Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Belbrm,de gr:n.&lJb. arbit.libr. J6.c3.Lf. , !c&1o, LUam naturiill.lmagina·tion:s. r.all rh·atall rhe imasin•tions of euery natu~ Alto themftOIWJlomc is cot,D1Juued the educa: rau'manarccnill,&tharcontinuaily. Nvw it \ rionofJdurjl,as PilrentsiMAjltri,TU!OTf.. Q-c• . dothnoronelyaflirmCJthisin·geoecaH, but · rhat(eeini; rh.cimaginari.oos of nlans bcMt declarcsir alfo in particular; for·elfewhere it are euill (,ri>OJlhi• yourh,therefore rheymu~ fl 1ewerh 1 vhat rhOfeparricular euill thoughro all ioyne haadtn f\and betlrncro,flop.Yp- 1 or be,which rhc natural minde of mau framerh ar lea!l to leti~n this corrupt founrajncd >aconcernino God, hioneighbour;.and him- , cent! mullfD.>O!<the<fei:d<;<,of.grace mto the fclfe. ·Agatn< 1 rhe fame Sct.iprurefaith in ge. ' minds ofttielr.youngtbildren,thatiflir w~re neraJI, tTotJd thoughts tUidco,(ider4tjons, are po!Iible, CUCQ at rhc1r rnotheubrea(l:s rhcy naturallyw~ntingin.eueryman; &elfewhere might be nourilhed)nt_hc:[airh: Thu< deolr it declarcth in particular whadbofe good LoisaudEunicewithtbeir young Timoth~C: ' . j thoughts bewhicll enter not toto rhe m1nde for P4ul[at!.h;(4)Hel~"r~edth.e·h~lJS&rJpt1m:t :1 r.Tlm.r; ofanarurall man:boththefehaue bin plain•· 'ofan infant. Then as their childrengrow in ',f: . . . ' ly 01ewed outofrhe word ofGod. Now hered1fcretion imd vfe ofreaCin\;•they mufl bee ~~ ' 1 ''"· up6 itdoth necelfar~ly follow,thatrhe Scrip- (b)nurrered mreligion,ariilli-auethegrounds , ture isthe word of Gud: forletthe cunning B thereof byoften repemlondriuen intb<heir b Ep!;.6,4. Athei!l 0Jew whence it is that the Scripture hearts:fot this is the beflcmi:anesto freerheir doth declare mans thoughts; he cannot fay, minds,rbo.ugh not ahoger·bcr trom na!urall ,;for no man knoweth thethoughts of imagin~tions, ~t from the force andpo.r!on another; nay hecannot finde out h1s owne thcrof:tor(~}fo//uUbound to theh6lirt 0.(a:riJJIJ, cprou.~1• thoughts: neithercan heafcribe it roany an~ 6ut thcroddt ofuaching; char iis, inllru'dlon rs. ' gclls,oodorbad;for thcmindeofrilan is hid with corred:ion, willdrils~ ·it AWaJ (rorh hsm: from them;rhey know noi mal!; thoughrs.Ir yea.wben al thc(d)cb.ld forarliberrioii•kfs hi& d Pimr.>6. remaincrh rherefore,that as God aloneas the mothera/hamed,yct w1U( c),meth.:t i4 wrl/ 1 5· fearcher ofthe hrarrs,forhat lcripturc which inf/rullul' giuehio fath.ruff, ••d jield atli.J,ht . e !bid.• 7• dedareth vnto 1t1an what be hisrhoughto, is vnrohs1foule. Further, where Parentsleauc, 1 rheonlywordofthefameGod:lndeedGod there Moflers and Tutors mull rake bold, vf<d man for hi•in!lrumcnr., in the penning building I' p that good foundation whi~h,ls and deliueric of thc.Scr!prure, burhec him· laid to their band,>rhem 2lfoH1be fclfe by bis Spiritis rbclolc.authorthereof. llrcame of mans narurall jmgina·rJoru may , · ' . be llopped: yea, tbougtu)(II!Cnrs lho.uldmeg· ,Sect. !, C · lee:'! thiSduty to.wardsrhm·owne<:hildren,as TIJ'!t nMfJ b'atfl P.IO fr~e·wi/1.11good f,y 1 Jf4turr. rou many this d:iy;l}'<~cach godly,J\1•· Cler, ifhedefJrero haue-Gods.Church in .!JIS houfe, muffintlruCI his filnily,as{f 7Abra- • 1 - bamdid, ~labourfordrcunrcilion· of hearr f Gc.t8·9· , The fecond vfeOJall bee agtin~ rhe P•- both rohis olpldren and·fecuanrs, cucn as ps(l,,wboafcribetolmans willa.noruraU.pow· (g)Abrahamdidcir&wmcifenJSPnclJ rhofethat rhat wqich(Btollly good ,.asby•t(r/fe to '"'"' b~m~e•mifJ ,!/Jur•lforhofothas were ~3~'11 ''7• co-.,ork! with Godrgr•ce inrl" fir(/ .a[/ of,mam b•ughtfor,monry. Both Parents and Ma! conuer[,.,.But tbe·charge•ofeuilt ~relaid vpare carefull to preuent.difeafos, and te> breake on the frame of aian•haturall:b~ar't,by God ,offfickne.tfcl:at the. beginnmg in their chdhimfelfc, dotb teacb.vs orberwife: for looke ·dren and•(eruant&, whiciLby ·contmuance how (arrc th,c frameofrhe mioJ1 -whi~h is rh_e might bringhodily dca•b 1 ob then how oareprini:ipall part of rbe (oule, 'i• corrupt fon full ought they to be, tol{ioppe berime rhe thoughrs&.'imagi0atlons,fofar£t.eis·rbewlll 1 1 ·cou'rfe of naturall imagination in thetiJ, the mfenour part ofthe foule corrupt 111 w1l ~>'hlch without·thefpecfalL:ir~ceofGod,w1ll long. But themm~e IS na.rurally fo corrupt ,bring erernalt condemhat~oo .both id foulc thatllcannot rhinkr<Ja good dlopght, and D .and bodiel·A:nd:he rarhcr-mufl rhis courf< therefore anfwer~bly·thewill:hy na'ture is fo· ' .huaken,in ;youth; and;that betime, becaul~ corwpr,that it cannot will thatwhich'is rruJy ·c;u.ll:ome, in gob·~oreuill,is afccond good. If it bcf01d,_rhat manbath liberrie ol ·narure:(,h)'T.~ach 4 chsfoHnthe tradeofbi& way, hPro .,, 6 wtll m humane a~lOlli and· I~ c_mtll duues:. And wh.tN h«_~.u'f/a. h,e mJt not dtp;Jrt from it: ' • /l•[w. Hehatb,butyetfuchatbonsprocee-' Bot,(J)_conrhe bl<ekf-M..,.echange hu rkjnne, . . dmg fromacorruptfoumame, ·arefinnes In ·•r rh~ l~pa.rd }urfPqrst Jhm mt~y hee alf• dot Jlcr.J3t~3· euery narurall man1 howfoeuerforthe milt' g".J sh4t ;s,~(&pjls,ed to doe,.;//, herein terof.rhe workeo they may bee >,alkd good, ·rhe vices ofrbc mmde, arelike thcdl(eafes of as God himfelfeordamed. the bodic' byJonger continuance they •row :, , · ' mote incurable.Yea,all that fludie and r~adc ...;r'\ ,.. Se'ct~ 3.. the Scriprures,<irber forrheirownepriuatc · : or for the publikc-good, -mufbfcekeby pra/ I . , Oflhr!imdJp;.._u.nti•g•.df"f'ertl!i•g · er,ro God •for.:lhe,.Canc:'l16cat1on of rhe1r ! . ,., ,, ,ojwickfai1tlllgi,..tio•l· minde'sfro.m this <UIIlcorrup,.tion, leflbce- ' , , • mglcfrvhto themfcluos,-rbeybecome vain< _T_h_e_th_ir_d_v..:~;:.e cclh..:al:.:l..:b..: •. cfo:c.r.ca_d..:m:.:o::.n..:it::.:io..:n:c.v.:n:c.·!_.J.:.:in:.:r.::h.:ei::r :im::•::!~!:in::a::ll::; . ono,DaHida man accord in• Rr 4 ,~