Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

i ,. It iJ ~nfo/fib!e for.a'!y popi/h,,Viuine1 In 'the wb~U to I outof the true monumentJ oft/;~ [ounceUs andrathers~ oftheir r;aturaU/,r!J}e andm~~ning .; ~~at th~faithof Churcboj~ome,u tru/y Catholrk! mthojepointJ it dijfenteth from the reformed [hurches ofthe qo(pell, The explanation of the Probleme. • r the[A'th •f the Rom••• A Ch~trch, I meancthcdo– d:rincconcq~i~ tbc way and mcand)-·P.~~taluarion, propounded i.o :theCoun– cell ofTmit', in the R<>- mane C~ech1fme ro the vnto them but fuch things as were in the AponJcs times, andthcage ccoding IThey doubtles 1 thought not things auncienrwhich had their fir£!1 imo the Chutch in their 11mc hundred on. red yeares b•efo:~<,much!l IciTe did they flold I hat of · priells,and in 1 heMtll~ll and Brcuiary are reformed and printed by rhecom· mand and aurhoritic of PopePiut the fift. {ath•li~,Irake in rhat fenlc which Pincm. tiUJ Lmnmfir dorh rn his bookcagainll bcrerap.J.Thmmt<f/ b!An t(/JtCia/1 CAr< (faith he) intlu Carhfiltlt~ Church. thAt thAt ontl] /;u bdeerudand taught whsch hAth bttne htldin all times,and •f Ail profdTors,(Drthat · calf~d CAtbqfi(e,.u the 'lllrit (orcu!tdder"tati·,,nof the word · d.,b Je. ',c"•m·eh<md•·;._ AO thingr . He u .,·,,bi'IY.,.a itrM•'1 • was neithtrfou~d our, nor reccmed Church,ti.ll aft<r their daics. Tltetl,(o,re.nlot I all •ntiquliyofdodrine is to be approued,bur tharontly which LirinmjiJ, Auguflinf 1 .Am· tro(e,Imr"',(Jpri••, (9-c. held to beofand from antiquitie;and which they cornmended B vnto their pollcritic1 asalfo that ~•i•er[Aiitit is to beaccounr~d rrue,aod onely thar,which iooke placeinall Churches In rhe Apollles times, and in rheagea nextgoing beforePi•· ctntiH4 and AllgNfliN~. PrtpArAtiuntothtdemonflrtetion of tht Pro6/eme, ·mEFoRE rcometorhe ~- confirmationofmypou- ~ tion I mufl of neceilirie giue aduertifement of ~ rhrcerhinlls,thcberrcrto ~ clearethewayforrhcaefence enfuing. The firll fhallconccrne the authoritie of the Fathm, and their diucrs manners ofwriting. The fc· cond fhall difcouer their counterfeit workeo, &fuch al are doubted of. Therhirdfhall ex– plane rhereafons why the Aponies religion ~ l,. r. rbe(Au(bQriti4ofth~ FtCthtri,And thcirmAwntrifwriting. I · is now fo dcprauc.d. · .· r . The auncienr writers doe te3ch and de· fend, ..