Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\ A1am:naturatl Imaginations, 4-81- · tlu,world, thinke oo norhin~ i,;,, paflimcs, A aHhc haircsof our head, aod the fands by . honours, and commodities; f hiSWI~I bee a thcfea-(hoare. ~c/}.B~twhatJfa man haue notable mc<ncs rokcepe our ·hearts trorn c· truly repeatedhun of hiS Gnnes,mul! he!lill Ul!l hou•hrs: for whofe heart will not re. vferhisconhdcratlon ofrhem/ An(w. Yes lent 'towa~d) his God, that fo ma?:Y waies V(!rily,a!though hf ~eaJfure~_of_thcpa.rdon bath railed of his bounty towards htm I yea, ofthem: fo dtd DmuJaftcr R 41hantolahim this conudcration will be an exceeding !lay thy Gnne• are forgiuen; h<c p<mned thest. and comfort roour foulesin the day ofrrou· P(alme, andwhen heewas high in Gods table ai1 ddi!lrctfc: fo Salomonfatth, EcclcC7. uour,hepraied fhJI fonhc pardo•of the fin•u ts,;6,Bebolde the ,~,r~<ofGod,andi•the da]of of hwyourh, Pfa'..z;.7. for howfoeuer God in <1jJM:tion confider: A namrallt-qan cannm a. mercy put our lws uutof his remembrance, way w1th trouble, if10rrowcs incrcafe vpon vponour true rtpenrance,yetwemu!l neucr hnn,hc is ready to makeaway himfel!,which put themourot our remembrance, fo long corne 5 ofthis; rhat hec cannot c~:mhdcr the ~s wee l1uc an thJS world; be.caufethcconfidcworkcs of Godlfof.hc tllat can rightly medaration of them,1hough tl1eybepardoned: is rate on Gods goodoclTe rowards him -in ali a norable mcanes botJ1 tomoou·:vs rorenew hiS workei,lbal be able with patience toiup" B ourrepc!Han"<,and alforomakg v• watchful port his foule v.nder the greate!l crolfc. A agam!llJnnew rime to con:e. praclifehereofwe mayCce mr>.aud, who be mgin a rno(t grieuous temptation, fo as bee cried our,Pfal. 77. 8./s rlu Lords maC) ckam goneihath hef orgotttnto hem~rcifu/1? &~.did yet recuuer himfelfe by the conjide:r;ztson oj qoJsfirmer worket o( mcrcic,and o/ hiswonder.r if old; whtreof ht_e had t)l:perimr:e in hi! oWnt p<rfo•, vcrC.u, u. CHAP. X. 0 f fPirilH~t#confitleratiQnt 'fllhichcon.. cernt our (tilur. Sea. z. Of mA11 mifery throtJghhis {innet. Sett. 5· Secon JJy,wcemuU cnnriderthem1(ery into whicluuer; an~ i& plung~d6J.,a!:rrethrot1uh A· dam sf ;tl)&his Qwn /Ns.Tiuswas/r;Gs m.~dita.. tion)faying, I(Jb 14-1 .Manthat u bornufa'r'JO· 1J!anbflth bt~t afoort oim.: to lit1r:,ht i& (u/1 o/ m;(e.. rpand fo goeth on moO: nor~bJy,defcribinn the miferyofman:yea,this was Sa!Cm1on: cOn~ _{ide·rauon in ~hewholebookeofEccitfafiu, from the begmning tothe end. C Now that rhis conllJcration may take place in our licarts,we mull enrcr into apor– tlcularvlewof rhis our natUiallmifc.:rH~ : the principall branches whereof bee rbcfc: fir!l, The co•fidtwio•of ourowne per[on•U {Inner. THe conflderations which refpcd our feJucs)arefixe: Firff, wee rnult confider oHronmepcrfonaU (tnn(J; as well the corrupti– ons of our hcarrs, as the aCluall rranfgrefli– ons ef our liues. This was 'D•uids praelifc, Pfal. ''9·S9· Icow{ideredmy waier(!aith hce) and eurned u.y (ecre into thy t4/imoni~s. The Icwclj l1kcwifc 111 their great affiu~lio~,Oirred vp therofelues to this dury, fayiegooo to a-. notbcr,Lam. 3· 40, Come/et VI fearch,And tflt' Mr WAUt,and turneagAintvntoth~ Lard. D In rhas conlideration of our fintles, wee mull doe thrcuhmgo: Firfl,fcnouOycaii ro mmde 10 whatm4rmerwcc haue ftnned :whe– ther of lgnorar.ce,orof knowledge, of weak– nclfe through infirmirie, or of wilfulnelfe throughprefumprion • Secoodlr, ~·cc mull duly waigh rhe grwneff' of our particular linoes,cuen ofthe Jea(l ofthcm,rcmembring th1s, that by euery fin ne wee commit, Gods infintte maieflieis difplcafod, •nd hlsiuflice violated. Thirdly,wc mu!l conilder thenum– ber of our finnes; which wee 01all oeerefl at· rainc vnto by fcarching out our thoughtsj our wih, 1 and affcttim::s; our words, ~nd a. <lions, all which beeingdtl igenrly obfcrued, J wJll make vscrieout, that they be innumber •• a f~pt!~lltion fromRll ftUowfhzp with God: for as M~~s natu· lf•y faith, lfa.s9.z. Our fn•es ha•• ~paratcd roll m·f«y bttwetne God {lndvs: and ~his is the fpecJa!l br:mcbc:d pan ofmans nuferie. Secondly, (ocmie and cut. f~llowfJnp !Pith IhedamnedJPiriu~ tht diruU4fld .Z hP. ••gcls;llanding in this,thar man by narure bearcth the image of the diuell, and wirhall performethfcrUice vnro him in rhe pr2Clife of lying,inlullice,cruelric,and all manntr of ·finne. Thirdly,a/1manverof c~t1.1mitininthU life, as ignomime ingoodname, painc:~s and d1fe.afcs in the bodie, lolfes and dammagcs 10 fnends, and in all rcmporall blcflin•s whatfocucr.' Fourthly, The horro•rof ag•~l4 tie cfn[cience, which is in it feltC the be•,inning of heJl torments: for it is our acc~fer vnroGod,our Judge ro giuefenr<ncc again!l vs, an~ the very hang-man of Ctlr foules to coodemne vs ercrnally. F1frly, thefecond 5 de•th, which is th• fullapprche"'Gon of rhe eternall furieof the wrarb of God, barb in body andfoule ercroally.1 his conf:dcration mufl bee often vfcd ofcu~ry man_to moouc hiru to repentance, and lt is very etfctt-uall thereunto: for if wee doe butconGder how a man for rhc paincof onctoorh, wtll bee fo gneued, that heecould wifh with aiJ his heart tobe our of theworJd,1har his paincwcrc en ded; oh then howgreat fhall wee chiPkc th Sf ar·rr-·