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t'Uam naturall Imaginations. 479 {antlrfyingrhiS dury by prayer, as iris plaine A hedidconomually,Pfal.l9.•4· Ullhemed•– t4tionofmJhtArt, oh Lord. 6eacceptab!~ i11 lhJ fl~khcnce ir c. me ro palfe,rhat hc-profelfed, Pral. 1J9.1 J 3,An hatredvnto vaine ;nuentions, wlirch a~e rhc proper effetls of an vnrefor– med minde:and onr~c conrrarie,by rhis godSe~. >. Thefecond conGderation ranching God, isofhi&iudgemenll,not onely tbofewhich were done ofold, and are recorded intheScrip– rure, or prher hiflories; bur cuen his leaf! iudgemenrswhich we behold or heare to fall vponKingdom~s, Townes, particular hou. fes and ptrfons, mull weecarefully lay vnro our hearts, Of rhe want hereof the Lord complainerhamong his people, {aying, I er. U .ll. The n>hole/a,d liethw~tj/,becaufenoman !ypratlrfc,Pial. 119. 99Hegot morevndcrfl•~ding 1hmh11 te•chm; yea he atramed ro thrs excellent flare of a renucd mmde, that hu rAintl, whercDy hec mrancsthe moll fecrer parr ofhisfonle, tAught him in[on, Pfal.16.7. And in r<afon wee may perceiue rhe truth hereof:for feeing contr3;r1Cs do mu· tually expel! one another, what can be more etfetluall 10 purgeihe mind ofeuillhought•, rhcn roexerciferhefamewith fpirituall con- B Gderation•l for when rhrough rhebldlingof God, thefe!hall take place, the other mufl needes begone:in regard whereofit!hall nor beamilfefomcwhat to inGflinrhehandling fotteth hU mi11deonit: giuingvs tovndedland, rhatthe neglect of duec6Gderarion ofGods iudgemenr, brougbr defolarion ro the who!£ Jand 1 and therfore the want thcreo(i~ a maine and grieuous finne> brtngfng funher wdge· mcnrs with fr. God bath fundric rimes fcnt his iudge– mcnrsamongvs;generaHy by plaguc,and fa. minc 1 and parcicularly on fundnc families, &perfono;but who regardcth them?\.Vhere– fore vnlelfc we will double God:; indgement:S vponvs, let vs remember onr' dury,and feri· oufly thinkevpon thcm.And thatrbisconfi– deration m-ay be profitable vmovs, \ve muG doe three things, firll,wec muflcarefullyobofthem. CHAP. IX. ~/JfirituAHconflde'rati9ns con;ern~ng God. Sea. '· Of•lu conjideralionofq•d•prtftvet. S PiriiNa/1 con('der.riom feruing f6·r rhe re- C formation of our thoughts, doe either concemeGod,orour(dfles. Thatwhich con· cernetb God containrrh many branches,bur ferue,marke,and remember them: Pf.1i. 1J9· sz. /rememblr lh] ludgemmuofDld, 0 Lord, TheLords people were much wanting ther– in,asPfai.]8.I J.4z.Sccondly,11·e mu(! apply them to ourowne pcrfons ioparricular, foas the thought thereof may make vs afraid, I will inGfl in foureefpecially. F1rfl, touching Godspreftnce,wherebya man doih thinke an,l forefoluehimfdfe,tbar where(oeuer he is,he flands before God,and that all his thoughts, words, and detdes, are naked in Gods Gghr; D•uidt heart wa1 filled wirh rhis conGderati· on, whenhepennedthe J39· pfalme: for that wholepfalaie.from the beginningto the cnd,ferneth to exprelfe this holycogitation of Gods prefence :'rhe like irnpreflion mufl wee labour to haue in our hearts touching Gods ·prefence: for it is rhe mofl notable meaaes, to cleanfe rhe heart from euill thoughts, to rctlrailie'rhewill and affetlions from wicked delights, and to keepe in order rhewhole man, callfing him to fl.ind in awe of Gods commaundements. Dauid faith, Pfal.r9.9. TheJ.-r,.ftheLerd;., cle•ne; mea– ning rbercby, ttiar rhilt man which hath rhe feareofGod in his hearr,ariGng from rhis conGderation of Gods prefence, bath a cleaneand pure hearr.This confiderationalfo i• a notable meanes ofcomfort lh the time oftrouble and danger: hence 'Ji)•uid fairh, Pfal.tJ.'4• Though ],.~lk$throughtheVRIIeyo( rhefhadd~~Wofdwh, ]willfear< nontcuil/: fer the Lord i& m'th me :·and hence it was that, Pfal.J.6. He wouldnot be afr•kiforunnnhou– (4nd df 1he people lho• foould•rife vp •g•in.?' ·him; · l •• , though they befall orhcrs, When Habak.!«k_ 3.16.inavifi'onfaw the 1udgemenrsof God which were tocome vpon the Chaidrans, the conCidcration thereof was fo powcrfuiJ with him, thatitmadehimtrem/Jieandquak_e: In a fam1ly when the father bearerh his feruanr, rhecbildfeareth; •nd when one child is bea– ren,rbcn all rherefl crie: eucn fowhcn God our Father powrcrh dowrie hfs iodgcmcnrs, rhough vpon the hearhen,yet wemufl feare 1 but when anyof·bis children are afflicted, it mufl flr1kefoare to uur hearts. Th1rdly, we D mufl make vfe of Gods iudgemcnts, that light ~ponorhers, by applying them to our felues.Whcn certaine mc:n brought newcs to our Sauiour·Chrill o( an heauie iudgement vpon feme G•!thans, 'IPhofe 6/aodPilatc 114r/ mingled with their own~ facrificu, Luk. J 3. 1,~,3.immediarcly ourSauiour labours ro b:ringthem that told him tomake vfc rhere. oHor rhcir ownc good, faying; rharthcreby theyoughrro bemcoucd ro repentance; for rhcythatwere fiafne, were nogrcarcr finners then rhe refl·: ·and therefore excrpt they who toJd that_hcwcs did 4mend thtir iiiJt'l, rhry ' fbould al(operi[h. So rhar ivhcnfocucr we fe< .or hcare o['a;ny iudtiemcnt of'God vpon o– . •rhcrs, wee\mull thereby b'cc mdoued ro repent : .a~nd ~hus 4oing, wee lbaiJ come to a. ;