431. ~/[ Commentarie "'pon Chap.6. vp inlo An high moUntAin~ 1 .endb'M trAn~ffirtd A Alphm ... Forro faineanother l•mtJthe bro· "if"" them. Which IAmtt could nor po 1bly rher ofour Lord,as feme haue done, iscHJ. be rhe penncr of rhis Epi!lle, for beewas dilh,feeing iris plaine by fundry placesofthe .. Jlaine by king Hmd long before the de!lrunewTellamcnt, rbar there were bur two 0 ctionoflerufalem, and rhedifperfiQnof the that name menricoed in Scripture,/•mmhe J z.rribes,Act. J z.v.z. Ab,utth•ttime Herod fonne of Z ebeileNs, called'""'" rhegrearcr; tbek,ingflretchedforthhish~tnd to t~txe certteine and l•mes the fonnc of Alpht~u, brother to oftht Church' ·~dhefou Iamestht brother of Iude, called the le(fer, and brother ofour Johnwith thejwDTd. Therefore lAmes the au. Lord. rhorofrhisl;:pillle, was l•mmhc fonne of ' <jratias tibi Vomine leju. ' . ' ' l . • ..