Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

~----~:;::::-------:--;--~~;;-:--- ·--· -· - \ .ATre.ati/e-ofChrijlianEquitre. 4391 I i I j I extremitiebreedsqart•nce:for(ln'roafon)oneiA 1 fo_re muftneedeo be executed with adifcrect jexrremitic draweson~~other,~fommcns and ~1fc: m.o?eratiOn: Th1s. n~oder~u?n IS 1variancesrhey areCer 011 worke: &the more · pabl)kecqu<rle,and dllS pubhkc Eq••9'.1Sthc i rhebeirerfo~ rhem. Thefe men therefore, fcope ofrhisrext,and the due prachfe of ir in. fhckeCo precifelyon ~He~r points,and on the the e<ecurionof mans !awes, IS the glory of very tricks and trifles oPthe law, as(fothelaw all Chrtfltan GGmmonwcalths. . . be kcpr;a11d thattn the very exrremirie oflt,) Hlthcl'loufr,hc firtland pr1nc1pal branch ) rheycare nor; r'po'ugH eqUirie were rroden ,ofPubli~Eq•iri•.'' . . vnaer foqre: anti thar'la"' i:nay rcigne vpon ·:' 'POproeeede further. As rh" publ<keErheearrh &they by ir; they carenot,rhough quirt• principally Clauds in rhe moderation mercietAe her to he/wings, and flierll heaofrhdawes·ofmen; fuit defccnds'morcfpe- '1 uen. Thefe men(fodll tl\eirgoodly 0Hiwes) ciallt eucn·ro all the publike aaions of a . arethe dccaycr< ofour efrate,and enemies to lll21B hfe:fo that by the rule and dueCl10n of 1 all nood oouernmcnt.For though they haue rhis Equ1rie,thus defcribed, men may know no~hing?n their mouthes,but lu/lice, b.j}ic~, 1 how eo guiderhemfdues, in fmng·lilmds;and and haue bamlhcd mercy,yetlerrhem know, B ••king forf•itum : and how men 1nay with rhat Iufiicewillno< fray whore mercy·';; nor. ·goodconfcience, car-lierhemfelue'S·il\fu"9'· They arc Gtlers,&·go-calwaies hand iri hand: {hipt,in'takjngoffincs;i,, ~culn$ qf le-~Jt's,'irlU· in they are rhe two pdlars, rhar vphold rhe all·mannerof mutualfbargins, betwl~t man throncofrhePrince : ., you cannot hold andn\an. Byvcrrueofthis, amanmay fee mercy, whereIufiice is bani01ed, fo cannot how ro frame all rhefeand fuch-likc acbuno, you kcepeluflice ~>h:remercy isex!lcd: and Ill fuchforr,as him(elfeOJaU reape eredii,and ., mercie without Iuflice, is fooi!OJpiue, fo game ynough, and hiS ne1ghbc~rhelpe and Iufl1cewithout mercie, i'cruelcie. So tharas fuccour by him. ... ~ rhefe men haue banilhed mercie, fowirhm a For in forfdturesofbondo, forfeirurcs of 01otc time,thcywlll rend Iullice after hcr,and lands, orleafes, in furetyO,ips, in renrs, in cruelty and oppreflion will c01pe m rhm fineo,andallorherdealingsofmen together, ro~nw,which are rhe very ouerrhrow of all ther~are thefe two things. cllates. Fidl,the extrcmitie, that is,thatwhich the Thefe men,whcnthcy are made praC!1fero lawwill alfoard a man in rharca(e: and there o( the law , Judges, or Magi!lratts, are ro C lsfccondly,themodmttJonof the extremitie, learne rhislelfon,which th< holy Ghofr here vpon good anU c-?nUenient rea[om: let va teacheth' LetJOHr tquitie bek..._nowneto an mm: confider of them·in fo·mefew examples. and !er all Magiflrares rhinke it their hoA inan is bound ro another, in an hunnour,to be countedm"cifHI/ Iud1'" fer them drerh pound,to pay fiftie ar aday. Thefame rcioyce, aswell to thewmcrciewhcn there i:; man,not bynegligence, but by fomcnecdli~ caufe, as to e:<ccute exrremirie when there is t1e,breake.s his day,and afterwardsbrings the deferr:andlerrhem labour forrhar Chriflian principall debt. Now ro rake thefor[mur~, is w1fedomeand di[Crttion, whereby they may 10 this caCe,rxtrtmitie: thoughrhe Jaw doth be ablerod,ifccrn~, wheom~rcieand mitig,uiyeeld it. And if aman lland vpon thisCxrreo" fhould take place, and when extremitie mitie, hec dealesnot bone.ft!y and UJUIII{y, hut fbould be executod. If inferiour Iudges or harJ/yand ,.~m•m•qwith his neighbour:and Magi!!rates benegligent herein, then mufl · rhclaw cannot.frec him in'this cafe,from ma- "'C haue recourfe to rhe Prince, the highefl nifefl lniullicc. ludgeon earth,and vnder God thefirfl faunWhat isthen the mod,ration in this cafe1 tatneoflu(liceand mercy : whofe care mufl Euen rhis, to rakcthineowne and remirthc bee, rhat as Iufrice and mercie (nor one of D forfeiture:the rcafon is,becaufcrhe caufe and them, but borh rogerher) doe vphold his ground ofappointing aforfeiture,was not (or throne, &faflen theCrowne vpon his head: aduantage,but only for the better fecurity of fa he likcwifefee rheru both maintained,and rheprincipall: which feeing rhou hat!, thou take order,thar in the execution of his ownc haft rhar wh1ch the law didmrend thee. lawes, there bee alwaiesa roome as well for . Againe,hisbreach was notwil(ull, or with mercieand mitigation, as for Iufiiceand expurpofe to hurtthee, but againCl his will. If rremitie.This mufi he doe, becaufc hislawes therefore rhou beef! directly damnified by cannot be asGodalawes are.Gods Iawes are hismiffingthyday,(without all xquiuocari. r:rfea,and a6folur., andoffuch an vniuer(all on)rhentake thy reafonable dammagesout rtghtcoufnetfe,as that at all nmes, and 111 all of his forfeiture, if nor, then remit thewhole placc~,th~~are: ofcquallllrengrh, and ofthe forf~iture; Andthis moderAtil1nUp:~bbk;equitif. fame eqmne in all cafes: and ther<fore ore to And wirhoutthiS, rhere can bee no buying be executed Without d1fpenfat1on, relaxarinorfelling, borrowing nor/ending, betwiXt on,or any 1111t1gauon, wh1ch cannot beolfeman and man. See another example. One red vntothcm, but with ini~rieand vioJat~- rakes aIeafe ofthee, for yearcs, to pay rhcc on. Bu: mens ~awes, commmg _from thcu (~eh arent; and for not paimcr:r o(rhar rent, ownewm, are •mp<rfea, and fo_m allcafes, h!Slcafeto be void. Thepoore man mi!Tetb I rhey doenor hold the fame eqUitJe,and rherhis rent day:now whatfaith the law1hisleafc ~ 004 is._ _ _ ..