Ann,io. demonjlr:atton oj the Probft:me. ~r cprrllpted l#urJ:..a uftlwFt~then;t<lgtther w1th (ome err.Qrtwhich the t;Y8f{erof thmJ b.u«fPrlnkf>d mtbtir worlfss. I A fifth Ep1llle reacheth communirie of w&ucs and goods,and,the z,doth moll fooliU&ly ad; ·· ui(e '""'"to rake heede that rhere beefound no Mice dung among(\ the pecces of the Theba.f?.!of the Apo{/lnconj/it•titms- . Heldfor apocry.phall in the docrecalh, dif/,tf·"f·S•na• Rom•••.and mthed•f/mil. 16.c•p. Canon<J. ijidoraiCodoth affi<m~the · Came. It is further condemned by the lixth CouncdofCon//Ant~mpte,.c.,p. z. Epiph;~TJiUJ h"'{. ) firll tha• euer made mentiou ofthem. SAint Iamu hil MAJTe- ~ Itcontaineth prayers for fucil asliue in Mo· na!lcnes, andfuchwas there none in Saint 14m.:"Jbiuirne. Bi!fides many words neuer hard of1n the Apollles tame,as 3r.:.1~r.r, c ... ~:n.., &c. and the word }.,,7•.'>''" for the manner of mafling; and herein "laiddo~rneaforme of the communion, not receiucd in the A.po· £1lestimes,as put oftheAeh and Inf/inomay eafily becouuinced.And if this were the rrue . LirurgyofSainc '"".et,itlhouldbca porrion , ofholy Scripture, 11 would alfo hauebeene more famous in the priruiriue age of the Church, butnomentianwasofn, vntillal· moft6oo,yeares after Chrill. SAint Pettrsc..JJ,l4jfe-– Falfealrog~rherand forged. fl'he AethiapiAnsM•Jfe--- Afcribcd ro Saint MAtthew; but falfly, whereas 1t fpeakerhoftheEpaClandGol~en number , both which were Jong afrer inuen· red, And the Caying of G"!.'"' the great io commooly knowne, thatthe Apoilles did coll(ecrate by the foie pronouncing of the Lordsprayer. S•int MArkes M•Jfe··· Containing prayers for the Pope, Rea. dcrs,Singers,Subdeacons, &c. wb1ch orde" were after iniliruted. The book,.eof SAilfl .Andrewnpajfi6n-·· Neuer fpokcnof in the ruoilapprooued authours.Eu(ehiJU,f1ierome,qe,mAJjm,&c. to omit the blafphemie• therein contained ,as Allha•lt hoiJcraf[e,&<. Lord• bod1c, & tbauhey be no(putrificd by thenegligence ofthepr&eils. B~Jidcs his eight bookes of Apoflolike conllirutiOn:iJ an.: ofnogreater elfc:emc then rhc:feothc1. EH{e!Jit#, Hurome,nor G•nn4ri1Uf mention any loch worke. Againe,th: author h1mfdfe difcouereth himf<Jfe in one place, where he affirm., the vernaflAEquinoC'6all, to t:.l on the u ,day ofthe u,mOD<th;wh&ch) "called March: but 1n the !lmesotChr&(! anJ huApoa!es ir was reckonedalwaies w B f•Jionthezs. dayofthelamemon.erh, and not on the zz. vnullthe CccondCouncell of N1ce. This Ch"'l" BO'llim was w.ell able to difcerne, burneuer to excuCe. The Fathers indeede doe Cometimes quote the Apollles conflttutions, bur (as B411de fPimu (••a,, '"P· ll· confelkth) they were vnwritren, at leall by t lement,fochli,namcwas not anntx· ed vnrill after timeo. Diomji111 Ampagit•, S•int P••ls(ch•ller. Hts bookcs lie ca?left. hterarchi>~1 de ecclfft·, ,,fhc4 hierArchi4,de dsuJ.nisnominibus,andCome of hiS Epil!les are forged. Many learned aurhors,asEr.(m..,,L.f/•11•. CAioant, and others writing vpon the 17. C chapter ofthe Acts,do abfolurely deny thcfe workesto behis:thereafonsar<thefe. F1rfl: T housh he were PAHlsfchoHer, by him con– uerred,yer tn rhefe workei he is (o.vnmmdful ofthe benefit ofhiSconuerfion, and fnend· lhip held with his mailer, that hee I'CUer v~uchfafeth to name hlm,but gracethHuro– the;u,an obfcure fellow for h1s mailer. z Sc.:condJy, he writes ofmany orders, as Popes, B&O•ops, Prieils, Monkcs, &c. ofall which it is well knowne that Dionifi•uhis age acknowledged nor cne,bur onely B•Owps. 3 Thirdly, Eu(<bim and Himme in his Catalogue neuer makeany memion of rhe(e workes;nor any beforeGregorJ rhegrear,who though hecite rheCe Epii!Jes, yet dorh not Eufeb. hifi, ccdef.l1b. 3.cap•JS'· SAint .Aru:irewnM4{[tOf the famekinde and refpeciwith the o· ther. Cltmmt ofRome hu Wor~,-- D hold them to be thisDi•niji<Uhis workes. llfJricUJ hath other good reafons for this purpofe,wheroof, 1 The fir£! is, becauCc that Cwdling, ob· fcure,improper,andinmcare llylewh1ch this Dioni(imvfeth, was not in vfc at Athens in thcApomcstimc:but ar leall3oo.yeares af. rer began totakcplace in Greeceand alfoar Rome. Vnder this mans name many fiCtions arc patronized: there is oneEpiilleofhisextanr vnforged,namely,totheCorin. aa the Came author teil1fierh in rhefore·alleadged booke, c•p. 34· Rujfimu in hisopreface before (/e. m !tlts Recognitions, and rhc 6rll councell of Y•(a,c•p.6. doe make mention ofoneEpiille of Cl<mmt vnro IAm<l the brother of the Lord:hut now rheregoethrce vnder that ti– tle.Bur rhar thefcareallcounterfcite, it here– by appearerh, hecaufe '""'".,., deadfeauen yeares beforePeut- :andC!emrnt was not Bi · fhop ofRomevntill after Peter" as it is cui·· dcm almoU outof all,hiilorieo. BeGdes bis ........ z Secondly, the later tranflation faith that hcc: writ this Hitr~trchy vnto Tsmotbt(: wh•mqhrcttllethhUfonne, which itlthe v(eof the Scripturesand the Church, is aCmuch as tofa~ bi•fch•ller: WhercaoTim,.hie hadfor • l•ng """ • m.j/ excellent teacher rhar elcCl vetfel ofGod,PAHihim/df~,and in P4u/s rime was hinifclfe • famous Doctor and B1010p: forhathee was morchke <O bee D.i••Jfi"' h" mailer thenhu{choller. 3 Thircilv.l