Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

·1 \488 Prepamt(nes rruh.e.. ·Ci.' - wr1rtcn in many places thereafter-. ~clckiPr ~ doe ttft,ifie. FDr Jnnoce~~;~i~ foirpfelfe vpon&e {••"' !hall boa Wltnelfe.We ea"!!'' d~nre{Ca;th .ChAeter Liter.u, &c. (!"b.IPfqtrer•.u aqsrjli. ~~~~~}~~~ l he) r~at rumrh:grau~ft authom?, erA'.ctaft]{". I on wiade,cQ11c"nitlg w,hkb-:,ti;fJh1aUfN~ten(;t: of cap. 6 • de{cr1bmg :hemt~acit:J of theSami!, hau~ ~Qtb1 I ~Ppe.._ C.(er'fenf J\'44 aiiMdgtd) 1 beidnot C/emems f.ark....n_ed af~e_r ftrng rep?r~t_, lt'fd•tt/fD_ d.ebuere4. , •u.dgemmtfir;"dettrmipAii~n.,. nNther woH/dhee -· 1 tk.em mwrumg vnrppofter.tJt, If/here'!' lri!JY (1{ ; .h•m(elfedetqminethereuf.•••Forit JUre toohArd . Imightiudgc) tlie] eitherntmjle~ thcmftLHt:l > QY ! 4 mlltt~;a'li_not to IJ.e bq~e,fi11u theiHdgmze~t 0 _ thersd,andvll/g~• (ort ofthe fa~(_hf!'ll ••toog"at 1 'thr ''"!~'d("''!,'ldb; lit,dJ• r~<Y;J ••("" 1n4~J. ~· ., , m_ea(ilrt.Jbccaufe.,~hey Jw~ttf(~(l(J~4.,t_Qmmon (F.~ i :l!a(~r#4},(fj4t~o~ ?.[the J.?~Pfl:for they h 11 ue noialr d1d not,ondy eaflJ ~(l~cue.alltbtl{.._<.._!!!f!.~cltt ,.Jm ..~ ! J»'~If~t,Qe.~{ifl.a,nceoft1he tpi~ir. Btllnrm_itlt fpc3· al(o dejiredmo'fi~1Yn</11J tohra~f.ef.thrm; 4•4 , k1ngof.C!ff/ff•<and Innocmtim te•ching~;<,· th."J thought. rt tl,more tollrr.J,(•, beca•(c th<J , pre.'fesourranes,(a1th,Th•t neithrr•ftpem f1<· ~- i ·~:!f•J/J4uh~?flf~mo"!A!_lt/~~~(.fchold~ha:~~ , crt>da"J.,flf.(Ainty in that controutr(ie. hui${:pjh 1< t/;(true/awof•/Jifl~mto W{rtl/~tch thrngi,<;;,: {p:1./,;o!ft,tf/fuiriudgern!V/. to.thegre 1 r,jJprobA• i tbc~ommon report confirf11:4.(~,t_i t..i'f!6····:n:ll'fh 1 ! .b,fnJ. Ar1~ th4t therear~m(l'!f.,tbingsi, th'e,derhingr /mAJ pe~hapr both rrghtl] and.~ruel] aJ: iB mrafl Epifl"' ~ which.impf]. P" Ap] m'!f('{. of 1 -/ir)fl.eofi..Grcgt}ruand Bcdc. Aft.~t ~his manner , :-; f~uh,IJHtO{I_elz djfoourrthr ~epesopini~ru ,con~'(F ' ; ia tile booke•pfallliquiti~•.tllaJ is often tu,. , nrngthef.~tbilj[r.VY!)y,t~c~e_forcmay not~c 1 medby thcn~lllJ'SO,Catl)ollkq~ndApoUo auoucli~J;\)lill!e.ofthGFat)Jers/ • •' ~ i hkc, whid)lll~s.foelleemc~. by t~cvulgar . There~orqheFit~~~Q(Jat~ragesgt\~· foctotrhef.11tlifull• .F_1ft!y, becaufe theF~- nmescxpqupded t.hef~xiogs of the~rprc.U;:~ rhm bemg ouercomc-br th~1)\Uititude,were celfors ou~9ftheholy S<;qptl}tes,or d(c,did uowe and then carried into _fuper£l1tion~, fl<dy reie~ them. V\i'ltr.clfe hereof Saint l·utbe for~:eoF 1hc tde viol<;Jltly qrricth a,- -4uguj/in1 in!he controuerfie!wirb rhc p,/a- , way the~oateSj'an~ heruponitcnf:.rcd,tbat gums:!u/i~di·d cit~ Ba/ilt,Jin·Unot t~/uhj/1mce.rthey concealed fomc thi~g~ ~Or (earc. T~Jn_e_ 6nt a:J (lCcjd~nr, th~reJOreCa{il]runoouedoutof , aremany(uehfrm!ts ,.u tlm (falthoncJ. w.hJch ~ th~wtllfo!b4~msk.,arreortok,:nthertofrcmP.ine, lanuar. ~pi, .dare no,tfofrcc!J r~prooue,bcfa.!lf~:~fat~utdmg t ~-~ S:tr~N.411gttfl!t?t expoundeth this placeaccor. 1 u9. i o_ffe 111 ceof_(omeo,thtr hol],, or f$?:~kaes !lfr~tdef!l : d111g to.r.hc~nalog~cof'faith: It i&ettfif1nott~ 6 P"fonr,Sixtly,bccaufcfometlmcl theyfpe~~.< man~t>r(l• .hft vnto Gorltmrrcir. And thisfuffiofthings billoncally and mformc.of~ehe~r· 1C ce~again!\ I heMamchm, who held that it ' _' .fall, norpofiti4cly aud by way ofalfertlort, wasiUlpqffjble. And whereasfomeFathers, ! Witnelfe Sail,lt' H!er()mc:T,heau,ttcut~t ..F ath~~~ VIZ. lnntt.m. iHPme, Clcmebt, andTertu!fittn i Jab.rontra r are lomttimu .~nforced to {f!lflk.! ag11m(t therr hddth4t thelaw if' naturehadpowerto( 4 uerlu j Iouin,c,4. · o~ne thotlf.bts, oneiJ.bcc.:tuf~t~'a~ thtJ mHj/hu. G~ntiler 'Wjthout Chrifl: S~inr Augrt/lm.e ex- ! fai~ttoaffim;efo,ag•wflthr po(i_rr~nso['rbrh-.- prefly confutelh them all. Nay which is J{f.m. . more, the Fathers themfelue~ would either . Againdtisonethingtofpeakcfcholafliplainly rerrattand call inagainefuch thing• · colly or dilpuratiuely, •nd another thmg to as they had vnfitly committed to others fpeake dogmatically or dochinally. So eares,or els they would corrett them by wriOthoF(i· fli[o a Jatcr wntcr: W1mu{t mark! how a'!~ tmgchccontraricinal)orherpl3ce. . fing:.1. 4 .c, 1 S th~ndoe jpMk!, whethtr outo( op~nion,or oHt of -.. Th~J:ar]lers haue errours, y~;a and that 1 ! afflrtion,or om of the'Vehemene&e offorrow comfomcttmes.v~rygroffcoQes,rhcy~hcmfclues 4 ! fortingrhem(elurr. Andfohe pro<eedethexac.knowJ~dge it verypl~inly. In thtDollort poundingthcfaying ofSa~nt Amlmfc, fpobook;s (falthone),.hrch th~ Chsrcb autbent>- P.nfelm"' 1 ken ofJl 11 /entintan dymgWithout Bapufme : callyv_(t~h, rhere arejo,t'!e~.smesftm~d crroHrs, ~~~~~ 10 I Tbe f1racewhJchhcmtre~ted fo' he dtd not lafe. D fometmusber.ifsu,;etthHUnofujficuntcawfeto V d C So A6hot Joachmt · A manmaJJPeak! what he condemtJcei~her book! or author: Let a rejfderof e .a ot, . In Rcuclat. thmk!th o/Jt ofcotJUElures, hut not AJ tho11gh he; iuJgement ferofothem, a~d h~ foal/prooNUJJtng v~derftcod cm•in•l; an1. thrng therdJ. And " IJ:'· Another: ThrF•tk.m,.hilfttheJia~oHr rhofetcClimonies ofanuqmt1e;<'h1ch fay that "\" wtth•lltbm.'nd•ftr; ,. fubuertm~rm-or, baue s:,..s,. pJg!ti~. Enocb andEb.uarethetwowirnciTes, hccafoftllmesntqer(ttllc~tJ flt'AtlrRft foemeJ inlfm4' nenl:m l lef.h themoplntoni[albble 7 HO k...._no'Wtedg6 orvn- {fl1'ttojallit!tot~nother: nut vn{ik! to hud11tndmm·, 1· dcrftAn4inf,.SO BartoOthc Ciuiltan isfaid todewhoftriJijng to mak! ftr~ight the crookrdtruni:...eo[ fJOlioth, fend Pope Cle'!'cr.t thcs. his co~flirution, •yong:rtr~e,oft~ndoee."'Ccudethemeancfofarre, g;~~::~ .. ~~~ concerningthe PopesP?wer ouer Kings, r~~ , that thrJ. m~k,e ~~ 6end aJ muc~ the othe~ wa7. mfl.l J.c. 4 • thertrifling(J and for fa(h:on j~tk._e, th:Vtru!y and 1 H~A~ealfo tHhJrdofapprcou~d tndgemtnf. The Can.!oc. outofhu Olt>nc con(cience; IHcMtft he tJ wh~I!Jvn- . wrumgsefgreA~~tutho11r1 ~re,nDt 4/tog_etherpct·R com.l.u.. certainc, and 1 :cuer ajfirmes one flAt pojifiD?J on~ fell: fo! {omwmn tht] fltppe and jiJrmk.f,Mone c.6. 1vayoroth6r; 4J alfo becaufc hi/place of A6ode. ' fa~th,vndertbe~rlflade:~nd~tkerwh~fntbeJdAI!y. rrtU vndcr the iurijdi[/ion of the Church of frtththetiffll!~nceufthetrowmnuenmn,and!lfJeCl C:aharinus Rome. Hcare :mother. Wemuft not holdaN popularitl(; dcccnitud. the Popesopinatiue allegatiom (bedog not de.. ___:_':.__\ --------"------7 gr~:i:t·,a[- crctally fpokcn) tohreof thefame v4/ue with , .... h:rroou, l3• rheirexpreJfulettrmi~~tti()m, ,H rh"] thrmftl,usJ: .z. 1:..~'!!"'~g~t: of_th_e_co_H_•t_rr(eit,~~tfuU;· or ..