Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

CajeJ of Conjcience. I.Booke. i Chrt(ldiedfar thu. The part!C dilhe!fed "ill A nature know tobe good: for examplc,rhcde. grant all, andray, Chrt!l indccde died for fireo( wifcdomc,of ciuill vcrtuc,ofJJOnour,of 'him,tfhewould bauc reccmcdChrin;bur he happinelfe,and fOch ltkc:and ::lll chefe nature 'by ius finncs hoch cut htmfclfc ofi from his c.m defire.Others beabouc nature, as the de Jowne Sauiour, andbath forf.1ken him 1 (o as fire ofrcmiffion offinncs, rcconcll:auon,and the bcncfitofhis dcuhwill doe him no good. fanchfication:and they which fertoufiy defire · I SeFI. 4· thcfe,haucapromife of blcffedne!fcand life The The right }v:tv of mintGring Comfort to cuerlafling.And hence it followcs, that dcfire grounds of 1a partic· (.JJflre!TcJ follm\'cth.lnthc handlmg of mcrcie, in the want ofmercic,is mcrcie it <:omfort. whereof, fir!}, I will lay downcthe Groun~s, fclfC ,and dcfirc ofgracc,in the want ofgrace, \-.:hereby any man that belongs eoGod, may is grace ir feJfc. bebroughtwithintheCoucnant. Andrhen, A (C!cond Ground is this. Ag;odfJforrow I w;ll !hew tlleRight 'vVay,how they muU be wh~rby 4 mani&grimedfor his (inncs,bccau{etl;cy v(cd,3nd appJycd. 4refnt1et,U the begi11ning ofrepcnltm;e,andindecd Forthe firct,Recourfe n>nfl not be )ladto fo"fubjl.mceiuepcntanc"'fe!fe. The Apoflle aB graces, orto all degrees and mc.afureof B Pardreioyccdthotthchaclinthc workcofhi~ grace; bmonely fuch, asa troubled Confc1- !\1imlleric,wrought thisgodly forrow in the ence may fcclc and reach vnro. Forchofe hcartsofrhe Corinrhians, calJ111g itforrow that be thf rruc chtldrcn of God, and hauc rh11t ceufcthrepentrtffccr.otto6creptntcd of. Th!s 1 .Cor. 7 • 9 , excellent mcafiue ofgrace, when they arc m farrow m:ay be d1fcerned in rh1s fort: The dJtlrdf~,fede litlcor nograce at all in tbcm· hearrofhimin whome it is, Jsfoatfc:d:cd,that fducs.The graces then,rh:it (cruc for this pur. thoughthere wereuoconfdcnce,nor diucl to pofe,arc three: FJ.tth, RepentJnce, antl the accufe,nohell forcondemnat1on,yct it \\'Ould trueLoueofGod, which IS rhefruir ofthem bcgrieued initfclfe, bccaufe God by finne is both. And may che more ealily and difpleafedand offended. truly d1lCcrne of thc. m, a;HJ nor ro be deccl· If it bcallcadged, that euery onecannot u.:d,mquiricmun be ~ad~..,what be the!cedes reach ro thi!i Gcginningofrepentaoce,rhus to and begmnings of rhem all. furrow tor his finne' then I adde timher: If The firf! Ground ofgrace is'this: A d,·(irc the panic be grieued for thehardnctfeof hts t9repcnt>aadhclaur, i11tl touched heart And con... hcan,whcrcby ltcomcsto patTe,that hecan. fcicna,Uf.mlumdr.:pcr.r:mccit fo!f~; rhot-:ghnot oot gril'uc, he bath vndoubtedly rcceiued inr.aturc ,yet in Gotlt acccpttmon. I prooue it (erne porrionof godly farrow. For it is not thus.It is a principle graunte:d and confcl[cd C naturc,that makes vs to gricue for hardnelfe ofall men; rhar m thc:rn \\hich hauegra.ceJ o(bcart,butgracc. GodJcccprerh the 1vtl1 for rhcdecdc. Jfrherc The third Ground is,that A {etlcdpurpo(e, 6u a wil!it~~ mmd~ (fa1th the Apofl le) tt iJacllnd rvifli11g mind~ toforfakfa/1 fnnc, and to turnc -l.Cor,S.a. ccpt~d;,lot t?ccardingtod.1t a rmt~t h.tth not, hfft vnto God,(though tU)'eti100tttward cunrurjionap· tlccording to thar {g h.'1th.Agair.e,God hath anpMrt>,) is agood ht>gmnin,e: of tru~ comurfion, mtd nexed a prvmlfrofblc!Tednelfe, ond life euerrrpwance.lthoughr (fauh D auid) lmOconfo/Je Pfal,J•·r· laftmg ro the true and vnfa10ed de!ire of agoinf/m;fclfemywic/,sdncJ{cvntothcLord,and grace. Whence it is, that they are in Scripthouforgau~flrh~pr:njjbmcnt of my fnn~. And to tu re pronounced blelfcd > which h11ngcr and this is added (Sclah,) which IS nmoneJya mu. M;tth, 5· 6 • thirft tifterrightcoufn~ffc.And who arc they but (ical nore,bm,asfomc think,a norcofobfcruafuch as f"celc themfclues to want all righterion,tornooucvsro markc the things that are ou(ne!Tc,anddoe truly and earncilly de(ire it (et clownc)as bccingoffpccial weight andmoin rhe1r hcaru. For hunger and rbirfl argues mcnr. And furely this IS a matter of great both a want offome thing, andafCelmgof confequcncc, d(at vpon the vcryvnfaincd rhewanr.And to this purpoferhe holy Gboll D purpofeof confcilio:1 of finne, God flwuld Rcu,JI. 6. faith,Tohimt/:,at i'; athirfl"lrillI gi:#?UJ drmk.!~f giue npardon thereof. Tak~a furtherproofe thewRtcrofhf~fru!y.Nowthisthirllle[oule, is ofrhis In the prodigallfonne, whomc I take that man which fedcs himfelfc c.lcOautcofall not for one that was ncuercalfcd,or turned to grace,andGodsfauour in Clmfi, and withall God,(rbough fomedoefo.and feemcroha~c doth tlmflafrcrtbe blood ofChrifl ,and dewarrant for their opinion:) bur rorher Ior lircs to be made p.1rrakcr thereof: God is him that is tbcCh1ld of God, andafterward woonr mercifully ro acccptofthedcfireof afalsaway. Now this man bccmg brought by ny good rhmg,whcn a 1uan 1s mnecdlic1e,and fomc outw.ard croHes and affiH~l:ions, to fee llanJs inwam rhcrcof.TheLord([aics Damd) his ownc n11feri~, purpofcrh with himfclfC",to hearesthede(i.,etJf thrpo'r~, that is. of rhcm rerurneto h1t father agame, and tohumble th.:tr ari! indillrclle,cirherof body or mlndc j bimfclfe,and confclfe his miquitie: and vpon Pf.'li,t45' .1.9 Yl'a,he rritlful{iflthede{ireofthemrbat (earchim. thisvery purpofe, when he had faid, lrvillgoe · lr wJII befa,J,tbi\tthe dcfircofgoOd things tornyfath~r.tmdfarvnto him,J ...rher: lhane (in· Luk.rr.I 7 • is-naturall:and therefore God will notregard ned,& bisrcturne afarrc off, J111 father re.. 1 s me~1s dcfirc~. ceiues hm1 as his child ag:unc, and afrer ac- • I anfwcr,Dc~res be oftwo forrs ; Some be ceptation followes hisconfcl!ion. Thelikeis offuchthings, as men by the mcere Jig:.:h:_to:_fc_:__':.:o:_b::e:.:f<c:_ee::n::e:.:i':_'D=".::'":.:d:..,-'-w-"'::;'g,_r:..:c-"p'-'ro:..:o::ui=ed by ·,