Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

(!or alfocrulliean'dfa~thfull: but lteisflow in 4. lc.d, and caokr~d corruption. Second!~, il hi;.'bofioelfe; and doth difpatch thi'ngsap. :\heyiVQCIJ);IjWeforbcare, ~l>q<aincrhemfdues pbinted him ro the rpindeofhismafl:er, nor J\V-Ithtn c~nuep1c.n~ l;l.opnd,,&do not ex,eede1 fufpeedily;dorforead:ly,nor'with that faci· : ~or brea~~t:out 10toanyq4rra~e,or excrc[])i· liiie,}s his ma,llrr require<b. Wha:t is ·to be . 1 roe:fer then !beyare not IQ)).~ fotborn.. , -bur done in thls cafe'! To fecit; a11d alwaic• eo. eo bctou\d, ,~pd repro:oueslforth.em, and:4 ohe"kohim for:il i and to gall.and gird him·I .mans ducyJ~qoC.CQ\VIl))<.c.atthem,but totake ,Yithit,l!qeuer:to.becaGing ttin liistecth, and · notice of lh:em, ~nd to IOell' open:di!l!~e ol thr<atning hi'riJ)fo~it' uth< <Xt.imiti<wtuch I eh~m. B~•JJ!•a' nJuch~ a!t)refc ar.e liiOU:Qf hct(thc,Ap:ome cond~mnech;i The:Eqrullol nature ,,asj~lf tn6r.mlltC•I)JJih• one ·tr>.fh•\v t.Jlen in thiscafe t'o:be.perform·ed;>io, in confi- ,che~t,foiu,o,lllegll>ry.&'l"ai(i: of th~ other, ,Jetlutontha~l~ior\on•faultof>nialice, l>ut.o~ I to·par~OIJ l~<illl·y~a lu~.a;.<>ken ofwif~oro.C,. llatu~e,notof,j8!enetfe qorcarelcfoetfe, put· &good goutfomen.t I ap~ ugne that a !JliiO of a· na'turallweakenetfe, the Maller mu11 ia_alo<tcr,, andconfequently of teli· gcurlY tell himofi(\and priuatel;y &:feldome: gion,and ofG<>~bimfelfQ, co.palfe hycnem• and aduilc him I what are the.bell help• for The pracbfcpf(hll dijty., tuamtaineo peace naiUr< in this cafe. And though bee fee noc I} io kingdomes, C9UmrieJl·, ;fiaces, citlea, colthatfpeedie amendment, wb1ch hedeure1h, ledgeo,famlPel,and all fooetles ofmen.Thus yotl• hccobearewith him, ao long •• hee is much fouhe ~r(l duty. t<utlie, diligene,·dutifull, and.wllltng:and for Tbe fecond duty ofprluate equitie js, to chofe fo many ·good prope.rcies, bee muG <•nprut t:h1tr•pr<rm~ns(a)JtogJtb•t•red•¥ktb.eace~ithhisw~rs,·, f.Nh,mt!u ~e.urrpArJ,tt Boffibly it may be:.th1~ either.mreproumg,or mcorr~d:mgh1m for IS to be ~n~erlloodof aiJ men, though rQcy them. r, '!t. ··: ·be our encmies:and this m!,.Illaman doc~jfhe •-In the third place: A man hach occauoo, wtllliue in peacein this worl.d. tc>conferre often wicb another man·, by reaOuc tJ.~rur~ is giuen eo c.ake men' auhe (on 'ihat they arc neighbours; or fp~ciall worll,to <;lopraue me(ls,docds and words, and friends~•orofihef~mccalhng,.:indcourfe oJ to peruert thorn eo the 'l!o•ll (eofe chat may lifc:but one o!lhem i'shalite, &foone angry; be: and ch(s is common!~ rhe caufcofdeb~le. and it may boio<hi• talke,ctthcrfor the maliand ditf~ptjonin thewQrld. .<· tor'Orthc manor ofit, becannorbut fbcw hii 6uctbeputie ofCbtiOian Equitie i,s;~gnaa~<r. Extremity in this cafe is, for a man tp trarie hcre4nt0 1 namely, IQ thmketht,bd! dcaleroughly with him, toconuad1~ and C cheycano(allmcn, tOC!lnilruealldoubcfull crotfe him' 10 denic what he faith' to nand ·aCiionsin thebecccr part' and ro make rhe i11 Ay to our owneopioion,aod robe angryabeG fenfeofall doubcfull fpecches,ifwe hauc gaine witlt him. •c 'o . . any probable reafon IQ inducevsto ir. The But on rbcntber.lldc, Cbrifiian Equitytea,. Apo(llenta~es this the propertle of louc, a. cheth aman nott9 fee it, norrake not1ccof Cor.13.S. L~uethmk!notcuill,tbat is,nqtone· it, norro beangrieagaine,oorroch""ke him ly then, when there is ruaoifefi &good cau(e for it 1 buctoput tt oil'by gentle words, fofc to chinke well, bue{vben it is doubrfull, 1f it dcmands,and ocherralke: & eo yeeld to him, may fly any meanes hauea good meaning, if as farre •·•a man maydo,in good confcience, by any means,icmay be welt choughtot:Ioue ,;ithoutbetrayingofthetruth. And by the willmakcamanthinke•:ell"fit:&chemote way,in confcrcnoo bold ital•·ai,es for arule of fpecially a man loue.s anocber, the more eC~ri!liaowifcdom,c;and priuate Equicie,ne. qually,indiffcrent!y,and Chriflianly, wil! ~·t.l~ £l1cke 01fly to anr opiOton, vnletfe it interpretall his[ayin~sand dou>gs.The want nom a!'lametruth,&otgrea~momenc.Now ' _. ofthisduty. 1 and thepra~ifeoftheconcrary, thqs dottlg to ou• brother, and [paring his i&Cbecau(e.of more troubles, cumults, gar– wcakcnelfe,andcontmmng on our fpeech, as D boilcs,fallingo out,& heanburnings, in kingthough we faw not chathe was angric:hereby domes, c.oumries, focieties, and f:a.milic,, be~ the conferenceh~ldson,a~d~ope iscontinu. rwixt manand man, then any one thing in edas afore. ButtfcontrartwJfe, .we t~k.ethe the world heudes. Dealing chws with che aduanrageofhtsmfir!lllttc,anddifplay it,and .word• of ChriGcoll him his life, for when rub him forir,ifwebeas fbortashe, & £land .Chrill faid, 'lJ,~rophwumpl,,anJ /will build llttfely vpon pomcs, then the conference is it intbrudaiu,they interpreted itofthe Tem· broken offwithout edification,and heartbur. pleofl<rufalem, when ·as bee meantof che nmg nfcth bcrwtxt them, m llead oftme tcmpleofhiobodie.Andthewrongandlinilouc:Thuswefcem tbefeexamples,how ma Ger interpretation of D••idJambatTage, by ChrtO~anmodcrallon,wcarerobeare,andto hi• neighbour king Hanun, wasrhe caufe of focbcarethenacurall weaknelfeo of our bre. that great warre betwixt rwo mighriektng· thrcn , Ifwee·purpofe to ltue10aoy comfort domes, chelfraelites and rhe Ammonites with them in this world, whitbcoll fo manvrh~ufand their liucs. Fo; Yet this forbtarance mull bee with two whenDauiJ fent Embalfadoutuocomforr conditions.Firll, chatthefewants bewants of him after his fathers death heand hiswicke• nature, norofmalice,nor ofold,·rooted, fet. counfdlers interpreted ir, 'that he fent fp~es, ---- and .. •