundedatrd ditlref– (cd confcicnce,bat only rhc blood of Chnll. And that this is thefo.ueraigneremedi.e ofaiJ orhcr,nomon doubtcth.The mainc dtfficulty ls,touchmg~he manner ofp.-ocecding, fi1 the appl•carion ofrhc promi(e..Hercin therefore, rlircc thingsmufl heperformed. C Firfl o( all, the partie mull d&l.ofe the In fpeci,U. All di!lretfe ofminde, arife1h from temprarion,citbcr begun or continued, For [hefc: rwo doe fo necdfarily fullow,and fo mfcpara– bly accompanic each the other, that no di– tlrc!fe, ofwhat kind foeuer, can be feucred from remprarioh. And therefore according caufe ofhis particular dtfl~·ctfe,thatthe remc~ dicmayrhobett~rbcapplyd. For the truth ts,rhat the very opening ofthe caufe isagreat cafe to the minde, b.z(orcany renJedic be ap· plyed. Yet by theway, thiscaremull be hac, thatthc rhmg to be rcuealcd, be not hurrfull l to rbe pame, to whome it is made knowne. For the dillrelfc may haply arife of {omc confedcracie in mattersof Treafon, by the concealmgwhereof; the partic to whom rJ,cy arcreuea!ed, may intanglc himfelfc m the fame danger. to the dmers forts ofrernptations,thatdo .befoil men, muflthc ditlre!fesof the mindc be ditlingmOwd. < NowTemptation• be of twoforts 1 either D of tr;al!, orfedt,cem~nr. Tcmptatlons of tm:z/1, are fuch as doebefall men, forthc rriall and proofc ofthe grace of God which is in them. TheTcmptotlons of rriall arc two-fold: the firCl,i!!a&cm6ate ofthe confciencc: di7'efJ!y and fmmediateljswith thtwratlufGod ;which bemg the man grieuous temptation that canbe' lt caufeth the grcarcfl and deepefl diflrc!fe of confcicncc. Thcfccondis, the Triall of[hc CrqJTe,tbat i~, ofoutwanlafHJd:ion, whereby God makcrh proofc ofrhe f.1uh of his chil– dren; und notoncly that,but of their hope, patience, andalliance in h1.s mercic for their deliuerance. Temptations of fcduc:mtnt be fi1ch, as wbere1n men are entifcd,to fall fromGod and Chri[!,roany kmd ofeuill. And thefe are of Secondly,ifrhcc•ufcmay be knowne, (for fometimeir ishtd from the parry dillretfed) rhen trial mull bcmade,whcrher rhcfaid par– rie,be fit for comfort yea or no! For 1fhe be found ro be vnfit, the word of God 01all be mifapplycd,and confcquentlyabufed.His fit· nelfe for comforr,may be found out, by {ear· ching whether b'cbe humbled for his linnes, or nor:for men may be mgreatddfreJTe, and yet not touched at all for'the1rfinnes. Thi, humiltanon flar:ds 111 forrow for finnc, wirh conferiion ofche famevnroGod , and in ear– ndlpraicr for the pardon the:cof, with an heartie dc[irc .of amendment ot J1fe. But tf on rheorher fide, rhe parrie bcvnhurnbJed, then the fir!! and principall care mull be, to worke in hm1 fomc beginning ofhumfhau– on.This may be done in afriendly, and Clai– Cltan ralkcand conference, whereby he rnufi firtl he broughtcofee,and wellroconlider his owne linncs: fccondly, to gneue, and to be forrie