Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Preparaeiues to the . 3 Thirdly, prcfcntly after DionJftu his A conucrfion Pau/raught long at Gorinrh,and longer at Ephefus, both.which plac<S are neighbours vnro Athens; fo that ifthis 'Dio– nyfimhad bin deGreusto be inUructed, nee m1ghthauehad PaN/ himfelfc·a< it were in his owne houfe for the fpace of two whole yeares, and ncuer haue bellowed his flirnc with HietotheHJ, a man voknowne ih rbe Chu•ch. VF d b _ .4 ·Fourthly, in the end of hi• hierarchy, t>f~o::,/,~- fpeaking o(the baptifme ofinfants, he faith, tumait ea chat hereachcrh thar detlrinewhi~h his ma~ fc dicere,_ Ueu recetued from the Apo(!Jesthemfelues. . ~r~~~~~~~~ Hereby he t.ltewcth himfel(c to hauc bcne·oo <ius ex <ra- fcoller ofoh~ApoliJes: and he call<th them, <li<ionc•n- hismaftm(intheplurallnumber) to imply B riquaad rhat that dotlrine came from rhe Aponles jcc.le~am vnto himby fucceffion from many interce.. enua.;unt. dent teachers. ' s Fiftly, how is it poillble but DionJfirll rhou1d haue often written vnto TmJothu to know if heehad heard Paul teach any other– wife ofthefcthings, feemgTimothic liued (o . , longand fncndly w1th him, and wasfoweJJ learned? 6 Sixtly,this Authourtalkethofteotimes ofthe diUinClion of the quire & thcchurch, and ofother place• ofthe church, l"hereas 111 the Apo!lles time, and an hundred yeares afrer,tbe Chrtllians had no churches offuch building• , but had their prayers, fermons, and meetings in 'theirhou(e•. ·c · 7 Seuemhly,Samt John the Apo(!Jeliuecl oftcr DionJfas,andabode forthe mo!l part at Epbefusand in.Aua the letfcr,whereTimotb7 alfo Jiued, whoisfaidtohauc bccnevery fa– nliliar witb,hom: how then durfl DionJfiHJ prdurne to in!lruCl Timothi~ hauinti fo war~ thte a•mafier I and not rather begge of him with a thonfand intrcatics, to fet him downe the opinions of lohn and P•11l concerning thi! or that maner? 8 Eighrly,this Authour in hisl:rooke 'Vi diutni4nomimhus, alleadgeth CJ(mmtaPhilo~ fophcr difputingconcerning Lo~:icke, and affirming that the principall models or ex– amples ofthings, orthe Idea: or formaJJcaufcs arcrclatiucs. Now thereneuerwasanyo· D thee Clemm a Philofopher, but he ofAlex– andria,whcfebookes arc now extant, wholi– ued <oo.yeatesafterChri(l: and this allega– tion feemeth to be extant in the endof the 8. bookeofhisSmmata, whcrchccfaith, that caufcs, efpecially the former caufes arc rela– tiues. 9 Ninthly,ln his4. bookeDeJiui•.nom. he allcadgerh lgnatiHs his Epillleo: which nohvithflanding wer·e wrmenafrer Dtotl)fisu hisdeath, asthe hi(lories of both thelf liues doe leaue te(\imony. This Authour in his Hierarchycioetb SaintIahn1Gofpell,and the Reudarion, as ifrhat they had beene longa· gone written,nnd held aspattsofholy Scrip– ture. But if weeOJ:tllgiuCcrG"dit to haClones tte~~tinghercof, both thefe workes werenot fet forth by Saint John vntill a Jirlebefmehis ownc death, namely, about I 'f. ycaresafter the deathofDionyfHJ Amp•git•. ro Temhlyandla(\Jy, among!!hisEpi– GI~s there isoncvnto PoliC~trpt, whome hc:e wntesvnroasaDocter andaBifhop. Now "ritm aflirme, that 'DionJfiuJ (ulfered • In France in thcycare ofgrace 96. And P•li– carpeotherwherc in the ycare r66.and ofhio-. age that Pal~earp• mu(! ncedcs be avery 'beardlelfe youth when DionJpNJ fulfcred marryrdome.Thus farce llf;ric•J. As.forb" Myf/icA'!heo/()gi~t, ·Sixtut S~nenfis ia ofopini– on,that lt was not knowne m .AthAtJAjus his rimes,Bibli•th.cap.'l• LJNPS. Tbc bookes whiCh beare his name con– cern_ingP"urandP.tHiespaillon, arc written by fomei~glingrrifler. _ · · r~ tr ..t ... ~ · ·. ' " JlfArtial of BurdtAfiX. Fuundoflatein France, calleth himfelfe impudently Chri(is Apo(\le,and is– medofEtsje/jiut,Hitromt,or G~nnadiut; ABDIAS• . All the VVorkes cxtantvnderthio mans name,arc fichono: he iscalled acounterfeit a~da lyar,by l,U'vlo/anHJ,bb,t.deftde.h~rtli<:is (eruanda,cap. 6. Looke le"''" reply again(! H~trdmg,~trri~.1.ft£1.s. IGNATI.PS. Seucn EpWles of hh doth Himmt and Eu[<biu' lib.3.cap.3s.and 36,rcckon for rcue, but now they arc increafed vnto twelue: whereoftherearcfiuc counterfeir, and thefe are 1 •• dMati•m.:.aJTor(en[eJ, Hieron. Antiochrn•'S·adPhilippenfo: and outof thefe the Papi(\o haue many allegations. But admit they were of bis doing, yet there •re manythingsfincethru(lin which arc none ofhis:asthat wherehee faithadPhilippen{<s, That they mu(! fa(\ tbefourth&fixt daiesof the weeke,aftertbeLordspaillon wecke: and forbiddeth the (a(lofthe Lol'lis day,and ofthe Saturdayexcrpt•ne.Wheru,as ll•guf/i"'Epi. g6.a.l C•fi'•••mJheweth, that ir islawfull to fall on rheLords day; andepi[/.19. adHim · tJ]mum,thatitwasthc:cuflomearRome, and infundryotherChurches to fa!l ontheSa– turday.Againe,where hefaith,rhar ..-hofoeuer tAttthofthelewup•J!e-•uer iJparrAkJr ofthrir guiltofkjl!ing of{hrif/ ,whereas Epiphanius alleadgeth an ApoUoJikccanon directlyop– pofire:and the EccleGallicall hiUorie doth teach tbecontrarie. Bctides, 10 hts ept(JJead Smirnmfohe rakes vpon him to corretl (or rather contradict) s . lomon' MJ (o•nc (faith ----- he, .. Ann.uo.