- -----. - 487. Mans naturalllmaginations. apprchcnlion ofthe full wrath ofGod eo be, A felues euery day how to auoid it, This wee feazmgnotvpon one lmle member onely, !hall doe if wee!hake <>If carnall fecurity,and bur vpon rhe whole manborh body &foule, negligence in the meanes of ourfaluatlon: and that for eu~er I No tongue can cxprclfe, and prouide bctirueo for the aiiurance of nay no heart can conceiuc the greatnelfe of Godsloueandfauour, thatwhen death!hall this cerrcur, and therefore it muH beean occorno,we may be free from the terrour of an fion borh to begin, and increafc true rcpen· ranee invs daily. euill confcience, and haue llronghope and confolatlon 10 Chrill Iefus, Sea. 3· Sea. 4· \ Of ourowntparticuiArlemptt~tionJ. Ofour p.rticul•reud, Thirdly,weemu!l confiderourowne parti· Fourrhly, we muClconflderour pArticul•r ,·Hl"r te11'Jpt11tion1 wherewith wee are mo{l af· end. The Lord complain" of thewant herefaulted through the malice ofSatan,and our of in hisowne people: Oh th•t th'1r.erewif~, owne co"upuon.Befober andwarch(faith P<· B then wouldth'J co•(lder thu 1ti.eJ "''ultl coo{td<r ter, I .Per. 5· 8. )for JOur aduer(arie thediueOgo· thrir latt<rend, Deut, 3l,Z9, In thisconlide· eth ab1ut ltk_e AroAring L]on, foek.J.ngwhom! hu ration three p01nu muCl bee obferued : fir1l, m•y deuour<, This was Pauls pradrfctowards that the time of death is vncc:rtaine,no man the ince[fuous man, wbome bee bad enioyknoweth whcnheemull die: fccondly, char ned to be excommunicate;for afterbeegaue theplace is vncertaine,no man knowcs where diredion that bee 010uld bee receiued into hee mull die: thirdly, thartbemanntrof !lis the Church•gain,, left hre were (wallorudvp of death is vnccrtamc, none knowerh by whar ouer mflch heauinef[e, 11nd fo SAthAn fhould cir. dearh he fhallglori6eGod 1 •nd therfore that cNmHentthrm :for(Caith bee, 1.Cor.•.7.&11. we maynor dccciue our fdues,wemuff think wee are not ignorAnt of hU enterprifct. lf forthat moll f~arefull and gneuous ends may raigneenemiesfhould feeke theinuaGon of befall vs, in tegard of the bodily pame and our land,not onely our MagiClrates,bur euetorment, eucn rhcnwhenweelmlc f,·arc or ry ordinatie man well affedcd to hisCounfufped any (ucb thing. This conflderauon trey, would betbinke himfclfe what coal! will bee a notable mcanes to Llirre vp ouo were the weake1l,rbat thither prefent defence hearts,cithcrro bcginne,or renew our rcpc:umight bee Cent to keepe outtheenemies; e- c ranee: when wickedAhaoheard of his tcra. uen fo, feeing the diuell cloth a!Tault vs daily full cnd,he was humbled, t.Kin.• 1.17. And weemuLl enter into ferious conflderation of rheNmeHit" beingtoldeof theirfudden deour thoughts, "ils, and affeCtions,and fee in llrue!ion, repented in(4c~cloth 4ndRjh~s, •na wbatpartwee bee moll weake,and in what turned t01heLml,lon.J.$ 1 6'. inclmarion Satan may moll eafily pr~uaile again!l vs, which wee !hall bell efpie by ob· sea. s. feruing thdinnes of our liucs 1 and this will Ofourj/r4ightaccompt4tthe make vs arme our felues again!l him by Gods grace, cuen in the weakell parts, that IAJIJ4Jo he breake not into ourhearrs,to the ruine of Fiftly, 1uemufi often confider with our ourfoulcs. This conflderation concerneth all men, felueo, and tloat moCl ferioufly, of that jlreit not onely the dilfolureand finfull, but euen ttccoHnt, ~andrtckpniNgoj AIJ ourthoughrs,w~ds, thofe that haue receiued muCl grace. It were Andamons, which,., muf/ m•k! vnto God At the infinite to goe through all the temptations D laf/daJofiuJgtmmt, This is the principall of Satan: confider thrs one for all, whereby confideration of all, and the want hereof a An ordina . bee kilsmany a foule; Throughthewhole fearefull finoe, arr,uing greatnegligence, ig· ry,andyct courfe of mens liucs,helabourcth to filtheir norance,blindncl eof minde, and hardoelfe mofidan· heartswirh carnalfecurity,and to bringrhem of heart : if a ttaueller come into an Inne, gc:rous . ro ncglee! the ordinarie meanes of faluati· hauing but one f"nny in his purfe, and call temptatiO on ; this done, bee feekesto keepe them in for all manner o dainty fare, and prouiUon, this e1lareall rheirlife long: bur in the ende fpcndingfumpruoofly,will r:otall men iudge bee rakes another courfe,forwhen death ap· him voide of all confideratton,firh hee bath procherh, then bee feeketh to llrike their ' nothing to pay, when his acc<>uor is to bee mindes with obliuion of Gods mercies, and made?Loe, this, or worfer is the moLl men to fill their foules with terrours in regard of cafe, who inthislife purfue their profits and their [innes,and ofGods iudgeruents due vn· c••afurcs, with all eagerndfc, the~ care not to th•m; that fo bereauing them of all hope ow, ·neuer regarding that reckonmg whrch \ of mercy, hee may bring them to finall de· they muCl make vnto God, at hio r<rrible fpaire. We therefore being fore-warned of day ofaccountswith allthe world:and there. his deadly fraud,mu!l feriouOy bethinkeour fore though the former confideratiomwoll (clues of thistemptation, ond caClwith our nor, yet Jer this take place in our hearts, re IDOUI; ~-·