Jl Treati/eo/Chrijlian Equitie.. 451 ho imports thus much,tharrherearetemp~a- A .~;rcie, rheruorelhall men talleofhis met· tions,and cr<.>lfcsin Gods Ju(frce due _for Cm, cic:and the more (inncs that a man hath for--< and which he harh in Uore,roadJe ath1s pleagiUcn him at Gods bands, themore will bee Cure whith arcfogreat,fo heauy, &fof.areremit and forgiue in his brorheq ~nd the full ~sth•""'ureof"'""'"Id not p•lfi/,/1 b.are more he feeles in his owne {oule Gods louo the:, but (hould tinkevnder them,and pcrilh, a11d rncrcte to him, and the more necre he is as did C 4 inand f•d.u,andfuchlikc.Amongll to God by his faith and repentance, the the(ean eudlconCciencc is one,whicb is fo inmore carefullwill he be,to dealegcntly with tolleroble,asthewifemanfaith,Prou. 18.•+ hiS bred1ren; and the reaCons hereof arc Awofllldtdffiirit, wb~ can bearf;t? Burrhc the[~: ' croffcs helaieth onbischildren, are alwaie• F~rii,God forgiueth nota nian his faults, fuch, as they beare with comfort for a time, butvponcondirwo that heeOJa!l forgiue his and •tlafl with ioy do oucrcome them.A nobrorlier, God i• notmercifull toa man, but tablecxample hereofwe hauc in S•l•mon, of vpon condition be fhall beCo to all men with wbomeGodfa11htoD••id, If he/innr, IwiU »homehedcales. Secondly, the mcrcie of ch4/lifehim ,;,h therodofmm: as ifbe fhould God ro vs,in forgiumg our fins, is not made h~ueCaid,Icouldinmyiullice, for Sa/,mnJ B knowiTCtothcworld by any meancs more, orcat finne!J, beate himwith [corpions, and then this, when aman ii not hard and ex· brino him to nothing, by my heauie hand! trcame, but equall and mercifullin hisdcaburlwillconfider, he is my child, and but a ling with men. Whereupon thereforeit folman: therefore will Ilayvpon him no more; loweth, thatthefurrhera man is from God, rhen the natureofman is able to beare. As and rhdclfcthar hehath felrofGod•louetcr God dealt with his ConneSafomon, Co this is him, thele!fe moderation willh:eperform~ Godsvoice to all hiS fonnes: vnto all my rolus brother. Let euery man then beaOraChurdrand Cluldren, w11ll vCe Cuch JcnitJe mcd, by theCe cxtreamccourC ..with his bre· and modcratioo,&Jn my challiling of them, rhren,comake it knowneto the world, that [will (o abare therigour of my Iullicc, that hee is an impenitent finner, himfelfe vnreby my hand and rodde, they n,.u not bee conciled toGod,aud his Gnnesvnpardoned: prcifed do"ne,bur rorher raifcdvp in new O· and letno man thinkc bee fhall cfcape that bediencc, and lcarne thetoby to feare and cenfurt,ffhe btao vnmercifull man: forcerloue me more then before. t<~inelyit is amprinted in mens dealings, wheThis ilrould euery Cbrillianman (etjouOy 1herrhey be in Gods.fauour, and their Gnnes confideFof, and thinke with himCelfe, how C pardoncd,or no. Let therefore euery man, much this bindes aman to dea1c: moderarely when his owntcrooked na:rure, or the diuell with his brother, when the Lord deales fo makes him boile againfl hio brother in anmoderately with him.Thou finnell,and God ger·, and vrgeth him to vCe him hardly and cha(!i(crh thee moll mildly, and layeth not exrrcamely,confidenvithhimCelfe, and fay:· on thee the thouCand part of thofe croiles, lliUevnder God, lam more in Gods hand, which in lullice he might do. Shall the Lord ,cheh thi> man in mine; I haueoffended God dealcthu• moderarclywith thee,forrhy malmore,thenhecme: andd IbadmydeCerr I ny,and Cu great finnes, and wiluhoudealeCo 'had now beenein hell for my Gnnes: bur;er bardfywirhthy brotber,in his few and (mall ,JIJUe,and by his mercie lamfpared, and am offenci:sagainlltbeelremcmberrhereforein here!lJI!. But bath God Cparedme, that I thy dealill!l.withthy;brolyer, this de:iling of ~Jould pinch othcrslhath heb~enemerciful! God withthee,and cehainely:rhou.callfl nor ~o 'mc,that I fhould:bc crue!l to others1fureforgcttheone, if tbouhaOtaOedof.ihc·oJy,fhtrefore I will bee mercilull and modethcr.Shew thy felfe therefore that thou ha!l 'rarerb my bretllrcn;morerhen they deCerue, beene partaker of Gods fauour, and that leCl God take hu mercicfrom me: and then thou hall felt in thyCoule, thefw~eten~lfe of D '!'hat fhall become ofme, but to be throwr,c his mercies, by beeingmild andtn,OSJ!f~lro Cpttpellly intQ hell, which I deferued long a. thy brethren; out of thatgr<at feaof mergoe:nay,I will by my equiticand moderatiOn cics, whichGodlm flowouer theeall thy towordsmy brethren, mooue thcLordro , life long, let fall Comedroppes ofmercie on be-ftitl moremerciful! to me, witliout which thy brother, and remembring how God his mercie, I cannot liue one day in the deales with tb.c,deale notthouwith thy bro. world. ther alwaics Co hardly,nor Collraitly. as thou Hirherroo_f the exhortation ofthe Apomayefi,or hedeferues.Let rhe(e foure merc1CUe, and of cae greatmoderation ofGod to full adions of God towards thee, bee foure man. (\rong bonds, to tie thee to the obedience of Now followeth theApoflleo reaf<>n, Th• r thiS duty,tobcmildand merciful! rorhy brc- !Ardu••hand. TheCe words bearet\I'O fenCes · thren,recnembringeueryday,how moderateor n~e.1nings. The firfi,ofthelaU iudgerncnr: lyGod dealeswith thee, and how farre from thelecond, of God• prc(ence. The fir(! is l rbatexrremity, which thou deferueO. And thusframed, aSif the H. Ghofl meantofrhe lo mooue VS hereunto,ler euery. man be well Iall iudgemcnt: Beyou equal! and moderate l ltfured,thatthe more he bath tafled ofGods one towards another, for God isreadie in pp 4 . : - hi'. ---· ..