Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

' I HAT waigbty~h~rge OfS•I\>,!,o(l).ight Worlhipfull)to euery fonne ofwtfepome, for tHe(•JkupmgD{kiinr.rt »ithAU>rAtchand»Ard may , p well perfwad_• ~•.that fomo matters of great importance depend ther- ,... p 3 '!n:Amnvgtnany.(?fca\Jfc~~Y. gate,_~ "\.a)i not be greatbeforefo fiuall a cme)I-wtll ropch onc.'"'rhcrciia llrongcaefire,not oft.rrhiJbutofjpi– rltllallpuntm,after thepoit:dlipn P.fl'l'·~~1e•rt. God faith,(6)Myfrnme bPro, 3 1 & n.:t~) ht~rt 1and tb,hi~in<!J.~d t~efi&htbelongs: Yet through ' mans transgrcllioh Satan hatligot lhdd1old thereof, that vnlelfeit be by diuinepower,be will not be kept out;and though wee heartnot Satans voice, yet his (c)dealing bewraies his·meaning, that aboueall things in man he defiros , See AI!. theheatt.Oncchej/rout•bDHtAdtAd(d)manJ6odie, but doubtletfe hia purpofe therein wasro q. haue fer vp an tdollfor himfclfc in the hearts ofthe liuint:.Bur what is mans.heart that it OJOuld Luk.<>+ be fo dcGred! Surely in fublbncelitle, but for imployment almoll in6nhe: It i,. Trta/llrt ~~~~~;o· (t)whereout man brlngetb all hts aaton5good,ortmU, Jt IUttmplt wherem 15 pfaced enherthe • M"·••·it Ark..eofG•d,or Dago• for the dtuell.Yea,Jt IS a(J)p•ll•cewherem dwefferh, andathronewhereon Hin< foos fittethcither Chrij/,orSatan,the{g)Kingifglorie, orthe(h)princeofdark,nef[e: and(i)hahat k!tpt~ boni.&p_«· poj[r/JionrriH1hcr~ txcrcifedominion.Neithermay we thinkc that one hc:arr will fufticeborh thcfe; can~_on(k,)noman canftruttwo m.jlm:God ~>ill haue all or none; (I) If••1 part be{haredfrom him,inhigh f:J o::~·· diJPI<a(urt he ltaUtJ tht rtff,and(o tht whol<fals ro th<diutll, Now fith thecafe llandcth thus "'ith wad. mans heart,docb itnot necrely concerneeuoryone to know his owne ellate In this bebalfe 1 to ' wit,wbat kindcof<reafory,wbo(eTtmplt,whofepaUact and thront hishean isl that if allbe wellhe Pf~~4-~ may reioyce,and fo ktepe it tor the Lord;ifoiherwife,then feeke redrctTe betime. ~E;~;~:· To this purpofeferues thiS prefent Trcat1[e:whorem as maglaife may firfl befeene, tb<ftart- •O!!•rolfe f•llflattofmanmatura/1 htArt,full fr'aughtwllh euill thoughts,v'bidofgoodconGderation,andfo dn,ipfc im. moll fir for Saran:thenafref-doc,thefe,bleifedmeantJappeare , wlmebymAns natural/heart may ~~·b•<•b. 6n,fotm,d,tobecome thc;pmplrifGod,the{ellle ifgrace, and~ (m) 6td•ffiimfor thrwt!6<ioutd • J;t.•·•+ rofmlvpon, And thcfearepoints ofthatimportance,that whofoeuer negleaerh thern,may fay 1 ~iafit f•m>tllgract:andbidadue to God himfelfe:for io the heart,ifat·all in man,rnull thefe be f<ated. •h•pars allNow the publiOJinghereofbeeingcomrnitted vntomc, I prefent the fame vnto yourWor- ("d·~"7 foips,and vnderyourproretlion dcfire tocommend it to the ChurchofGod.It would too much ;;.:,~: ••" enlarge my gatesto annexethe manifold reafons which mooue nie to thischoice on your betus;&po!li. 1 halfc 1 onely this I pray,(thar feeing 11 is the fidl fruits of mylabour in this kinde wherein I had dctto<um full power offree choice in mydedtcation)it may in.timate royou borh, minevnfainedhearts !'•bol~s, defireofthateuerfalling good I wilhvnto your{oules: andalfo rellific in part my thankfull r:;,r; '" mmd for your manifold fauoun to me,and mine who depend vpon you. The fum Nuw God Almightie blelfeyourWorfoipt, wi~h yourchildren~.nd family,accordlng to your ofthis_ feuerall neceairietofhis mercicand goodnelfc ,.forfoulc and bodiel·in this life and for euer. ;:~"•f<;. c.mbdge, Auguf/. zo. reioei. ' ;: •n• • .v.· ~' TO ..