14-42. J 'Treatije of Chrifiian Equttie·-.c-' --- - \ m•n,ortwnM>gillratesrogether:Iftheyde- A dulnelfe of wit; fu[pitioufnt!Te; d,efire of I . cermmc lt rogerher betwixt!hem(elues,ir is a pra1f:,a'ndfuch like. T.he(e and·many Other. 1 pr~uare adron,becau[e.they do it,not as they natmall infirmities, mu if a ChnUian man 1 are M•gillram,but asthey are men: and fo beare and tollerate patic:orly ,. in thof~.wuh there fs a priuateatlion betwi;;t publike perwhome hee contierfotb ,;as withJlisujf~, bis 1 [oils. So a pt!Uate man no MagtOrate, may child, his[eiuaut, his.lricndl,d>i~neiljhl>cur, I h~uJc! arrcfp.rlfe,aaebr,afo~feaure, or any o- &c. Andfo longmuHh'e lf'earewiJhthemfas , rhe~ a~wn or dcmandag:unilanother ma~: they arekept withinameane;.andbreak'c·ilbr: , wherein (bccaufe he cannot.come to a rea[oourmroextremitie. Qfthefe the bo!y,Gholl l • nable and equall end, by puuate meanes) he fpeakcrh, Prou.1913"'It Id theglori•<;Ml"mi ' crauesthehcl pcofthe law, a,nd the VOICe of to paffebJ"!' inflr.miti()thal is;tfh~(«lh't'l~il the M•giOrate: and fo here is a pubhkeat\i. brotherweal<nelfesof_natf!r~:,"whtch.do~1no~ on betwiXt priuate O?en. Now this vcrrue ~f anfc from {Ctled mal'ice,qr.cankn:dConupu:· l {:qUit.f refpeCl:cth not the publ1kcnes or prl· on, i( is a mans gloricand praife, aJw:aiesJO uacenctfcofrbeperfons, but of thcaCbons: farre to moderate: hidlfcHet' as ncr.w,(ce therefore as that is Publtke Equir1e, which ii them,nor to rake noticeof rh,m,.at Icall nor exercifed ip the determiningof publtkc atli- B robe mooued, nor difquicted at thom\ and ~ns,whlthc<lme to thciudgecr.entofrhclaw: ofu:ntimcs,fo lidero regard rhem;as rbQugb fo that IS puuatc Equitie, which is prad1fed they were not done. Tollns end faith theAinrhemanagi11gcf Pnuare AChons, wbich pollle, 1. Cor. '3·7·: ~~~~fofftrethAilthingsj ore begun and concluded priuately betwixr that is,al things rhat maj. be borne~qth ]ioi><l man a:nd man, and neucr come to pubhke confcience,and are done liy.rhcm.wh_omcwe ftearmg,nortriallofthelaw, ·loue. Now any rhing n;ay bee,borne .wtth Nmv let vs come to feareh more neerely goadconfciencc,whichis.eirber(Op~iu~re,or inro the oatureoftbis venue. Pri11nUEquitit (ofma!l, rharrhc wrong i.soJicly ours 1 and np i'J amoderate,:uen, andequal/carri.cie Of a 71Jai1J ~tOJcnour tbcreby en(uerh to GoQs gl~mc, fllfe, inaOhUpri'uauwordJ4nddeedes, towo~.rd.s llGf Ill example to tbc Church: , all~ f~;~c;ll .~tl! other mcn,andall their words .enda~~ds.Ftdl:, things louc fulfcrcth . .Ai1d indeedc it li:$ et he: ,I fay,\tis[amodtr~ucarriage) ofa mans felfe, propertic of true loue, to p:1He byHpany thari:.,bctwixt'borh extreames, neither beawanrs: and thcmorcrhu·t Chrtfiian isroo'- rlngaU things, nor uucnging cuery tbing.. red in true Iouc, thcmoreinfirU!itics w1ll he ISecondJy,l fay towands~llothermen: wherein paiTeby,inrhcm \\'homehc·Jow~s: he ferrtth 1comprehendall men, and all fans ofmen: C no limits rohimfeife,huw many,or how long ,husbands; wiucs: IvlagJ(lrates, (ubic:ds: rea· to bcarc, but euen all that arc mfirn!lti~s of ,chers,hcan:rs:maflc:rsJeruant&:p;trcnts,cbdnaturc:many hard wor.ds; many angrie fits, 1 dren:men,women 1 ncigbbours in cowoes, fel~ many oc:edletfefurrnifes,maoyvnkind.nelfes, }owes in focicries, in fcruice, in labour. In a will he purvp, and (as ir were) not fee t,hem; worJ,none arc excepted, wbo ~ny way doe whofchearns potfelfcd with true Joue; wJ(c:~ liucorconuerfc rogcthcr,burofrhem afl iris dome.:md the feare ofGod: and thus m_url tru<',thar ifthereJ>e not a modcra11on, and a eueryone doethat will pratlife ChrtOianEforbcarance one ofanother, there can be no qsmie.For this is a mans glorie,andcommen~ peace arr.ongfl them, bur their liuea fi1all be dation. Let vs lay thi• doClrine neerer to·our a!l(as it were)a hell vpon the earth. con[cienccs, by conlid,eeing the na1ure of I Seeingtherefore, rhe nccelllricand excelrhisverruein fome few examples. ), .Icncic: ofthisvcrrue is fuch, that the due.praA man bathawifc,or aw.omanahusband, Cbfc ofit is theorr~~tmtnt offamilies, aP~dfocie. in whomc thcr&is the feare of God; and ho· ti", and the comfortof a mans hfe in this neO faithfullloue, but be or fi1ce isful>ietl to u:orld;let vs emer into a more particularconanger, or tohafiineffe, or toan auHcritie in Gderation thereof..PriuatcEquity bath fcure D rherr bchauiours, or it may bee it is not in degroes,or principal! dutifi, their natures, to praCli(e thofe outward.comFirO,to bcarewith natural! infirmitiCi. plements ofkindnetTe,which others can doe Secondly,. to interpret doubtfull things in with greatlactlity. Thefeand fuch l1ke, are rhc better part. but weakenctfcs ofnature, 1n them rhac(care Thirdly, to depart from ourowne right God: rberefe>re mulllouecouerthem, and fomcnm~s. beare with rhem,and oftenrimes nQt take noFourthly,to forgiuc priuateand perfonall tice ofrhem;and the rather,becau~e heorOJc wron~sthatharh not [uch, bath either rnc ltke or Ofall the(e brieAy,and in order. greater weakenetles,all which ifone forbearc The firll;Jutie of priuate Equitie, is to not in ·another, iris nor pollibletohuein b~arewith tbedefe{/sand infirmiuesof mmsnapcaceandcomfort.But if this parr ofEquiuc tnru, with whomc we Jiue, as long as they were praCli(cd:it is fcarce cred1ble,how much brcake not out into any great inconuemltwouJdaugrnentthc happineJTe, <~:nd addc encelorenormitie. Thcfcinfirmities arernaro thccomforrof them rhararc marncd. nifold:a,for example:frowardnetfeormoroAgaine, a man harba feruanrcarcfull and I lity ofnature:haUinctTe;OowneiTeofcons:eir: willing ynough to obey and plcale .his mallcr, ..