4-38 J .Treatije of Chriflian Equttie. I ln thefe three cafe•, <he moderation of A ons,and allcourts of iu{hce;and without the men• !awes, and the mmgauon of t_he pu· obfcruarion ol this, when neede is, all that mlhmcnr due, by the extremity ot rhtfe they do·isllariniufiicein thatcafe. FoBhey lawcs,JShonefl andgood,andmayand ought lame a,nd maimorhe law, they fulfill but the to be pracbfed. · ., · ·•· . one parr of thelaw : for·in euety law rhere But 1f1t becontraryland~dt'W~rra?tedby are rhcfe two thing~: the ~xtrtmille in 'plnine fome of rhcCe: then rhat muigauon IS Hatte tearm~t; and .the mitigalion'implied, and thffc iniulhce,and a rnanifell '"??g vnro the l•w. two together make the law perfett: orld ihe Thatthe dttfercnce6f rlicferwo, the '-"· gloryot_.rh• law !landa as well in pta8ffing ~rem1ty, andmmgtm~n., inay becrcr· bedtf~er• of themt~rgar10n, aim theexecution ofex· ned,lcr vsconfident 111 fome examples. tremitj, nay- fometiftri:·i~ Uando in the miri· ; It isthe !a.wof England; ·and.~anyother gation, and·not.in the exrtcmity, infomuch. cou~tnes;thatthc rheeiC: fl~all dte. · asrhe moderation isr.ben the equity cf'the Now though the word'of God bath nor I.w,and tlieextremity iomcere inmU 1ce:And the fame punilhmenr in ptainc rearmes: yet asrbis isthc glory ofthe law,fo Js itthc glory IS thclaw good and warrantable, as fi1allap· ofludges.and Mag1Uratesj thus to execute pearem the fcquell, and I thinkcis doubted B the !awes, and to temper them with fuch difo(by none. crcrion,as neither too much mitigation, doe -·Thednfrofthislaw is,to rcprelfe thatcomabolillnhe law, nor too much extremity monand gener.all !inneofrheeuery,a preuai· leauc no place for mitigation, Therefore(ro hng finne,aoany other,& fofarre preua~lmg, make an end of this point) two foruof men astherigour of good Iawes JS nece!farily re· areherereprooueable. Ftrfi,fuch mtn(as by quired, forthe repreiling of'ir: forhar this acerren fooliflt kinde of pirry,are focarried law wasn\ode,forthecurrlng'offof fuch rot• away,) thapvould haue nothing butmtrci,, un membe_rs..a.s doe ~utcorrupt others, and mercie, arrd would haucaJJ punilhm:nrs, forofwhofe amendment there i1 no hope. . feitures,penalties, either quire taken away,& Now, fuppofe ayoung boy pinched with rcmJtted;or atlealllelToned,and moderated, hunger,colde,and pouerry,Ueales mearc, ap· they would alfo haue the extremity oUhc parell, .and other rhingi forrcleefe, beeing' law executed on no man.This isrhe high way prelfcd to it bY want, and not hauingknow· to abolifh !awes, and confcquenrly to pull ledge,or grace tovfe better meanos : to put downe authority, andfo in the endetoopen this perfon rodearh, forthis fatt, ·is the·exa doore to all confufion, dif0rder, and to all tremit)lfthdaw,in refpett ofrhecircumllan- C licentioufnes of life. But I ncede not to fay ces ol the perfon,who did ir,beeing achiloe: much herein, forthere are but fewe that of· and of the end, for which he did ir,ro releeue fend in this kinke, mans nature becing genehis wams. raliy inclined, rather to cruelty ehen to mer- . Now the modtration in this cafe is, when cy.This fault proceedeseirbcrlrom awcakc· vpon theleconfiderarions, thatftrfl,hc is not nelfcof it,and an effeminarcne!Tcof minde; an olde,nora pratltfed tbeefe,butyoung and and then a man is vnjit to beea Iudge: or elfe corrigiblc,onetbar being reformed,may liut from vaine glorie,and a ba:feand affetlcd po· long, & prooueagood member in thecom· pulariry, and fucb a man isvnworthJ to beea n10n wealth : and {teondiJ, that his theft was Iudge. nor hainous,but the things bee {lolewere of . Bur in the f<cond place, this dotlrincand [mall value: and rhirdfJ,that he did it nor vp· the very fcope of this text, condemnesano· pon amaliclous,cruell, and iniurious inte~r, ther~orr ofmcn 1 whichare morecOber~orn.e; butroreleoue his hungerandwant.Thetqutt} tbat.IO ro fay, fuch men as baue norhmg m ormodcrati•n,Ifay in this cafe,is not to inllitt their mouches,but tbelaw,tl"law:and itlj/ice, death, (forthat were exrremiry,) but to deinflict: in·tbe meane time forgetting, that iu· terrnioe apuniOimcnt, lcffe then death: yet D llicealw.aiea!hakes bands withher liliermer- [uch a one ., !hall bee fufficient, to reforme cy,and that all!awes allowa mltlganon. The the party from his finne, to puniflt the fault, caufesofthis euillare two. to terrific othcrs,and to fari•fie the Jaw. 1. The general corruption ofmans nature, Thusin this example itappeares manife{l' which is alwaies ready ro dealc too hardly ly what this moderation is, and what i• ex· with other men: asalfo to mildlywttb rhemtremity,which isconrraryto it: and the fame felues,and partially in theirownecaufes. might wefee in many more. z. And fccondly, forrhe moU part, fuch Now hauingthus confidered thefetwo.to· men tloe gaine more by la<•, then by eqUI· gether,be<Cuponwecmay fee what this pub· ry, inore by extremity, then by mmgaulike ~quiry is,namcly nothingelfe,but ami>- on: as the fouldierlJUes better by warrc,then deration and mitigation ofthe extremity of by peace; and asche ffefh-ll1e (cedes on the a law, vpon hone{! and conuenientrcafons, wound,rbatcannotfeedeon rhefound flefl1: and in fuch caf•s, as were not direttly intenfo thefe men gainc bylaw, rhatwh1ch they lded in the law.Thcobferuation and due pra· can neuergerby equity: forequ•ty and motlifeof this equity, isrhe glory, credit, and deration brcedevnity, and tf all men were honorofall publikealTemblies,asailifes,feili· at vniry, what Jhould becomeof them I bur / extremity .