Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

eA Treati/e oj Chrijlian Equitie. 437 P11blil,f cq•"J rscbar, whic_h)s'pradr(ed m A if there be no good caufc ofmltigauon,then publrke meetings ~nd.alfcwblr~s_ofmen,as 1t IS nor called cxrremrty, but iullrce of rhe in Comrs of iullice,AJlifes,Scffions,Counlaw: but when.tll<re is good c~ulc, why in a cels,ParJamcnts,andfuch like. .: • Chn(!Jan conhderatron offomecircum!lan· The ruarrcr where;obout Jhis pu)>lrke E• ccs, thisiuilice fhould bee mitigored, ~odyet quiry is contieriant, is rhc.righ~andconucni· "n?t l but conrra!i.~ife" extr~amdyvrgcd, enr, and the mOderate.._and difcre~t~:;;~uuon and p,rclfcd to thclurrheCl, t_b;n1t 16 exmmiufthei~JWtiQ{ mer~. •f , • , ,.i.... • . tie: Now rhis cxrr;emitic of th~law,i~ in this Lawcsof men,made by JawJ!lll authonry cafe fo farre from i'!ilice,as indceUeit is fiar accordingto Go4 Law,:ind for•thqcommon mru{lice. And herein is rhe prouerbe true, good are,andar~ t.ob~:eGe~me?,bpnes and SummHm i~t~,/immit~,iniunt~: thatis,thc extrehnewes ro holde !ogeth_e.r,;,;~.nd,p,illars, miryof cheJ~w.ti~c,xueameiniury.. And of ro vpbold the co.rumonweaJtb,and all{ociethis doth the holy.Gbv£1 meane,Ecci.7.7<Be ties. G_od thereforeh~th giuen to_Kiings,and not oun-iuft,that is,preifcnot iu(hc~: coo farrc, to rheir la IV full deputrel, pow_cr and authori· npr .vrgc 1t too exrreamcly in all cafes, Jell ry,notonlytocommand&: exe<utehis<iwne (l)meumes you maketh<; nameof iufitce, a lawes, commaunded in bis word·: bm alfo to B couer forcruelry. . ordaine and enaCl:othergoodand profitabl<: Now befides rhis, thcreisafecond thing lawcs of their owne, for the mor.c pawcular in the hand of~heMagrilrate, namely, the gouernrnent oftheir people, and• to be helps 'f!IIJ_d.cr41Jon,rd4x14tlon)or miligt:~tifm'llf_}hU ~:rlrtfor the better executing of Gods Iawes. And mtllt: and rhat ~s, whe-n the Rropcr forme of alfo to annexe a punilhmentandpenalry to the.words, and the ilridell meaning of the rhe(aid la.-•s: which pcnalry isro beaccor· law tsnotvrgcd;_and the puniO•ment prefcri· ding to rhe ;s:ality ofrhefaulr; great~ror bed mrhcla•·, IS moderated or leifcned of leile:infomuc that rhey may in many cafes, deferred, or (it •nay be) ren>i;tcd,vpon g~od (if the common good forequire) inflrl'teuen and luffictenr rcafon; and in .fucb cafes, as death it felfe. And further,God hathgiUcn whereof rhelaw fpcakcs notdiredly,nor the thefe gods vpon earth, a power as to make law-maker dty purpo(cly aime a.r. The thefe Iawes, and annexe thefe punifhmenrs: ground of this mitigation is becaufe no law- -foalfovpon mens defaulu& breaches, hath m•ker~ beingmen,can fore.fee, orfctdowne he giuen them authority to execute the law all cafes that may fall our. T h.rcfoie when (o made,and to inflidvpon the otfender,the thecafe altereth, then muGrhe difcrerion of punifl•mem annexed. '. c thel_aw-maker fhew itfelfe,and do th.r which Now becaufe this point is of great mothe law cannot doe. mentm acomm6wealth:and chcrrueknowThis mitigation is in the hand of the Maledge and due pradife thereof, isrheglory githate, a~ welJ as the extr~mity: nay it is a and beauty of a kingdome : therefore for part of his duty as wellastheformer:ond he the bcrter diredion herein, both ofprince otfcndsaswell, that negledsro mitig•tt tbe ond people,magi(lratoand peoplegouerned; t>.·trtmltu~ whc:n lull occafi.on is, as hCe that let vs enter further into the conliderarion ncglctlstot<xtclllt"tbeextrt"miry,\¥hen there iJ thereof. need. A•thercfore,he is no way firre to be a In the lawea of common 1vealthcs, two Iudge,whohath noknowledgc,or carero exthings are to be confideted, the fighr whereecute thelaw: (ohe is but halfc aJudge, who of wt!l giuegrearligbt,to know moreperfe~- can donothmg burvrgcthclaw,&rhe plaine ly,whatthis pubiikf<quity &. . wo•d•oftbelaw, and is not ablealfotomitt· .Thcfeare 1. the extremityof the law: :. gatetherigourof the law, whenneedefo rethe mitigation of thdaw. · qurrcth. Therefore cuery Maoiilrate is to Both thefc are put into the band of the prad1fe thi• with the other, andnotto f<pa· Magifirate by God bimfclfe, tobeeordered D rate tho(e things which God harh ioyncd. according to his difcrc:rion, and as the cir.. But now leUthis moderaJi.on, and miticumGance te<Juireth: and of them in order. garion of mans !awes, (which is the pradife The extremitiecsf the/4~P,isJwheoanylaw of of publikeequity) thould turnctothe mainman, isvrged and executed Oraigbtly& pretcnance of malefadors, the abolifhing of cifely,accordingto the literoll fcnfe, & ilrid lawer, the defpifingor weakeningofauthoriforme of the words, and the exaClell meaty1(wbtch in th([edaies ltdeneedetb)we mull ning,thatcan bemadcoutofthe words,withtherefore now remember this caution, That out any manner of relaxation, at that time, there muft !Jeno mitigarion,bflt honc/f,profhabie, when there is good andconueni<nt caufeof a11dconuenin~r. Ifanymanaske, when is ir(oi mitigation,in rcgud oftheperfondffcnding. r,...'"''""""· The point cannot wel fe.,. Fir{!, when the mitigation !landswith rhe er words. law ofnature. · The principall, and moll material! cl2ufe Sccondly,wllen it agreerh with the mornll in this dcfcription of extremitsc, is in thofe law,orany parr of the written word. words: At that timt, whenthere Uiu/1 cauft of ThlrdJy,when an iofcriour law is oucrrumi!}gatior.,inrcgardrif tiJt per[im offending. For Jed,orcoulltermandcd by a higher law. . Oo- 3-------I-n ..