~nJ i~telhgcnccl~l'td find oorchewcakcnclf~' A. another mano fayings and doingo,asofrhinc oftl:~1and.IrofO<iot befP,ckerlj~hatbroiles; . owne. T ocmakcan end ofthis point: in the Mf.tburtocs 'ihtPt'bnfufibns·tfl kmgdontcs, performance ofthis duty, two caution 1 mu(l ,tb;Wcontcorioiif.in ~?mmoii'we111ths,what be rc.membrcd: fidl, that we fp.e~ke no1of l~t\,ons..flddt>nltonsm collcdgds and locte· • coormucdctiurfes;in doingorfpeaking euiU fi~t;whardiHJ.uldtrk!!l'e'rli"fhhll*i•Sj wllac vn' , but ofparticular fpceches and aaion" fo~ kr'n«n<s<nlu ta:INiYg'CUt ami>lfg!l old friendf, not an aaion or afpeech; bullthe courfe o~ . 8<-wll:itfcpara;ta'il'liiterl ~mongfl lt~em that !tfe Otewes whata man•is: nne<uillfp~eclior. ' , lll<1~t~ be>noe:r~(l!,' aNU~tiJI nHh.ciqdr!d' by aaton m~y beexcufcd,but.a\oo.tinpedcoulfe, I reafon'df th1tli1!1tfe~ ldterpreC<Itton of lllei~S 1mdomg or fpbaking eniH~tliar, b.eC 'by, 11,Q I .<t'lf!ds:>o? deelll'.vv.<!rhljf~forerhac dO''pro1meancscolowedorcxfufed·JSccondly l we 1,ftl'l~-b'ltr'!Ciues:Hic'chfldr-ch·df'J1Jeab~, mull :fpeakenot'ofiihanifefl,andopublikc,enormi•,• 4ea.f'lfe r»'rnakpl®nlliienae•oflhis, t·h• .Que ·llcs,asofcrcafona again1hbea:!iinccor (late:, ! fl!'<o&few~erof,1s che'.aonfcrO~tibn?f peace. tOr therin it ~ayt•edangerous.IO thePrince, ' 1 <L.Alld furth~Bn thiS dull<, onerhmg mor< and huttfull~c the flare ,rolhaue ahy thing, ' •~'"'/J.e:reolembrcd, •namc~y,rha{lvee. mull ~: ccloured,corlceal<d,or.cxcu[cd; Infuch,ca, 1 'Ttol jlltl'~ t~o fiwp""' cenfure,- euell ofrhe oJ. o fes, w;e mull fer afidoi>m<dllljlto our brother, I p:l'Jlan-i maoifcUeuillfayings, or doingJ of andremerrlbt:rdurdut)(tocl!d e~d&wlwl~ ~~~~~rot her : wet;JUO nor iudgc l~·cm to ~cc budic:angbetter i.tis, lhiu.oor:.member bee ! "'~'~carek!lf, 'wlienl( crn>y•be·t~yarc done out off,tiJenlhntthewhole bpdic perilb :b.111 ~<*"?cly:liof.~C~berately,:whrtritmay·b.e w.efpeakcof-priuate CUlllwords otdeeds;rh~ •fiej'~fc done r•1hljr: bdr pr~lllirlptuoo!lf,. eulllandhun~vllercoEredoundtrh topriuoue \ c.l't!Cffi.rmoy be:ftref ar'e done' vpon infirm1men.Andin them we fj";tkenorofmanifell, , ielhorco be JonC II'pon:hatfed m:malice ~oI grolfe,and palpablewmes,whereinnotOr)!;• Ivs,when it mayb~theyar~ dohe:for anolher ly the aaionii plainlyeuill, bittrheir infent /a uk::nor may weill<lgcan eulllthing, eo be alfo:forto~xcufe'or conceal~,orcoexrenuatc ' dbM fot·want ofeonfciencOj when it m;\y be, fooh,is co·makeour felucs aoc<lfarie toth~ C• it i®Jo1ie for wantofheedful\t>!S!bur alwaies triHoflheiu.Bm wefpeakcofUoubtf~lwords I "ein'uU remembtr,'romake·th•be{! wecan, or·decds,IVIJtrci)lcithcr t.he aaioo it felfe,or eum ofanother milhsinfirm1liesl"An'd as, if atrhc lcaU,the intent oflt,m.ay,receiuealik!l- ! 6@brother doe•well, we are 10 abknowledge ly excufe, and a ptobabl: inccrpretalion·of I i<;~'tfdcon\mendhimforit: So'lfhe 'doe a· good. ' . • "•"" ' ;nilfe,wemullnot•makcitwOJfethenitis. C 1 Aiidvntothefe two caurionr, addethus rhButthe world is farre too 'blame herein: much further, rhacthe praaifeofrhis dutic, I :foorhey can el<toll their own well-doing, and forthe moll part ceaferh 1 cwhen theMinifler ' tlvbntlc waiesexcufe their euill doing: but as istoworke vpon the confcience.of;n impc· for o<her men, they can debafethcirwell donitcnror apr<fumptucus!inner: for then he ingiand aduancerheir cuiJI doi·og, nay it is a 1s notto mddcrate or mitiga.re,, to colour ot • -GGRJrocn thing, to make a badde man worfe excufe,to lclfen or cxtenuarehidinnes,butto rhen he IS , andtofpeakc Of an Cillli aatan, fpeakeoffinneasit deferuCS, and to)aycu! :,md ofmens faulta worfe then rbey are,yea to hislinnes in cbeirowne colours, charfo bee fpeakc'•·arfo, eucn ofill men eheh th.cy.de· m·ay humble him,andcall him.downe• .for.ue.Buc it is R" Iniuflfce,no~on'elyto fpeak Butout ofthcfe three ca[es, this duty lieth cuill<>fthacrhat is gooct , but euen to mak,e vpon all men,.at all cimeSto·inrerpret euery an:~uill thing woFlc rhen it is.· Many cafes thing in the berter part;Soth~n theconclufi1herc arc, wherein aman is bomi'd, to make onofthi•fecond dutie istbis: Aaions appa· l.tfrc l;e{! he can,ofa bad aa1on:buc ramakc it D rently good,areto be commended,doubtfull , w.orfcthen iris,there is no cafe,wherina man are to bcc,onilrued in the befl fenfe, appa· way doc~r,wichour plainc iniuricro his bre'· ~ renrly euilare to be madenoworfethenthey ' tHer. Ifany man reply, and fay, lam nor to are,butracherro be<xcufed,and !etamanal· pa.re myfelfe,nor~xcufcmy owne faults,but waies ratherfpe·ake roowell,then too cuill of ro iudgeas hardly of my owne fayings atid another man, and ratherfpeake bercer,then doings,asthcy dcfcruc,why then lbould I not worfctheq he deferues,.and ratheriudgc coo alfo doeio eo another/The anfwerisreadie: mildelyand mercifolly,rhcn toolharpiy :for Becaufca man knoweth nocanocherman,fo ifaman be deceiuedeitbcr way,rhatis thefa· well ., himfelfc. VVords and decdes are fer way w.herein to be deceioed:Tl:usto doe, ·knownoroothermen, but a mans heartis istoperfotmtrhai Chri(\ian equitic which knowne to himfelfealonc :thereforefor thy iilJCre commanded, and to mamramepeace owne fayir.gsand doings,thou art alfo able to which is the comfort ofaChrtiltan hfc. Acfil 1udgc ofthincownc hcarc,and ofthy purpofe rhus mueh.of1he fecond duty. . and intent in fofpoaking and doing: butof . The third d)lt~ and degreeofPrtuatc E· ;norher n•an, rhou can!lfay he fpake or did quitieis, In(imdm eA(" t• drp•rtfrom•mans rhusorchus: but his hearr, his purpofe, and '"'""'ght: thms,toyacldoftrnmnesm fuch mrent in (o doing,thoucanfl not iudge: and tbmgs, wheremby low he rntght I!and; and ti:lereforCt!JOIJ lll;lief} not iud~efo 01a.rplyof offflltim('Sro forgoc foch thmgs' wfuch by . Ja\v ..