445 1 1 .~ hcmlgm rcqlmc. W~tllourthiSEqulty, A I then anfll'er,·that not onely ChrHl, butoi [ullice,& peace cannot {laud. Chn(l our Sarhcr holy men hauc prad1fed this duty, for 01 our gauca norabkesaple !lCCeot mpaymg hepa~cd tollenotonely for hlmfclfe,bur for rolle,Mat.ll·'l· Chnll needed notto haue Pmr alfo. And there is auotableexampl~ done"' nor could any Jaw hauc compelled of thiS dutym A6rahaw,,1~bowhen hisbro- !muw H, yet bccau(e he would not trouble ther Lorand his fhcphcards could not agree, the publike peace) nor~iue tb_effi: occafion_of \YaS conten~tod.epart frOhis right;for where· courcnrion, he yecld.trum h1snghr,& pa1es as be beingthe clder,mighrhaucchofen6Jfl, rhetn rolle: all Cbrillian menmulllearneby he norwithl!andmgCiandsnorvpontbat,bur hiS example, nOt tO Cland alwaiesvpon their bids hi• brother Ut choofewhctbcr he lviJ!, r~ghr, if they will aonunue peace mGods andhewlllrakewharhcleaucth. A moll e-. ' Church. It tsnorfufficicnt Chrifhanny,nay quaii,Chnlli~n,brothcrly pa!tofrhar holy 1 t IS a very wicked fpeech, which wee often Abraham, whQ{e fa~thisfo mucbcommenhcare men fpeake, /rzi mJ right,Md thmfore ded in the Scripture•. Ifwe thereforewill be Jw 1 !inotlo(ei"[o might Chr~ll haue faid,and called the children of Ahraha111, then mull 1 f you Jooke the place, you (hall finde, that B wee bee followers of hill1 iq hiS workcs, ~nd he firll of allargueth rhecafe,aodconc!udcs namely in this, wee mull qftemimc• depatt that hoc is free, and nor bound to par; a~d from our owne right, .., ;. yet faith Chrill, Rather then I,will offend them, In the pradifc of thisdutie,•onecaurion orgiu~ thcmc~tu{ttothink,.ewor(eof me,orm]d~· onely mull be rcrnembred, namtly:i that wee Urmc, lwiO pA)it. Eul!n fomu!laaChnflamuftdsflingu_ifocfanother.rrigh~andoHro)rne.Jn anmaninmanycafesgoefrom hisrighr,and th] owne right thou maidt yec:.Jd, bur when chat for the maintenance ofpubl1kepeacem thou art to dcaleforanother man,rhoumufi the common wealth, and of pr1uare peace noryecld too much, nor bee too lau1fhof a~ one man 1vithanother. nother mans right: but this caution holdeth For the maintenance of publike peace, efpecially when the caufe is,not ours, bot rhus mull men doe in Publike Conferences, Gods, or his Churches; tor when 11 isluch a as mParlaments and Councels,and fuch like ·rruth,which d~rccHyconcernerh the honour gcnerall alfemblies,wherein the fcuerallopiof God, or the good of his.Cimrch, rl)en niomof men are to bee dcliuered; and rhus mufl aman take heed heeyeeld not, wuhom mull men doe in bonds, forfeitures, borrowwarrant from Gods word. For as it rsEquity ing,lending,loGng,finding,buying, felling,iu C often toyecld thy r~ghr, fp to yeeld in Gods Jeafes,fines,rento,& all manner of bargaiilcs. caufes,is to betray the truth. Ifrhcrfore thou And for the maintenance ofpriuare peace, ma1CI norgiueanother mans.right from him, men mull in their mofl priuate actions, dnc without bts confeor, muchlctfe maicll thou yeel dto another in fuch things,wherein they withoutwarrant from Golj, yecld any thing might fland, and ofrentimes be contented to at all ofhr1 r1ght from Iurn. This duty rhereloferhatthar is their owne, and in conferenfore ts to bee performed in ac.'lions rhai conces mull a man oftentimes fulfer himfelfeto cerne our felues, and wherrio thclolfe is not becrolfed and ouetthwartcd in that,ofwhich Gods,orhis C~urches,but our owne. Bui ir he is mollcerraine, and to grauntthatto be, is lamentable tofee many men, how lauiflt winch imot, and that not robe<, which bee they are ingiuing from (!lod, and ca<e not kuowesro be, if the matter beeoffmall mohow muclj they )ofeof hi§ glory: but fland menr,& concerne not religion,nor the flare: moLl tl.ridly vpon their 0\1111< points, and wil manyfuchthiogsmufl aChrillianman pur QOt y:eel,d.on~ ,incb, nor.lofe one foorc 'of vp da~ly at the hands of his brother for the rbeirowne"rlg)u•..-1\.nd (rom bencecomesfo maintenanceofpeace&loue amongCl them. manyfuites in law, and other brabling conThis is adoctrine little kno1vne,and lc!fe re- D tcntions in th,e,world, all which, or many of, garded in rhe world ; for it is a generall opirhetl),mighr be.Ciajed,if men )lad burconfcinion that a man may take hisowpe, and may ice topradiferhis Chrilliag.Equity,to:y~d.d lawfully !!and vpon hi>cwne righr,(which if 9ne toanorherin mattersof rhejrowne, anlj~ it bcmcaorgenerally inalcafcs,i&mofl falfc,) Qffmall moment: and it is ccrraine, that if nay this is a common fpeech of all men, .I' .men in th~wprld were not perfwaded, fome demaundbut m]right ,a11d l>•illnot IPfe mJright; by religion,and'confcien,p.fq!Jl~PY natur~ll and this is thought a roafonablefpeech, and re,afon and pollicie, ro pradife this duty, it bee is elleemed agood man, whptaketh no were not poffibleforrbefQ<j~tyofmen long! more then hi• right :. for ofrentimes men to continue vpon th.e earr.h. So much for (land fo flri<'tly vpon their rigbt, that they the third degree. · , ,_ , go further rhen their right reacheth.But this The fourth and lal) degree of ,Priuate E-· ts av~ry earnall praCI:ife, and controJied by quity,iitofor.IJ;ttrellttdto forgjue:rJ'rongsan.dm· the Setipturc, and byrhecxampleof Chrilt, iurw done vntovs in wo,d pr deede. 'The as wee heard afore. But if any man obied, Scripture is plaine for this, and (o is natural! I thattherxampleof Chrill is not to bindvs, reafon, which teatheth, that euery one that 1 becaufe bee is rh~ Mediatour, and therefore bcares the name of a man, Jhould forgiuea1 ' 'v_a_s_r_;_o-'p"'c"-r_;_fo:_:_rm:::.:e..:e::xt::r:_ao::r..:d:::in::a::tYc.::_O::_bc::d::ie::n::c:::e_:_:_!__::_n.::o::<h::e::cr,o:::b~ec::,:a~u~fe~h::e~b~e::in~g~a~m~an~,~m~a:Ly~d~efc-::c::ru~e Pp and .. '