---Chap; 6·. the''EpijiJe to the (jaldtians. 43 1 *Tom. I. pcrnor.fi. lucid,c.t!. qui::tnul. !Jmhab~m [tjJecialern ., propctcrJ.. rem qul.di– ttingll:lntur :lcxccris, \ <o.mmunc nomen quafipro~ vnum ('lhti· ncn,. dillinguifi 11 hetn ffom rheorher)lpillles. A' A: longerhis tide tobe calledc;.rholike, as ahy w'e(eethe Iewes dJUidmg rhe'ol'd'feilam,nr ofthefefeuen, confid,crmgi~was wrirrcn to rnto foure pai"',tli'e fir(! rhcyc:i~led rhr law, all rhe Iew~s,_a_nd onclyt?rhe !ewes. · o_ · or flue bookes'o(-Afofw rhelecbnd rhe forThrrdly,mhers aflirme them to becall~d' m'er prophers,~}ldJ(bui,l"dgu; ¥_-.ito bo-o1(es, Cnthgbkf, becau(e they .c~ntaige 'Carhol<ke . ofSamucl.rwo boq~esofrhe J(•~g:therhrrd, .do'chme,Cuch•s apperramerh to all_me~ ·g<l Welarer prop~~·~ ':Is Ef~;, lerrf~"• Ez.tehul, nerally,of~h:l~ ell.•te, pl,ace;con_dlllon) .or and rhefm•ll propfier;: the fouith rhey calcallmg foeuer ·they be. f\utrn rhrs Cenre all led Kflhu~im, whrch in Eng!rOJis as rmrcli' aJ Par:it Epilll;s'·may bee calfea Cnrho!tli}Ep'>· chcScriptur:s,not as though thofe u.buokcs flie-s. FrJr nlhbtfoeuer U wrirteH, ·U »·rmf1rfor were awreproperly Scripture ehen the PenoHr learning, that wco through parieHce and con~ ratcuch ofMo(n, or rhe bookes of the forfolallon ofrhe Scriptummight haue h•pe,Rom. cner.and later prophets: but ondy for ddhn15. vcrC4. ction fake they werdocalledui}l1cl,~hey ar~ \ ' l\\ -~econdlJ-, t~e word c.rhdik!, is not (o rearmed ofthe 7o.aod of rtie UreekCCllu~ch . ah'cierlt':'rorP~Ciamu an ancient farher, faah, <,,,;,,,;,thatis,ho/ywritt,norbecauferhey had B itwas notv!edinthe Apoflles dayes. His a peculrar holinelre properto them aboue owordsarethefe. Sed fub Apoffolu ( ••quia) B;b!ioth fa· ·ther paresofGods word,(fceing al!Scripturc nemo.CRtholicm vocttbatur: eflo, ficfuertt, vd crx.tom! 3• is equally giuen bydiu10e infpiratwn) nor as i!ludrndulge,cemwpoft Apoflilosharefes e.wui(- a~! Syn;pr~~ though theamanu.enfes ofthe(c booke;wcre font , dmer(ifqtl.e nominilmJ Columbtt111-> 7Jei ~,andN~.. ~ more holy then the other pen-men of the atq«~ rcginttm->i~tcmflre per parus, & (cindere ~h~i. ne~~~~ holy Ghofi(na,,conrrarily 1t is doubted by rmere11ttw; nonnecoxnomtn(uumple6s Apl)ffo!i~ ncEpifi,l. fome,ofS11/omon, who penned threeof thefe capoflH!abA.L, _qHoincQrruplipop~t!s dis1mgHeret bookcs,whether bee were: deded or rC!'icClcd, vnit4t.em, "e intemerntmn..... Veivirgm~m , ~~ whereas it is nor doubted cf the rell:) bur ror abquormnper membra laccraret! That is, onely(ad hauealreadie(ard)to put anore of But thou wilt (ay, vmlcrthe Arfflet no man JHlindion betwixt themand oth~r bookes, wtu called Carh~liqt~e, wdl, be it fo, yrt admJt innarningofthcmJ asH~tgo""deS. J!,{l, hath this wuhall, whm after the ApoH!nthcrcwwc well ob(erucd. hercjics, ~mdmm be~'l.anneto rend inpercn, find In rhrs fenfe this ride Canonic•ll, may d•mde qodt D•uc, ana ~'"'• by{u•dr;J;f. bee giuen to the[e Epiflles withour danger: fere.nt names, did notJhe Apoftoltf?.!peoplertcptJre but tf wee 01all vnderO:and it in any orhcr C thnr(urnames, PherebJ thqmight diflinguifh (enre, weOn.!Ibe fo farre from beeing able the vnitie of the vncon'up& people, leff the er~ to defend 11, thatwelball not be2ble to exrourof(ome, Pmt!drend '" fuuder Godtvndrficu(e it. , led Virgin ! Where wee fee Pacianus docrh Ann::tlium · The(econd ritlewnich i• giuen-them, is, freely graunr, that this furnamc ( athobkf rom.LP'g. rhatthey be called Cathobkf, • bich infcrrpr1 wao not in v(e in rhe timeof the ApoOics, l49.Anon is asvnfit as the former: for they are fu Which rcHirnonie BAr9nim doerh norabJy ruerp, J e2iled (as fomewould haue ir,) becaufe rhey drtlemble, in Ore,ving the originall ofthrs ~wercWritcen, and dired:cd ro thewholeCaname out of Pacianm; affirmmg, bur nor tholrkeChurch,con!iOing bothoflewes anJ proouing ir to be as ancient a. the Apoilles. Gcnnlcs. But that is not true, feemg lnmes Now this errour harh not oncJy befallen the chap. 1. 1. drreC!eth his Epiilleonely to the Latine, and Greekccopie., but rheSyriacke tweluerribesthatworedifper(ed, and notte l!kewi[e, as may appearem the ride prefixed the Gcnules. AnJPt'ter, who was an Apobefore tile moll ancient Syrum rranflarion, UleofCircumci!ion,t.EpiCI.I.t.wrirerh onewhere we !ball findethefe word•,ThethruE· ly ro the firangcrs the Iewes, that d\\'clt hert pifllcrof the lhreeApofllts, hefort whofuyes ot:r and rhere through Ponrus, G2iari2, CappaLord.,.utrantfigured,lames, Peter, John, In docia,A!ia,andByrbinia.Orhersrhinkethey D which infcripr~on bee couched cwo fouleeraretca.rmcdCttrhollk!, forthactheywere nor rours. Firll, mthat t(:isTranflatormakcrh fcntrooncman, orfamtly, orcitie,OfcounburthreeEp1!llcsof lamcs,Perer, and !chn: trey:butgencrally ro the wholebodie, eom· whereas there are fi.~~:,bcomittmgthe feconO panie,and fociety oftheiewes, where(oeuer ofPeter, the fecood ar.d third of John (as alfo. difperfed ouerthewhole earrh.Butneithrr in rhatof Jud') as no part of holy Scriptme: this fenfe can they fitly,orrruely be rearmed and therefore rhe Syriack Church (as I haue Catholtkf: forafmuch as twoofthefefeauen, already (aid) dorh notreceiuerbefe Epiflleo vrz.' the fecond and tbe third of lohn , were mro rheir Canon vnro this day. The fecond written ro particularperfo~s, the~ncto tl~e --~_!-t~at hce~ffirmeth /amu ~ before whom elect Ladu,rheother roGa11u. Anuby thiS our Sauiour CHRIsT was transo•ured in reafon the EpiflleroTim•thie, th21 ro Titm, rnounrTabor, tobeerheAurhor ofrh is E· '1: •ndPhr/,mon,may becalled C.rholikf,aswell pi{lie. Forthat l•mer before whome Chrill as the(e.' , was transfigured in the Mounr,was !11mcs rhe l . Agame,be it graunted, rhattheywere all (onneofZe6edem,and brother ofI•hn, Mar. d~reC\edtoallrbeJewes,yetlfeenorwhyth_e 17. r. After-Ji>·edaiu, le/Ju took! Peter and Ep,flle to the Ebrewes, may nor as well cbalaroes, AndIohnhwbrother, andlmughtth'm ---~----------------~-------~ry~-- ..