r ' I ,. I' i' I ' \ ! I" i I– ll I ! ~ -IGHT Hoilou..ble •nd W~pfull. how r.iuousih<;IIM.lrtrl.:;J;<:y.r.;. 1m~,t, I clght,andthowfataJln was o_la.dc: by .oll the ~Id~ i1n4Jat~f\C"nittlures isqot vnknowne to :my0£ you; but. how tbCJI]_Q"t:lh(w~re'd tbe c1'1!t(t4tipn;J.(lei\61Cf¥u®hd)'in tb.n aotableoue.rt.lu()wofthecnqnicso£ God,the l, 1,pifis: W~{;u~nour rc:ucrc:nd' counaFulk.in try-mnh:tftd €hri£b Ch.1i-npienfoi' England;f:J-!il V<"lywelJ: przf.in Tcfi. _ Ottcgelin~u~otlav~!s,'-Yirabilis.anntu;_ __ _ _ Rhcm. Chcle Papilb.rum,buflus vbtt]i piis. Butifcucrye:~rc: dc:fc:hle r<'t-~cfamouliin f.ngli!b Chr("'nidcs,it is :hisycarc 'cannot tell whether l !houl~fay t~ot.~ 1 ~03 .wherc:_i.n"-"'<\Jethc:rGoq~a~ei w.:lSmore:intakmg from v~ fuch+~c:nc {.l$-~o&:ougbt I rcade).tlie-world-ncucr-bad-;or..Aismercie, in·giI Uingvs fu ch2 Kinr, asEngl:md ncuer h01d, 1leau~ 1t tobcuer bca~s to be dcrcrmtncd. How isthc-naa:e of our Gml tobe m:~gnihcd,by whofc mcrcyfo gre:~t a loOc ismadenoloOc,bur againe ro vs l fvrwho fced1nnt that all her Princclyvcrtue~,do no: only liuc in h.tm,but are :~lfo in him (beinga m.1n)more pcrfetl & :IC(Omplia:r I Shce 1 iSdcad,but her ~eroicall zc3lc .i.: )(.J~.c _ro Rclit~on isaliue; file bcquc:nhcd it with her kingdomc to his Highnc:s, 1 whod.oubtlcifcwtl make bothher Rc:1gwn,;znd hcrKmgdomcto Aourdhas muchmore,as :1 man doth ex(ell:~ wo· · man. Ancl whoknowcilinot, tb.u the.t.nemicsafourl\.c.:ligioo,Jnd ourpe.lec,~with(huuhng.aU their poJttik-c . dHfemblcd brags to the contr.;ry)doc Jinde his Maictlicfo httlc for thcirpurpofc,thatnow thC)'..would fin" 3 thouf;md Maffc~ to hauc hcrali.ueacaine, a~3Jn0 whomc they thunderedout L \o many Curfcs:mJ. fxcom;unic:~u· bP!u~.s.Gre. 11 ns,:mclafrerwhofc blood rhcyfo thirfied whilfl !hee liucd : what(\r:aights :tre rhc:y dli~ren mt") ?who would wi0 1 gonu\ II.Si~e"" her :lliueag:~inc, at whofch:mds (rhoug~, wom:m) theyncuer s:aincd~ ·nor got one incb of grouml in 4'Hearc:s; :u~ 5· ~hough nineor ten Popes, and 1oooopfrhcialbues, wra!Ued wJth l1erall the while, with1Jl (hcpow::r, :~nd poliP~ulu~ lie,crafr, and tcccherie,which the diy~ll cquld lend them. Nay,hcr end~was as gloriou~ :;.:.her beginnwg,:-.nc\ he~ ?bs 4 . 4 " latlP1ocLmationag:tinn them.was61orc;co rhcit0l3me,and ldfc totheircorvfott,tben CUCJ":lny inher l1i<.: before• · l>iu1 s. andfo faue wu !hce,fro•n a.llowu·rgJh~ a. Toleration, 1 of theu intolerable religion, in her o!dc, :~nd therefore ?'c:;ornrs rJ. weaken ?ge,as th:~t at ncuer cntthl into her royall hc; n ;'_-nur c~e.rrhouglat Jh'ee n worthy to be made :t quellion, ,~1 rxbt~~~~· ?· .,...he:her !f !houJd beor no. No, fl~e;halred not betwiXt two rclagro~s: but toher Baalwas Bclill: and thcrehJre ·Gre;;nr. 14 . {hee banJfilt hitn;:md God w~sthe..L9rd,:lJ1d thercfoJCJheefctucdhlm,. Shce wasre!olucd that Oagon mun down, lnnNem 8- , tfG ods Arke !land,or cJfe t£D:tg0.n !.land,rhc Arke muO aW:t)' For l:oth togethercannot !land vpr.ght Sh.:c held Clc:ncn• ~· tllmras,whcnthe encmicsthcmfc~uesbroughtrhc 1\rkc: intoDagonstemple~ Dagonfdl downe: fOit thelftaelacs . Q,ould haucadmiaeJ Dagonim0 Go.ds fcmplc,dtat theLord himfdfwould lDuc rcmuoucd his Atke from them. 1 ~mg rS.u. $Iclfed wasfuecin her lifc,and rYMc.blc11Cd in her end; !bee loflnother 6r!1louc, apdhcr workc<>\'Vcrc more ar r~p~~·.'~:~·!~~ thebet, then at the full: ::md blcllcd :rrewcc that cnioycd her fo long: and more hltlf1~' whpvr.der her cmoyed 1 fud144 ye:lrcs.asall the bookcsin thcwo;ld caunotihewvndcrawoman: but moll blclled of a\J,in that afrc:rfuch 1 r,::rg.a. i ~auid,God h:!thfc:nt vsfuch aS:~ltlmOn; 3fccr_fu,~ a -.:omin, fuch a man;afcerfuch a ~cem·.lo~h aKmg,who 1 .chrou, wall make:m end ofmany a Ioab,andmanyaShunc:J.whiChlhc~could'notwelldo~anH6m!h th3t 1 cmplcvvhidl Qtec fa wellbe;ganne: nnd v.ha (l.dClu_b~norto :~ffirmciJ::) doe lhe diuell, an4 tbc: crafi:y Payifi all they can,is the 11hicfc Ch3mpionof Ecfus,·pon thCifaceoftheearrh.·~ : And how hap 11y ayeare !hall thls l)c,ifthc Jo!l(;s whi:h learninghathfufiainc:dbcaswdltecompcnccd~ Iuniu; ~t" Lc,dt;,,TuffjiiJt ofHritdtrbt'rg, 'Pcr,lj,M~of{ambridgr, h3ue thi~ yearc bin taken from vs~bdidc~m:1nyorhe;r ofin. fcziour note ;happy fhould thofc threeJJmotu Vniucrfi~ic.sbc, itthelikeWCt"Cfeared in their 1oome~.Let n lcaue the 6ril t~the lowcr,the!C:co~d t~ the,highcrG,tm::uuel toprlife them,to lame~tth~n~. an~ to make fupply f(Jr t.hem.It ts the third vvhofpccully_,op_se.tncth \'s: 11ha~ lollc theChurchufGod,and m rhe Cbutch,England::.nd r ~theChur,hof£ngland,the Mm'ifiety: and in the M10ifiery, thcVniupliri~s: and in th~ Vniucrfiues,,he youn. gcrfiudemshauefufbincd, by rhc vnluecly death of.tbat k.cucrend m:u1,I thinkeis~ot Y~kn?vvnc eo any ut you. . fot how !hould hebevnknowne toaoy (i>f any notc)mEnglaod, whofe name and eOtmanon IS[uch mother Fl3ti1 4ns, ali that :1t ot:e • Mart welind,thacinonehaJfeyeak,two oft. hisbookesvvere_tranflatcdimo Latinc:,md fourc aN:mri.Fr:ik. ..ereprinted beyond th"![t:as. The befirecompcnceu£.thisJofic, isthefruiruf haslabours, which hc.luthlcft be- vwso 1• hindc~11 he1tof iOme werewritten byhimfclfc,andother~ taken byotbcr men from his mouth :all w~uch,~tlealliO bC;uholirus {Uany ofthem as m;~ybeperf~tted, there ishopevv<: lh1Jiin ti1llC enioy. Had not Joban.H~td..tm,andCarulmJgwlf. rcformatu'j f..tu.,donefo to Culvim V#ll4 7"btodQTm~ loh.Frcdcm.,,andlujltti loltaldone[oto Lulhcr?manyworthy workesofdtofe t~;~~~:~: ( e two gre:zcInfirumcntsof God had vrtedy periihed:mdh~dnntfomc done fo eo lhlswonky m:m,n? doubt many phc 1 ia. fwecte bl:zfisoi th:zt1ilucrtrumpctf..f God,h3d v:Jmfl1ed away. Formypart,rhough time bc:preti~LoiVlHQm7other: c~Jv .in D3n. \o.aies yet thinkc Ichat timcweU,pent,wh.ichl bdlow in preparing to the: Prca'e,any thingofhJS fh1s d&tcour!c: Lurbr _In ' made ready, asachaldc borneafter his father I dc:uh,l}'rcl\:nt toyourHonuu,ahle view a.nd p;~no · ~t~cf. ; 1darcrenderfofinall a giftcofogreatperfonagcs; myenclyanfwed s,J m:tke tbe ludg(;"Sof 0 t:~., c. Eq<ury,•heParroosof.Eq''iry. God r;rauMtyou a longand Honoutablcft:ltc, vndcrourworcby ~aloa,.;;m. Amw. Yqtlr;ijono~rs, andWprlhips ·J 1 , , , , . __ . lnrhcLord: :: .w. CR. ASHAVVE.