Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

.. • Pfal.119. (b; c t. Cot.t• t-lo d Iod.:..q • Aa.s.u. f r.Thelf.' 5·i3· t.Keafon. !gDeuU1. •6, ., Mans natural!Imaginations. to Godsownc heart, prayed at lca{ltenumcs in one(a) pfalme for thcrcacbtng ofGod in rhe-vnderflar.ding of hislaw: oh rhcn what great caufc hauewe foro doe?wbo(e(b)minJu Are n~turallyjit in..-niOwor~tt;beeing blind in thcthingsofGod, (c)•otafllt ••percei:<e them: bur on the coutrary, wholly proneto illu<nt and ro embraoe that which is cuill. ; r· Se~. 4 · Of"penta"'t for<oiN tho•ghts. A ofAd•m, thatbythcmnot oocly rnansbo– dic,butal[o his rnindc and memorie,aro fatte Cooner confounded then by .outward acci– dents; this was nor[obycreation, and there– fore 11 is the heauiccur[eofGod vpon them, Secondly, rhefe wicked thoughts bee the •.Rcofon, .roote and beginning ofall·eutll in geOuro, word and deede; there cannot be an a~ion beforerherc beathoghr:forthis is the order whereby ourachons are .produced: fir(! the mindethinktth; then thar thought deligh· 'reth thuffection 1 and from lharcomrneth Ozderof con[entof \!lill,aftcrcon[entofwil,commerh pwdu<inB The fourth and la(! v[e fltall be for pra~ife execution ofthea~ion,afrcrexecution corn. •<lions. roeuery childe ofGod: fqr ifthe lmaginari· metb trade and, cu(iontc<by often pra~i(e: ons of"'"'" heart bee eutll from his youth, and vpon cufiomc(ifrhe worke be euil)com. then there mu!l bee "P'"""" for Cecret B merh !ftec•rf<;which is eternal! death. How thoughts which ncuer come into aCtion;yca, great a caufe therefore flauc we to r(pcnt vs though we neuergiuccoofcntofwill thereto. ofchc \vicked imaginarions of our hearts? Whep ladptaclalmed afafl, and-called the The old world indecde wasdrowned fortheir people to humtlJation, he bidsrhem (d) Rent aCiuall abhominarion• 1 bur n<> doubt, the their h~11r11. ~~~dnotthtil' garmmtJ: and Pet_tr Lord had greacrefpetl: in thar iodgementro (aid tt> S1mon MagUJ,(t)Rtpent cjthiJthywtc· their wicked thoughts, which were rheroote l,fdnejfe, andpr"] God, that ifir b, po/Ji>le, the ofa!Lmdtl\ereforc he mentionerh rhetP. as a ·thought oft},jhtart may beforgiu'n thu: both caufeofrhe flood.Gen.<>.s. ;which places .doeplainely !lJcw, tharrrue re· In thisrllpmt.-ffceo threethings arc required; r_.Ex:~min_:l· ' pemanaeis not outward in change of fpeach firll: adue·eoxamiHaticnof!ourhc~rrs coneer· twnofeUJU or attire, but mward in the change of the n.ingrh-;:feimagina.tions, whicb wcmayrake11 houghu. tHouohrsofrheminde, andaffccftionsofrhe by rhe knowledge of; 1hofe poin!• bef"'c h<ar~• And hence it isthat Pa11l prayeth for handled, .of.mans naturallrhoughr• conccr· rheThelfalonias,(f)Th.rthqmaybefana,fid ning God,his neighbour,and himfelfe: An~ 1 broughrn~i.inf-oult,inhodit,fmdfPirit, rhat is, in tofurther vs hereinwe mu!l remember tbat tliemind,whercisthcframingnftherhoghrs. C all tbe.euillrhoughtsbcforem<ntioncd be in \ Now if (anctificatfon bee requited in the vs naturally ,.(oaSif we 6e-11ti to our (dues, tr.inde, then mu(! therebe repentance of the when occation is offered, wee will concciue !lnnestlrlt are tht'tcio. This dury rhe Lord them 10 our minds,asthattlureUnoG-d, th~: hi.nfelfe v.ouchfafcth to reach,and there fore ther.ordoflj•didfooi>Pmt{/(,&r. Againe, wee we mull make con(cience to learncandpra- . muflhearcGods wotd pte.~ched arremiue• ~life it, ifwee would be truly turned totbe ly,andapply 1 iroronelyour eutward (enfea, Lord.And to moouev• hueunro, confider but our mindsalfo rheraro,rhar fo it may en· the reafons following. , ret into ou• hcarrs,for the wordofGod,~·or• Fir fl,thc curie ofGod,euen the pangs and , king in rhe,hl:att, will difcouer vnroa.m~n rorn:cmwf1he damned, both in this hfeand what be his rhoughrs: ThS...ord((airh the ho· . after death, are due to the perfonof man fo·r , l_y(i)Ghbil~' lsmighriein.optration.,and{h.rper' kHcb, 4 ,;, bis wtc.·ked thoughrs: fOr cHr(td il e11tr1onc. \ thmanJlWotilgcd(word,lttmrcththroHgh Clltn \ (failfl(g)-Mofes) thatconli•utl'biiOt inaUrhings; ! tolh_edeuidi>T[ i>fundtrofrhej;ul~and ~be fPirit", th.u 11tc 1vritunit~tlitlttwtodoe.thcm: {a that he lhtto]n(landthcm•rrow ,1~md u a Jijctrncr of. which breakerh the law bur otioe,and that in 1 •rht tho•ght1•••d inttntroftbt he•rt: At the I thou~htonely,isa<curfed,-beeau[e bee_harh D preachingcof.rhls word the Cecrers of the not done all things that arc.wnrren rberem.: · heart ofan m6del1Are'dtfcouered : lf•Upro· Now wicked thoughts arc a-breach of th< phme(lauh (U Paul) anJthertcomtmanmfi- 1 1 ,co 1 , 14 , / ' Prou. :4• 1 u,anrl 1 ProfJ.lf,!.6 la~· :forSAI11monfaith,(h) Doerr~t tbt] trre thAt d~D,oroHevnlearntd,htU ,.tPHk.!dof.tOmm, ;md JS. ima[.inetuiN!andagain<, Tbe though!/ of the iudg<d of~U, •ndfo 41't<h< frcrttl of bilh-.rtl • n ic~~d.treanabhominAtionto the lArd: ye~, the m~tdn!Jimi(efl, rrh~reupon_htfa!lttb.d~nt, amC wantofgood thoghu is a breach of_ theLaw: . wor/h>ppah God,f.oJmgpiM~tfJ,God"'"''" Pr~>- forChrtfl(•)fairh, Thoulhdrlou~rheLord pb<tJindeD<J. Secondly,afrer cxammatlon,wc ,,Proier fo< thv God with all thyth•ught ~ and rhcreforc mu(! pray forrhe pardonofoure~ilthoghrs: paodonof w1ckcd thoughts mu(! neellcs dcfcrue this Aplainccommandcmtnrofth!O dutyPeter 1 thom. curfe. The fall of.the diuelswas moafear-e. giuesroSimonMagus,(/) !'rapo qod{A>thh<, : m Aa.s." full and irrecoucrable, and{though ll be not 1 rh•ttherhought of thine.'ht«rt m•J bu forgzuen I ccrrcn,)yctnio(l Diilinc~:!grc~· in rbis, that . thu: And.~·~doubrcdly bee that hath nor rheir Onnewa• firllin thoughr 1 and therefore grace ro· pray for the pardon of hts-_ cuill w1ckcd thoughu are deadly cuils. Alfo 10 thoughts, barb not rrue r<pentance 111 hiS 3,Rcforlhew the lllickedndieofcuillthoughrs, God heart.Thirdly, wemufi (cekc ro reforme cur mo~;onof hath fct this brand vpon them fince the fall mind o~cuiJ thoughrs,this is a further matter ~\~~ughr•. then / I ..