I \ Vemonfiration of the Probleme. . 491 I .h~4-8.)H""ourGod..JthJ kjng: but I A it vponMditoofSardli,but erronioufiy :iris i 'fay(quoth this counterfeit Ignatiut) HonoNr beld by the Popefor apochryphall.dift, IS• I I Goel.u rheaurhourofaUthmgr, andthe Bifbop M c.p.Santi• Roman•. Hlerome neuer nameo it. the high'fl q(Prief/r, andafter him we•mufl B•dererellSitaofull oferror~, and faltly af. ,honour theking. TIJtodoret in his thir? Diacribed raMeliro.inretr•tl..AfJorum,rap,8.So I !loguc doth mention a place our of thiS Ep1holdethF.Swamvpon Thom«~. lllle concerning the errour of Menander, IREN.AEPS. whichnotwithilanding atchia day is norro be found rhorein: andTritemim harh left it Wao an expreffc, and profeffed C.hili•ft. our:alfoB<llarminrfairh, tharrhe Greeke eopie! arccorrupt. WirnelfcEujcb,li6.3-<•P·39• His EpiilletorheEphcGans is eirhercounTHEO P HILT'S of.Antwrh. terfeit or at IcaLl corrupted : Theod..-et Bi· Allllol?o, ihopofCyrus,inEranif/e,Jialog, 1. and~etaSaintHierome difallowes the cornmentaftutinhisbookc againl\Eurycbes, of C ril\s two naturea,doc cite arel!rmonie out of thi• B riesvpontheProuerbes, and the Gofpell, Epiflle,which is nor to be found in the copies rbatgoe vnder hisnaule.Sixt.Seoe•(.Bib/ioth. nowextanr. lib.... TERTPLLI .AN, AM·lOO~ Ann,uo. PAP I .AS •{Hierufal<m. Saint.Hieromedenieshim to baue beenea E•febiut hiji.Ecclej.t.b.3.<Ap. 3<S.cenfureth ,,an of the Cathohkc religion, for he fellro this Authour ro hauc written llrange andfa. beaMont4nifl,y~a euenanarch hererike; he buious matters concerningChrHt, to rni· wrotethefe workeo againUtbe Cathohkes.1. !lakeand mifconllrue the Apomesdrfpura !lbtrrolftrA PfJrhim: :, Dt 1'11:onogamia: 3.de ti.,ns, and to be the fir(l brocher ofthe etror ltiunie: 4· 'Defug•inperferotione.$.Depudiriofthe Chiliafls or Millenaries. tia. G. DuxhcrtAticmead c~tflstAUm. And in thefe bookes bath he fowne many fecdes of PROCHORVS. Poperie. Gela/iutcenfured alfhis bookes for The hillory oflohntheDiuinevnder this c apochrypball.difl. 15. His bookede p.rznittn- "• , Er.jmot rhinketh nor to bee his. Hts mans name, isdonebyalarcrwritcr, which bookedt c"'"'" militil,hewrotewhen hewas a the wordOp.uttr,con{Hb/lantilllldothrel}ific, beMont••ifl, and therein declarerh anew Pro ingvfedby him, andyctnotofvfe vntillaf· phecie. terrimes. OR/GEN. Ano,i3o. HEGES IPPT'S. Thehiilorie extantat thisprefentinBibli· Full oferrors.Himmtealleth his writings poyfonfull. EH[ebimalfo and R•JfinuscomotbecA PatrHm is falfiy fathered vpon him:for plainerhar his writings were moll foully de. in his 3· bookeand;. chapter, he faith, that praued by heretikes: hiscounrerfeitworkes .dntiorh which was before accounted as the are thefe.r.HiaHomilies vpon lo(uRh,fall of third citie in fame ofall the Romane£mpirt, fola:cifmcs;aot reckn~d in Saint Himmeseabeganne then to bee reckoned in the fourth raloguc.:.his three tratlates vpon Io4,where place~~henConf/anrin•plethe city of theB•· hcaccufesthcm ofherofle that (ay there is .z:.a11ti1Ji$ began to increafe. Now thetrue H~- one Godand thrteperfons. ;. two Homilies g<{iptutliucd beforeCD11j1A•tin<, namely, in D vpon the 38.Pfalmc.'f.fourcHomiliesofhis the yeare of grace 1Go. Againe, Tritemitu later explanationoftheCanticles.s. one trea.' faith, that Heg•fipput wrote an Ecclefla(iicall rifeofthe Lamentations. G, hia commcntahirtoriefromthe·paffionof our Lord vnto ~res vpon theepillfeto thcRomanes,notfaithhis owne rime: but there bookea conraine the fully tranjLited by Rujfn01. 7- his booke dt hiilories of theMarrhabm,the leweo warres, prznitentia, Gala{iut calleth apochryphall. and the del\rutlion of Ierufalem, Looke Jiff. 15.8.Hi• Homilies vpon diuerfepalfamorcin the preface ofRe•atut Lar~rtotiHs, ges of Scr~ptures;ofthefe1fany were written IVSTINE. by Ongen~they were depraued by RHjfnt. 9· .'\nn.tfo. TheHomily'vpon the liril words of Saint He is an expre!Te Cbili41 in his dialogue IohntGolpell,in that there is mention ofthe Manichmand .d"iant,which heretikeoaro{e withTriphon. Hio bookeofquertions and anin theChurch.after Origens time. fwers is falfiy impofed vpon him1for in the 8:.and 86.quemons hemention•Origen,and C TPRI.AN, Aon;2.4o, in the u 7· /ren.tus,and theMRnirhees,who were notvntillafter his death. lnadmiringof7trtulliAntoo much,fomcAnn.t6o, The booke ofMartndeath,ortranflation rime hee approoues the Mont•mftt : thefe into heauen isdoubted of. TritemiHt fathers workes followiAg arecerrainely nonl!ofhis 1. Hio