! I I J G~n..8.2r. And 1 he lArd(•id in hi< h;.,;,/ qi/1 hmciforth c~rfe thttnrth ~o ;,.,.,[,, mllnscaufe:for tht!magi- . heart i4 eHill eHcnfrom hUJOHth. • CHAP. I. . •·. ,,\\\\~ - ·•T·he vMolding bfrh~;·~xt;by way ofpreparation to theT rearif;. '( •. ; ~ 1._, 1".\- .., "' •I the forme! part of this A decree alcurfes,but alfo becauCe hCiniliaeib chapter. MoJes hath faith· them vpon thecreatures: 'yet fo a rhe fame fully related the drying is alwaies moa iullly deferued-by fin' before of the warers after the it bee in8iCled of the Lord. And fo mu{! Hood; andNoahs f.crifi· Godscur(ingofthe earth, bee vnder{loodin vntoGod,wirh Gods ·this place,as a fruireofhiswrath for the On of acceprancerhercof. Now man:accordingly God isfaid direClly ro erein this verfe and rhe nexr, he recordcrh foch .rccNil/,I[a.4S·7· becaufe wharfocuer affitdi· i Iawes and decrees as God made wirh N oah cns,curfes,and punHhmcnrs ;are in the world, : touching the reaaurarion ofnature peri01ed they are ordained and inAtCled by God vpon i by the Aood; as well for the (paring of the thecreatures for the finneofman. qearurcs fromf~cb like ddhuCli_on, as f9r , , ThJS plamly confuteth the common opt· t\ll!sontlnuancc.ot ~" proutdencC' m need· .B ntcn of tgnor~nt people, who hold rhat<lll f\1[1 rinics and fc~fons, meete for thctr future ,~. ·good rhmgs,a•peacc,wealrb,JOy,andfclicfty, prcfcruation. ThefcwordscontaincthefirO comcfrom God 1 butallemll., as affitdlon ofthc(elawcs:whcrein we may o~feruetbrcc calamity,curfes,and iudgcmcms>comc frolli 1 poin_tl;~ofeshis prcfacttro rl)i,slaw 1tQcl~w. the dtuell,&God onely fuffcreth lhem.This it felfcjand the reafon thereof. ' · is a !Doll hloneous and blind conceit, which I. Thepreface; Andth< Lord(aid inbu fil!eth many afoule with much angUJflJ and hear~.:fh!'(c,~~r,Iun.u{l~r b: tak~1 P!operimpatience: forwhatcomforrcan he haue in ly,for God harh notan heart as a man bath, the rime oftrouble, tbari·sperflvadcd it comncitherfpcaketh he asa man doth; but here- :' meth wholly from rhediuell, and rbe hand mea;nt, that God determined and fet o(Godis notrherein~ VVcdlereforcmu{l with himfclfethislawand decree. .; learncto rcforme thi;oplnion, & knowthat .Edn-thi~ phrafcoffpee<l:i,, note this one crolfes,andrroublesco~efrom God. This thing: I fit had pleafcdhim,God coultj h~ue . Dauidknew well, and thercforewhcnShemi ftlbkcn to man by avoicc,the hearingwhere- -C curfed aim,and railcdo~ pi m;he forbad A!li. ofwould hauc confounded him: but ao h~re .A J!>ai ro touch hiru,becaufe(faithhe) z. Sam. himfclfc, andasitwere 16.10, Whatif(.o(,itm~J/le)G,.dhathbidhim and migbt,and fpea.k,etl'!' , 1 ;11r(f Dauid.Colo{tphrelleth his brethren,who ! manner of men, euen to,the.. '• mon trairerQufly fold him iqtq Egypt, that i capacityofthcmo(llimple.Whichreacheth. U the Lord font him b<for• them, Gen. 4S· 'i:5;rhatlit;istb:,gcl'0<lwiraod'pleaf~reofGod, ,. verf.s. '·' .'; "·· , that noronly the learned, but eucn the vn- 'i , ; (S~ondly, here confider the impulfiue ~lttrcd~nd moa ignorant (houldknow and\ :, . -.caufethat mQouedGo~ tii.CJlr~e the earthby vndcraand the holy Scriptures: fo~e)o.h~e 'i AJfloqd: 11 was not in the earth, but inrncn: 1•o~lalfeuer hauc penned them in a phra(~ I will h~ncQf9;th curf; thee~rth no more for and (lylc that dothfo wellaccord to the capa, G ''!'""•!hat io,for mans finnes. In the new Te– Cifle-of~h"c fimple. ' ~ llan)enttherc aret--:o ,efpecial.l.finnesrecor– Poinr. The decree it felfe:Iwillhmre: ,q ;ded for which God fent tliisl:urfe:nrll,c.rnal/ the gmmd no more for maJ>s,a~N(<. ·" ,(epu~itie. Theyw~1e choaked with worldly prorie law of God touch· cares,and drowned in earthly plea(ures:/nthe li;~~:::i~:;~~:~~,:~~.~~ ofnature: wherein arc daiuofNoah, the! did e;~te,anddrmk,.e,marrs~, /, : firll, whatGodhath andgiueinmarriagt,Math.>4-38. Secondfy, lccon<llv.,wttat God will not doe her<- thecontempt oftht GofPdl in the miniUerie of God bath done is, t!Je N ..b,whopre•ched an hundred and rwentic for he faith, !willcurfe no yearesvnto thc.m,while theArkc "'"in builhe oncecurfed it. ding,but they wetedifobcdicnt as(a)S.Pttcr '>,Pct-J.'o •~•h;.,n>.rec,,, that God may truly bee fairh,followingtheirowneplc•fures and dcfaid robe acaufeofcurfcs,& rocurfchiscrea·/ lights. VVhereby it appeares that thcfe rwo turcs:not oncly for th::~.r he doth ordainc and _ linr.cs. Su11ririe·, :md ctmtrmpt rfthe GofP~ll, are ..