Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Mans naturall lmaginatirm.r. 483 l mouevs ro ada1ly fore-hand rtckoning with A (clues with a thew ofreligion, hauing theb/•- God in the pra{li(c of true repentance, and ~ng1Ampu1 oHtW4Ydprof~fflor,; and laboured to imploy the good gifr..nJ bldlings we renot for that oy/<Oftrtugro«,which might en· ceiue t!om God,l1kc good feruanrs, vnto the lighren theirtoulcsto the fruition of Gods befl aduantageof his glory, that when this glory: yea, thisisthecommonlinneof this account is cobcemade, wee maygiueit ~.With age, men bletfe thefelues in their good mea- .ioy,and not with feare. And thatthis conli. n111g,faying they hope well; and do notthoderation is elfectuall to this purpofc,S•lomo• roughly fearch,whethcr they bee rru•mcm· t<acbcth invling it as his farewell wrth ditfo' betJ ofCod• Church ornor:Now ifafter tri· lure yowth, with whomeother•·aies he harh all it appcare, thattrue ~aith and repentance lrrdehopc to preu•ile, faying,<· bee wanting in vs, which ara the fealescf a· iD]ct thouJONng m4n,t~k...eth] pi;Jurt :nth} youth; doprion in Gods chrldr<n, then withalgood Jtl know,thAtfor110 thi4,thoN mH/1 CtJme toiudgeconfcicncc,wec mull vfe the meancs appoinmmr.But how powerful it is with Godschi.ld, red of God, to obraine rhefe llracesfor our wee may feeinPa•l, Act. •i· to. who profef· a!furancc, the comfon whereof will bee fo feth ofhimfelfe, thar in r-gard oftbuaccount, precious vnto our foules, that wee lhallabhe indeaNaNred to hAueJwAJAcltareconf,itlfct horre 10 admitre fuch wicked imaginations towArds Gad,and IOwPdtmefl. B lnroourruindcs, as anyway tl!nd to dC'priue vsofit. Sect. 6, Thcfe are the con!iderationswhich rcfpec'l our feluu; whereunto if we giu~ ourmindcs Of our pr.[tnt eftat< towards God, in a conllant courfc, as aJ(O to the former which conceroe theLord, obferuing withall Laa!y, wee mull ferioufiy confider of••r the rules before prc!cribed, through God• pr-ft•t.ef/at< to.,ard' GoJ,whetherwc be in the blefiingvpon outinjeuour,we!hallvndoub- !late offinne,or in the flare ofgrace;whether redly findc by good experience , that ,.;n • we belong to the kingdome of darkeneiie,or th•ughll fo•lln.rpreuail< •t.•i•fl '": but being be true members ofthe kingdomeofChri£1: rcform~d in ourcogitationo,we thall fend out it is notenough tobe in theChurch, but wee of our mindea as from acleanfed founninc, mufl be Cure we be ofthe Church;For ruauy fuch flreames of good words and workes, wolues and goates be in Gods fold ;Th'J "'""' through the whole courfe <>f our liues, as out jm11vs(faitbS.lolm, r.Ioh.%.19·)butth<y fi>all redound to rheglorieof our God, the JPmntJtofvt: and therefore Pau/aduifethto good ofour brethren, and the confolation this conuderationfaying,:.Cor.r3•S.Pr(){)ut ofour ownefoules,through IofusChrill our J~Nrft/Nts,'RihethtrJ~H !Jt i11thefAith or not.Thc Lord,to whome with the Father,and rhe hawant hereofwas thefearefull Goneof thef"· ly Gho!t, bee prai(e inhis Church for euer· li(hvirgint, Mat. ZS·l• whocontentedthem· c more:. A,,m. Sfz I . ~ ·