Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

To theReader. • NOW (good RtAder) th•tfor mJ[unbmmuinthepu~bfoingofthu Tra. flail, I hadthe Autho•YJ o"'"' dra•ght ofthe platf'""' of it rbejide two per– [.efl Copiesof•0hu Sermont. I h•••for plainrnej[t f•k! deuided it Chaprm and Seflicnt: for tht better efJifling whtreoj, I"'"' conj/r.ined ID tran[foft two of the -o{u, otherwifol J.,uhtnot, hut tUtTJ one thAt h~Ard it preAcht>d, 1 o-illrudt!mmhaue dealt faithfuiiJ .,.;th the godl] Aut!mlr. The L.,-dp,.(}eritro rh1 good, TheContents ofthis Tte·arife. ' I \~ CI'!AP. I. Tbt vnfolding oftbtttxt ,.bmon t htTrtati(t u groundtd, CHAP. 11. Tbt /Unej[to[mAntnaturaUthoughtt:and hot> th') ma]-bt/tpo~·nt, CHAP. Ill. MansnaJur•llthot~ghts C(II1Gtrning God. CHAP. IV. MAntn~tturAlithoughtsconcerning hw neighbour. CHAP. V. tJJ1ArJJnlmlrANthoughisconcerni"g himfelfe. --:.1 ~ :! · CHAP. VI. . . ,., ·· M•m~IHTall,..antofgood thoughrt or con(ider•tioo,,.ith·t.hefrNitt ihe;{of. CHAP. VIL. . :· , .. Thevfufthe doC/riHt of mansoatur.lllm•ginatioiti. . , CHAP. VIII. \" · .. .. RNiufwtherrforM~ttiDiu;feuillthou~hts. ·! ~ 01 ' .. ·"''· CHA'P.' IX. :1 . 1 OfJPiritualiconfide;•tionmncernini God. . CHAP. X. 0(JPiritNRilr~nfderAti~nsconctr~ingourfdHtt. pag. 45G.1 pag•• as. pag. 459· pag. 467pag. 4~.51· · pag. 473· pag. 474.- '· pag•477- ' ·pag. 479· pag. 481. i. I ·~· { ------------~------------------~--~~--~~~---- ' - ...