----~-----~--~--c:;-;:------;;-:;:--~-:-------- 4-7 8 Mans naturall Imaginations. we muCl often vfc d~u~t,on of rr.inde& heart A tohcaucn, whcrcChnfl littethat the nght hand of his Father: Thus dtd D.Jttid, Pf.l. %5.1. Pntuthe~,•hL.rd, doellifivpmr (o•lr: And P••l.faymgof liitiJfclfc and other Chri– flrans, Phil.).>O. Th•t•hry h•d1be.ri:onHer(.1· titmin heaum, fignifieth thus muc..h, that not oncly theirUud1es and m~dnations, but alto their dealings in the world were heaucnly. Saint Jamubids vs,drAwn(eretoG9d, lam. 4~ 8.Now whioh way fhuld a pooie wretch here bclow,dmv nccrcto God, but by lifting vp his heart to the throne of grace in heauen~ thatfeGodmmcrc&cm ... ydra~ necrc voto brm by grace? The Lord bath inflitutcd in his Church the vfe ofhi• la(! Supper,wherc-, ' mrhegiuingandrecciuingo{b(cadandwinc B' doth rcprefenr andfealc vp Vlltovs our cqm– tnunion and participation of.the bodi~.anf), blood of Chull giuen for our .redemption:. Now the prit]cipall a~ion on our behalf< therein required, is this EltNAtionofth~ hu~rt vnto Gad, as well for.thc contemplation of Gods infimre mercie in Ch1ifl ~nd ofChnfi~ .endlelfe loue to vs, as for theapplication of his memscoour owne (oules by the hand of faith, asalfoforthe fptrituall rclignation of our[clues in foul<> and bodies, by,way of thankfulnelfe,tohim that bath redeemed vs. Further rouching this Eleu4tionwe mu!I re– member, that it ought tobe~our conrtnuall , andordmarieatlronvntoGnd: for a• iris· with hrm that kecpes aclock, vnlelfc he doe C eucry day windevp the weights,wJlich are ol· waoesgoing downward, thcclocke will !land; fo H farerh" 1rh vs, our hcarcsareeuer d~aw~ ir1gtowardsthe eanh,and the things here be· low, by reafonofthat bodie•f (inn• .,hichh••· gctho,(o Jafl,o,dpreJfethda.,ne; Heb. 1%. J. andthercfouwee .nuQ en9cauour by Gods gracecontinually to lift them vp ro he.au~r); The Apo!lle btdi vs,PraJCOntinuaf!J,J.Thelf. s. 17. not that we 010uld doenothing elfe but pray,but his meaning is,thar we fhouJJ c:mer.» day fooftas occaGon is offered, lift vp our hearts vnro God, But ofall other there bee threc.efpeciall times wherein w<e mu(\ vfe ri this heauenly EleuArion: firfi,in the morning by prayer,thankfgiuing, or both,before the D Cogitations of any earthly affaircs come into our mindes, that fo wee may giuc vnto GOII the 6tfl fruits ofourthoughts euery d;>y. Se. condly, in the euenmgbeforewe lay downe our bodies'" refl, for who knowcth when he fayeth down homfelfe to fleepe,whether eucr heO~all rifeaoaincaliue l Thirdly, at anyo– thertimeof~he day, wherein we recciueany bleffing from God tcmporall,or fptrituall,'>r doe fecle our felues to fiand in need ofany of hisgrfts,or grace!; forfeeing eucry good gift comes from him, is it norreafoo wecfhould giue this glonc ro hi• pamc; to lift vp our heartsro his throne ofgrace, whcnfocucrwe recciue or expect the fame from his bounri.. ( full hand/ Sett. i· 0 f 1heAffHranctofourp•rticul.rrec... etltAtionwith q~a. Fourthly, for the rcfonnation of o~r 1 ,R.ule, thoughts, wee mulllabou'i tohr •ffi,rrditHmr h.~arts h) G.ods fpsri.t, ofourpArtscular recofjif{JA~ "f" wtth Godin Cbr.f/,This io that kpoo·ledge of 1/p'.'otu ofGod which p•Jf"h k_no"'l"lgr, ,for whtch Pa•I,Erh·3· ''*·'9· Bp"''~ hu~nmvnto tht l'arh..ofoNr Lord!e{HI Chrifl,inrhebeha!Je of<he Ephe(ianl,in regard h.creofPa•lcj/"m'd allthin~J/,f[,,yearo btd.-ff< And dongHe, Phtl; 3.8. Now when thisaiTurance isfctlcdmour hearu,it w1ll purifienot onely the affcd1onsJ bur alfo the fir(\ motions and thoughts of our mi,1dcs: Het hAt hAthin him[tlft this hDpe (fatth Saint(a)lohn)p•rg,hhimjdft "'God u , r,Toh.J•l• p•re:For whena rnon !ha! be truly perfwaded in hts heart, that ofavile finner, euen the child ofwratb,he is made the child of God and a~elfell 'of honou•.accejmible ro God; emoymg h11 lour, and fatlciur in thrifl, then will he rca{on thus withhimfdfe; bath God ofhi1 endlelfc mcrcicv.ouchfafed to rrceiue me mro his:graceand fauour,rhat othcrwa1~s fhould haua'biba 6rebrandof hell foreucr• more/oh therJ,bow Omuld·l fulfer my mind, my will;and alfediono, to l:icany longcrthe in!lrum~nts offinne,whcr.eby I 0Jal dtfple•fe fo graeiou• aGod,andcall my felfe out ofhts Ioue and.fauour I nay, butil woll imploy my foulewhtch heeharh redeemed with all tire powers and f~cuhies th~rfof, as we~pons of righteoufnclfc for the aduanccmem of hir glolie. • Sect~ s; :<.:; 1 ' h£! CJ"fJPiritn..O<011/idewion, •' Laflly, ifwe would rcformc our thoughts, s,l\ule. wemuftgiue tmr feluuto j}tritiiAII cr.nfid~rawm or 'll~ditAtion.By SpiritHAicot~(lderation I meane any adion ofthe minde renued and fandifi– e~,whercby. itdoth feriouOy thinkeon thofe things whoch may further faluation. This confid•~•tion l callfPirit••ll, to diflinguifh it from earthly plottingcare,whereby naturall men !hew therr.felucs wife and proutdcnt tor thethings ofthis life, though in the matters ofGod which concernefalu•tion, they bee blinde and ignorant. AlfoI adde, it rnufi be an •tlionof amindcre•u•d•ndf•nflijied,be– cau(ethenAitlr..cllmt~n peruiluth mt th~rh•ngJ ofthefPimofGod,I.Cor.>.J4.theyfeemc foo· lithnelfevntohim, and therefore he cannot giue his mindevnto them. \ Now the excellent vfe ofthis rule wilplain– lyappeare b.y thefruitfull praClifeofirin the propherD•uid: forwhatwas more vfual with him then fpirirual and beauenly medttatiocl bP(a.uJ.<f fometime vp•• (6) G•d himfolf•; fometime :' Plot." 9. ( & )o 11 the worf?..es ofGodJ(omctimc(d)onhido-wne 1 .~~·r.J19. 19 n>11iu: and(c)ccntir.u;~/lj on Godsw4rJ. Now eP!.u 9 , 9 1:1. L-----~--------------------------------------· ----------- ~ndi· '•