Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

J] '1reatije of Chrijlian Equitre. 441 L,e,u, whowillnCit doe it of themfelues. It A curion oflawes,ro fl1ew bim(clfc as wife, in ex· I''"Y bc~rhe,eforc good counfdl to all men,_ ecur1ng them, asw~rcour forefathers in the rathtr tO pradift tl)i• Chnfl11111 equm.~ ot making ofrhem:that is, as ••ell to regardth• I rhcn,felues, <hcn•to beecompdledtolt by #itrgAIIonwhtrbi~conceAled, a~ the Extremitie authorine:foteucry vertuc and good worke, t bich i4 rxpr.Jfrd{o fl1all the law-makers wife the more: free: and \~olunta.rie it ij, the more intent be performed, publikeequirie prefer- . accC' roGod, and morccommcnued,and muchlniullicc IUid h~rdd-.lingpre- \: dable beforemen:andlctall men remember, Heflted. rhar whoceasthe llria words of mens !awes, Now in rcgard ofrhio,thar harh beene defeemc<ogiue them leaue to vrge rheextreliuered touching publ•kc EqUitie, lawyera I mity, yet cannot rhat cxcufe them, nor free mull norrbinke,that1hauegone beyond the '· rhemfromrhcdanger of Gods law, which compalfe of my calling,and encroched vpon ! commands them to praa1fc Cbriflh<ntqHitit theirliberries.For they are to know, rhatthe f 4ndmdder11ti011~ !awes ormen,are policie,bur Equirie is ChriI - Nowbeforewemakeanendof this Publl1anirie.Now Chri!llanirie~as,beforo there I' like equity,one point Jmecclfary to be handB were any!awes ofmen: &therfore they mull led in few words.Some mayobie~,Ifmodebee ordered accordmg rothe rule• of Cl:ri• if ration be intcnded,andincluded inour law,as llranltH~. Againe,.Dmme9mull take lawyers ' well aS extremitic, wh] theni& exrrm-Jitie onef] aduice,concemingExtremitu,and theltttrr, cj mmtimed ;, the /gl'l), and nDt thi! mitigation, tbtlnw: good rcafon rhen tharlawyers rake l! which rhey fo much doevrge vnrovs? The rhe D .uines aduice, touchingEquitirwhich U anfwer isreadie. Thcbw cxprelferh and vr- • thtinUI'It ojtht!.tw. Moreoucr,thcir Jaw is but I gcth thuxtremirie,w fray men thereby,fcom the miniCler of~quitit;butour Jaw the n·crd•{ ' commingwirhin the danger of cheexrrcmi· God is rhefounraineol Equitie:thercfore the I ri~;andconcealerh the m~tig•t.ion,leCl it Owuld priocipall rulcoof Equiric, muO they fetch bean encouragement to offend: yet intenfrom our law: confidering tl·ar Jaw without l ding icliawell as the b:.tremitie,and leauing it 'quirie,is plainetyrannie. Lallly, in rh~ 6rll mthehandofrheMagiOrare, to pur in praChri01an Ccmmonwcalrh that euer was, Cl1fe ~ wh~niufl occalion is offered,as well as namely, tbelewes,rbeDiuines, tllati•, the the!'xtremitic. Herein appeareth the great PricUs ofrhofe daies,were rheonely lawyers: wifedome of the Jaw~makers, our auncient for their pofiriue lawrs were the Iudiciall forefarhers.who~Vclland wifely forefaw, that c lawes,giucn by God himfelfe, whcfe interchoughmitigatUnbe as necctTarie as extrcmipreters were the Prie!h and Lcuircs.Ifthere. tie 1 aodoftcntimes more: yet becau(cof the fore, once rhe Diuincs bad fo much to doe 1ll confciencesbfthemoft men, and the reawith pofltiue !awe•, it may not nowe bee dinclfe ofall men to offend, rhough11r fitter rhough t amilfe,ifthey giue aduice ourofthe to cxpre1Tetheextrtmiue in plainc rcarmcs l IVOrd ofGod, touching the cquall execurion rhcreby to keepeill men wirhin thccompalfe ofrile lawesofmcn. ofobedience, an~ clofely to leaue rhemitig4· And fo much touching rhe doCirine of I tion to the difcreuon of the M>gHirare. So publikeEquitie,groundcdvpon the word of then our law-giuers concealed the. mirigati· God. oo,and expretfcd it noc in their Jawes,ingood Now followeth the frcond kind of Equi. policie,and to good purpofe. Ifwe therefore tie,caliedpriH.tttt; namely,that which is robe doeonelytakethe extrmmJ, wee take onely excrcifed betwixt man and man, in theirptione pactoftheir intent 1 and Otcw our fclues uateo1aions. vnwife, and Otallow witted, who ca11not fee But ere wegoe further, fome may demand rpe wifedome,which they clofely concealed, D rhe d1tference betwixt publike •nd priuatc in w;feand Chriflian policie, aC\ions. Priuatea~ion• of men are fuch,as He is not worthie the name ofa lawyer, at arc pra~ifed an1ongll men,without any help I lcaO ofaCht~tlla lowyor, much le!leworthy ofthe la•·: asconrrariwife , Publike aa1ons the place and feare ofa Judge, who know.rh are !uch, as cannot be performed hut hy the not this. For if the law contained not both llclpeofthelaw, andrhe hand of the MagiI thefe,it were vor1ghteous,and (ono liw. For (\rate. Whercuponitfolloweth,rhat pubhke mirig.tuon is for the good man, and extremitie aChons may b~et betwixt priuarcmen, and l for rhe eutll 1 the careldfe, and vnconfciona. priuate a~ions betwixt pubhkc pcr!ons: blc man: if there were no exrremitie~ how rhere is a pubhkcnelfe and a priuatenclfe(as could theeuill manbckeptwithincompalfc1 I may tcarme it) both of men and aC\10111, I and how fhould the poore hone!I man liuc,if A man ispriuare, vntill he be exalted vnto rhere were no mitigation? So rhen, it is war· Come authoritic, m Church or Common· ranrableby rbeword ofGod, and goodcon-. wealth:rhen hell a pubhkc perfcn.An afrion fcicnce,that~xtremitiefhouid be in forcc,:.nd is priuare, as long a• it JS begun and handled lhould !land by the law, bur fo as it alwa~cs bcrwixttwo '1'en, and ncedeth notthe pub. adfH\tofmztigtJtion,whcn ncedc is. like v01ce, norccnfure of the law to deterLet therefore our condution be,to cxhon mineit,and then iris pub!;ke, For example:a cucrv man, iflto whofe h:tnds is putthe cxt>- Magdlrate mayhaue dealmg with an other ' man,