Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1Jemonft1'ation of the Probleme. 4-871 ~ ·--· - ) fe~d, thacrhe <:;ariOnttall Scriptlf~C is ~f 1t li. authoritie v{tbis Epi~l~,b:caHjt: I h~td n~t Cyprs !~:~~~t. Cdf('t'he perfect rule ~od fq~larc _in all cont~nJittter~fur C.t~rmiCAI!,DHt I douxammetlum '·3~, rroUediesof faith. Tutt~ll•an agamll HermiJ,· 61 Ct~nonsc.Jl ScrtptHreJ: a1,d wh,:~.tfoeuer I.fin."e genes;{doe adore fb~fuineJ!e andpeifetlion of the J the~tin confontingvntoth_cm, 1~P.'rooHe WJth hid Scripftlre. Athtrnti(iHJ al(o in his Synop[i1 ~~- p~aife; andT~hatfo_e~eru thermnto opp~ftrtt, bJ firn'lcHhat tbof edortrin~J which ar:e contAmed m ht.~le~tue I muft reutl. AndmanotJlt r place. tbe Scf'ipturn .-refulficirni vntofo~i;,hf Bllji!l in In the(epartsofS crip!ttre wh•ch .rre_moflpla.Mt, De doflr. his uea.tifc:offaith, 1tliJ il'm~tnifiil ojf(nct ofararefound allrhtife thmgs that ~;onrame the ru/u Clnrt J.t. rog 411 cit4ndinflddirie, either to reieq.:?~JP"'"~ of I , ~~~urfAitb an~ manntrt ,~amrly, !fop!,and Ch11- '·9. that whichWIPritlr», ort"add! arJj,r'tkerthmg 1 rltlt. G_hryfoftom.~alfo fa~t~1that sfamiln a!Jimu In Pf.1l. ~· (, which r4 n?t rvritten.Attgt~f#neagain~ Petili~ns 4~} thmg wttho~_t ,cuthQrltlt o[Scrtptun,h14 auLctters,lib.3.cap.6.>Pbelhtrit cif•ctrn' Chrifl, duour~ doe but jimderiJ refpdl "· Raft// al[? In I ,,, or bil Churcb, or 4nJ otb~r thing bef,,nging to ~ur teacherh, thatjt 14. notfitfficstnt [or vs:o btlreuel nl f:.utl f4ith,arli(t. [ rvilln~I{AJif wedrJepr1Aef'-·: but theFAthersandwr~tersoftheCJ:srch mmatUYI ·eu:uuhe Apofflehim(e/ftf•ith •fterivariJs, if o/f•ith,vnl'ife ,(,h<J doe confirm<theirfAJingsfJ an Angelco'frl': from hc11um w1th ""1 other do- ·Scr~pttlrt. _ . . . ... [/rinethtnth•tJ'" hAut heArdom ofthe LrgAII B , The Fatliers 10 many pOint' ofDrUimUe AwdEu•ngrlic•Y(criptum,Lrthi;nbe Accurfed, hauefpokenvery vn6t!y.As 6rfl,when th~y Thefame Augu/1, in his 49. tract, vpon John' wcremooucd thereunto in th~ir heate of dJfWbmu oursAUiOIIY Chrift didm4•Jthingt, and purauon. So s .• (ill (peaking 0~ G"g' m et yet allojlhmtllrenot written: tbofe ~hings were Neocd![r.ria. 'Theycottldnot vnd~rfland (quoth cbofenouttohelvritten,-whiciH~'"tthtJU,'l,htto be he) thattbis(namdy. 1hat the F,ather and the :J;~~~~:.·G, '(ujficientforthef.tluationof lul~rHrr:. Pmcmrius Sonnr, areon~ mperfo'-) wt.u(pok..fn in contention Lirin, chap. 4 r. Th: Camn of ho!J Scripture, andcqntroHerjieofdifPuration mrh Adian ,. -nut fu!fiG'tth -r:nt• aftthingreuen~tbundant'.J. Sa/vian ~a/itiPufJ,nsr dogmllttc411J. Secondly, becaufe' m his third b.:1oke of prouiderice, faith, 111 their axhoi''toition they oftentimei. were tbat thl book.,rrofthe qo,rprlt contain: dollrine re~ too rhetorical,either in the fauour oforhers, plcatervi:h a/lm;tnn~rofp~rfeElion, ScotHJ likeorto affect thlir audirorie rhc more. Thb. wife; inhis prologue before the 1. booke of Saint Hieromr·confclfeth oi himfelfe, excufentcJ>ees.q.z/aith, lt iuuidrntthat'tbr Sc!ip. Gngfomething that hec had fpokcn vnfitly, tured'Jth{i1jficimtl] contAine 1111 thingJn"effarie wedidp!a] theRhetorician(quorh heJ.mdg_411e forthepilgr,na!.eto heauen. Cllmeracenfts vp- (mlrwhattoourdecl.muuWttJ.So TbeodarerJ'!. do DVJog. 3. on the (entences: We mu(I httu~ recom"(eoml] C ilot1tccount thoft'things aruhofdoflrino andde· vnta the Scripwres , that we TIM]rJ~tAinc(altiAti· crus,which areJ'l:tnring!J and rhetori&al/1[p,k_en . ott. Bel!arm. of thC~vnwriuenwordof God, inthe Church. Which thing may farre more lib.4.cap. 11. l (•J thar.lltho[ohingt "'"' rrulybeaffirmedoftherabbleofthe Cano· ,.rtitenbJ the Arifllo,,..hich arrnrce/JanrforAll ni!ls and (choolemen. Let one of them de. mm, A•dwhicb the] publikel)pre.chedvnto Ail fmbe all the reil. Onrcr;etb tbat•llaEiion"f Thom" de mtn, tnferiourJ{hall beiudged h] the Pope, hilt thr Corfel!is3· TheaUtlcient writers wi!l haue their fayfgpesonr!JhJqod. AnrJtbtrfaith,tharno,ucan pudAe~e~ ings and tefiimonieswell examined, and fo iudg( the ciJtefe Cha7re: .A thir1fairh,that God d~ ~~fi~m farre fortb oneJy tohe rectiucd as they doe one/1 catJ depofe PopeJ:Afor~rthu notafo.'lm:.•dto Ccndl. agree with the ruleofour faith, and the wri, Auerrt, thAt though thr PopcfhrJuldc.zrrith~apu Bafill.l,I, rings ofthe Prophets and Apo!lles. So (peaof(o•lrstohrllwtth hm, , J""'""" ouabt 10 re. kcthDionJFm AlexAndri.ofNepos. In man1o. prebend him. Thut the(e wretchuneu~;cenjider :E fib 1 etherthings I doe emhrAcettnd !QtUNepot: bHt that thtfe~{/t!gatiaru that the_.., cl 4 p fo faP t 9 geb:fi1;~,~~j /HrtlJ tlu truth iJ to bu preferred and re(juflea thcr,are euherofthe Popr!#R"NCOJning, m! 4 rging br[uru/1, lfAnpn.ndoef}e.kt ,,/[,..,.,ughtto the bordmoftheir garmrntr:or if fonu of th•fo giurhm• hi& due prai(e And ApprobAtion .,.;thout D thAt mAde ilthrirtr4dttojlatterthem.Thirdly, •11muie, ~., ifheefP••~' A"] thing thAt iJ wt be~aufe they fpake more carelefly, while {oMnd,wt muft both ex4mineit,& trieit thrcugh· Controucrlics were nor mooed. Ail Au 1111• Ad Pauli· IJ.SoSaint Aug11j1inr alfo, I "illnot bi.Je1o• /lin•dorh acknowledge: that while the Pcla- ~t;~l: c~1n, vhn:9Lmin~llhrt~horiti~;,., t~atJbOH1_fo 1sulddthberif~: ghians fiirrednotJ theauncie-nt Fathers fpake t ln>(_t! Att]l mg,tc~JJarut~ euc u11e , ecfZHJe t em~:>renegligcntly~boutor~eintt//fin»e,and Iaffirme it. And againe, I hattrlearnedtogjue free~"Rt/1, Hts words are thefe. He (meanino Epifl,:,. thuhonMr ~tnd rtHtrencevnto thofe hook!s ~time C.hry{i:fl~~m~)difp11ting ;, the C 4 th()/ifte ChHrcb', which11re 'law called Coimmcall,tbat l doemf4l~ Jsd thmf<! hu wqrds wgH/dhenfJ otherw 1 ft conui. libiJ brluue thAt noauthor of them all, orlt"11 ued:therewM thennofuch qut/hon mttdec 9 ncerthem did euerer,.ein An} of bi1 writings. ForO· ningthis thingJ ]OH hadnot a& Jet r 11 ifodJ01!r C(}nthers,ldoeforeadethcm, that (hew ho/1fJr/eiir· trntio~,·n~thrreforehe[pakf marec~relefl-T· Be/. ned{ofucrthqbe) I drJenotthink.! rhiur that to l~trmme hmJfelte coofeffcch that the w 1 ·iurs be lrtie,hecaufethq(o luld 11, hut{o{arrea~ the] ~eakJ((Jmrtime properI] a,dwarily, a 11 dfom~- are ahle toper(wllde m~, tit herNy tbo(e Cl.tJonittme vnft!y ~nd hudieJlJ. Fourthly, becaufe c~tll~uthon,or~J proht4hlerea(on,that it U, nptnpthey otrcntlmci borrowed their forme of~ P"gmng the truth, Befides;Jam notIJedvntothe {pecch from the vulgar, and therefore haue / Sf 4 wri'<en Contr:l: Iu– liJn.Pclagi. an,J.1.c,:.,