d ~11 _[< t ·--~U~iJ· .; \• ... er.~ . . ' 0 ueu~ } c . ,,, . o. • . . • T h "iJ;,h;r;p~r(e,,; v~t.11bu, (qhrifli~::/,;~i~r;) /rJfltc~ih•rfeofEq;t'tit, Jeliu.~ud f,y that f•irb'!nll lalp.•~'T t• 1 tk~ h•r•efl.fJ .Gfd:tn.fler \IV!lh>m I Per.kifls;ina f:we Lef/,m,,'l(h~f.iftPMrJ.1i; ~~~llt,"fdb~tiJt,bHt tht ~41/tr ~ pirhie,~nd tb:vfepr~ilitabfe.CquitJ 4."~Chripian, 1fOdtrJJt·i"~f!ht~~t.~pub-., ltk!,o~p•1J14tt,utlmrut badguf.Crfo.r,if/l(ffltJ..WJthorupub,lif&J;iqu~tu,wrar : IJ(hccpfiJ;!D{ Jtlfh~t,~Ht tUrn~dtn~~h.t! {C;tf('l[ ~t4iJ!'iiJr! lf!'ldU:!Ih~t frt I Half l;'f!"'J·"'Y" t,l,"''~n!lrft,h~"JJI!Jf(~'"''' ~·rgbb•~rbpod,n,nyfi't~trfl/9•p, ' finlire4,p•J marr!f.(' "(e!ft ht, tHt~ R P"!on •lROJ[~nr••goldmc~pPf.l 1 therefore aMagu1rau~J?.n-eu taHght fbce h~lll,!oth((h~rgej4} 1 plare,.,, t,heexecution af th; 14'q!ll);ur{btJII netth!Tj ~e vrl[t:._etptpg t~£_lfm1Jf p[a f:}Jrif(i.~.,~o! 1J;e £t.!tf~IJ)t of• Magif/rAft, tArtlhogRprslfa!eman! htrt ~&t.tught1 th;e /'•If to p~ny tqy.Jttfc!1 all dclllmg. 1 4nd barg,umwg Wllh1tnother: hawl9.4emeaneth1 Jelfetowarditf?Jlfif.(, tfoJ /erHRnt,~hlt.yhliJr,rhJ. fr1~#i.J, 'lhJntlghbo/ir_.ln(uc_hmanneY,lf4 if tkouhadfl a{/thicomforts 41J.dC,OJI~(/ltments,~~hM,tAYlh,JCI the0f4: !Jifehereof. fhab mak.,e themai/Jtemutimu more camfortable: and the lVIt'nt thertoffo~t!ll'!~;u a_IJ tk.~ir (wee~nes inttJgaU ,ttndwormwQo~•.Wh:n tber1Bre thou re11~eft thU littlebook!.,art:4W1fh~t~lf;. ( la]in._{-if' to tb; life) do•ft{ind,httrllthofrt ••th;c•ur[t And conutr{.u.,n,th~n~k,nor.ltdg~thf,S,ptrrt ofGo4 tn 1bu holyman, (whono,. ~upmnpta<e)prot(t God for hms,6er..,lt hi4/~,andhelpt'?'~""d othm,l>ith th) holy pra!m,.rhat ''""'"J fltU.goe forw.rd inthittaodworkf,ofpublifoing the(e bfy~•dlyla6ou;~;~nd in 1 ~"Jsermgout to tbe(hurch if.Godthefc Terot!s, ~Phrch tht Lordj,qmh" mouthl"''~ '"to~ttpt,nMjor (JHTOWnt,bHtforthecammongood, :. .. .1 · 1 :! ··~ • .-...• .• ··'=~· ...,: .:; .. ~· ' :.Ji I . )~· ' . 'I < -~ . ' • •I ·1.1 Thy:brother in Chr~{t fefas, · ' J, :J ... ::r..:.:,·nu ,, I (' .'i ·• vv-. c. .. ..... : :.L. ··.. c. l ~' :1 ,.. I (!'J ·nol ~··· •. ~t' ol. I 1. , ,. .. i ~: 1 ~ ') I I Oo a !:<1 l'.l.: ~. ,,.! t'.i!/J 11! r. ' ~. ") PHIL.