Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

l Ma11J riataraUImaginations. 4).74 arc n\oll gr~euousllnnes : tottNfebroughr A Thuo byco~paringourfclue:with thebrute de!lruction noronlyvponalhna!lktn·d(Nocreatures, wee may lcarne ro humble our .h~ndbis family excepted) but etien vport fclues, and to be abafl1cdwhe?w~cfcerhem allcrearuresthathued by breath. · whrch were made toferuevs,togoe before vs Now lookc as thcfe linnes wetein theold in obedience to rhe!awes ofour Creator. ·• \VOriJ cuen fo are they rifemrhi; la(! agejac· li I. Point. The rea(on ofGods dccree,in cordi~"' to the prophccie of our Sauiour th~fewords;fortheJmaginateonof manshe11rt iJ Chrl(i~[;t"6, A•itw,u in the daiu ofNo· tmll,eumfro"' huyoMh,At rho fir(! thiS reafon ah,!O(b•llitbe in th' d•imfrh•(onn• ofm•n:and may feemevery llrange, rbat God flrould no .,ihil isrhe (!are of the whole world, fo it is morecurfe the eatth for man;becaufo tbdthc (late of thismii Chutcb 1 moa men are magination of hrs hcatt is curl(; Inalllrkell' drowned in the pleafures df rh., world, and hoodGod fl10uld hauc faid rhe contrade, 1 choalc.ed with the: caresthereOf: fo'r howfoewt!l Jflll t:urfe the e14rth lucau(e tbe Inugi~.1tiom uer theywill heare the Gofpell preached, yet ofmansheart<re eui/1: for fo he faith, {hap. 6. fe~eapply rheii he•rrs to beleeue the fame, vq[$,6. that f~eingall th< i"!<ginatiouJ of th< lhel\'ing tOrch .the power thereof by repen· B thoug_huof m11.nJhet:rt wu~on!J (flificor.tinuallj, eanee ftomdeaa \vorkesJ and a"Dendnient of th~rjwehfwoulrld~s'1rOJ th~m.Jnfromtheeanh, hfeinncwobcdicnce.l~ut we muClknow,that and from m.-a~toheafl,_m•dtf.I"JCruping rhing: if thefe two linnes brought a curfe, euen de· Howcan both thefe lland togither1 An[w. lltuction vpon the old world, then no doubt Thus; In the lixtchapter the L<>rd (aith,hee they _.m bring afcare(ul cur(evpon this age, wrllonce dellroy the world by •·ater, becaufe though not bywatarJyetf<>meother wayrhat of the wickednclfe of the Imaginations of fhall counceruailc the AGod; and therefore mans heart: and here hee [aith,hawi!liio:prowce mull lay thcfe things eo ourhearts, that cude tocHr:ferhe earth ttg.,;,u d11dag4ht by tfle vnJclre wee abandon fecority, and worldly fame pumilJmem, bocaufethe Imao(norions lutlS, and withatl doe r~pcnc and betecue at ofmans heart are cuiUJcueO frbm his you'th; the 'preachin" of the Gofpell, wedha!l fee as if hee llwuld fay,I haueoncc drowned'the Gods heauy ~urft: will faH vponvs; for If WC world for the: wickcdnes or maminuentions, match tbeolde world in Gnne, wee mull not but rf I ll•ould thus procc·ed<:r'o·dealewith lookctocomebehindc them in iuJgemcors. matl ;according to the wick.ed Imacrination : The Cccond thing'itt this decree is, what of hishearc, I mun bring euery ye:re anew God "ill not doe herufter, Namdy: e11r(e C Hood vpon the earrh,bccaufe lfeethc frame the e.rtban; m>re: this mull beevnderllood ofmans heart is euill continually. ·' ofthat parricularcucfe, which the Lord laid Here then ob(eruc, that God in the pre· on tOeearthby warers,whcn he drowned the fcruation of mankind,dorh tCmper and mowodd: for the~;enerolloutfes tharwerclaid deratehisiullice by mercy: forif hellwuld vpon rheground, and on mankindc foe A· dealeaccording to mans defeits he lhould e· damJ finne,renia>ne llrll, and lhall nor bee ta· ~myday bringcurfes vpon him;yea fa foorie ken quiteawaytiU:the end of the world: (o as a man is bornehee lhould bee de(lroyed; rhattht meaningof this law is,rhattheLord butyod dealeth not fo rigoroufly, hee min· willno moredrowr.!e the whole ~arth for the sleth mercy with iullice, whereby the whole finne'ofman·by ,.tldc\d. d flame of heauen and earth, the !late of man Hcrechen wc(c<:rhecaufewhy thefe1be· ana allfocieties do·llahd: Thatwhich Habai~ga~ raging~nd ~i~'ri?gas~e~er.j~-~~as,doth cuk. prOLyed fo~; (a) In iri[lice; or lfTAth,,rerpun.-' .• H:~.b. •"· notwtthllandrng·~eaprtfelfw~thtnttbounds, r" mere!, th~ Lord h>th performed e~er 3 • and ·not ouerRowe·the world: andw'hy the lincethe llood)yea lince the fall ofAdam. · doiVdes beein'g·~f~ll of water, as euer they n . '·' !herebelhree greatan~ w'eighty cau[es were,donotpowredmvnemoreHoqdsvpon D which mooued God totemEerrui!ice·,~liit' the earth to dellr"Y ir. Su'rely it is byvertoe niercy for thepreferuation'ofmankinde and. ofrhis particular law; and decre'e·llf ·God, 'othercrc'atures :'firtt,rhathereby hee mioht Whereunto thefea and ciO\VdCS be~me obe·. jfitw hi. pAtit~b~ and /•ng·f•Jf(;ing to:.ards~be ·dient, Iwi/J hentefortb .cttP"(e the tllrthtJo tmre, veffeluf wr~Jth, (as'the Apefile (b)fpcakerb ) b 1\om .9.u. And here we haue iufl ocdtfiO to take:·know-- tliat is, towards fuch as will not r£pcnt, th~t ledge andviewof~urownewretc~e,d&da<n· at-thelall day.~bey may bee1no0ma!yc 01;, nable elhte; howwe~a.rc fulddnder Gnne: demned: Secondly,rt>at thc(e may be acorn, f':" hmvfoeucr wee w~re C!eated blelfed,and -panyof men vpon :arrh \Vhich may worOlip happy,yet by ourfalmAd•mwearebecome ·GodJor God !lath1pecrall care of his o"·ne far \vorfe.thenaor carrhly.creature;for each gloryamonQm,erJ~and thfreforerem~ers iu, creature mhas kmd, as,rhe funne,tbe moone, fhce \\'lth me,rc1e m,eferuarioo, rhat & (larres,thefea,and clowdes,and al other o-1 ttiey might glorifie him. Pf.1l. t3o. 4· Thm;, bey.Gods tomman'demcnt: bm man of all ~~cJoT pdrJdoH"rtith thce!t'llttt thou maicjJ/u~ creatures liaumg'l~wesgiue~ hiri> of Go,dto (!ar~d '.th~ti~;.l"hereas(OLd\d),lhou migh· keepe,rebellerh m.breakmg th7r~me, ana to tell mru!lrcethrow all men ro heJJfi,ddcnly, I h1m 1t 1smeare &~rmke, bynaturerolme 10 yet in mercy r,hou 'pardoncfl the 11nocs of \ the ttanfgrellion ofGodscommandemenrs. li.ome,fort.his1erlde. rhat theYmight wocfhip ·----------~~---=.c'-----=-~QJ~S! tllCe : .. ••