Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\I.Booke. Cafes o(Confcience. ~3 1 /rnil'htb!.!thelrownecaru-ers,andhauefpecdy A mull from the(e examples be taught ro l 1 dcliucrance from rhc crolfe,at their cwoc wils poifclfc onr foules withpariencc, reflingcon.. ~ and pleafurcs. rented in his wilJ, and \Vaitin.g on his good '1 Secondly rhat beeino aiRiCled,thcy may pleafurcro rheend. •. ack:10wJeJg~hencetheir0deliuerancccome9; To~onci~de this pomt., Suppofethat the lyea, whence they doe receiuenotonelyrbat, condition of Gods kruantsbe fuch, asrhat ~ur euery other oood benefit IYhich they inthey finde no end ofthm aiRicbons, but that oy: namely, n~t from thcmfeJucs, orany theydo continue euen vnto de~th, what flHall crcature,but oncly from theLord;and accorthey doe in rhis cafe1 d'ngly may learne tovalueand prize his gifts, An(. Bdides that which hath be.ene faid Pag,3o, tthctr deferued excellencie. For iris a true before,forthc refollltton ot thJS Q!Jetl1on, I aying, and often verified in aiRiClion and anlivcr further, that fi![l,they mu!l!hll, eucn vant, thatbmefiuea{iiJobt<ined,arebghtiJ revntodcath, l1Uebytalth, and fay \VIthholy uardtd,and(oon(rforgorun. lob, L?rd, though tbo1tkjllme, yet m/1Itmft m Thirdly, that by the continuance of the thee. crolle without intermiffion, he may make B Secondly,thcy muC! flayand releeue their them to di!lall the world, and confequendy foules intbe meane rime, With thefeandfuch draw them to the meditation of the .life to like meditations. come, wherein all matter of mourning !ball I. That it i!thewilland pleafure of God, ceafe, Reucl.u.4. Andalltearcsfoallbewiped rhat\Yefi10uld through 1uany aiR1Clions, enfromtheirries . terinrothekmgdomeofGod, ACt. 14. . u. Fourthly, the Lord deferreth dcliuerance No" it is the propertie of a true ch1ld of from aiRi<'lion, thathe might preucntgreaGod, tore!l content in his fathers good w1ll ter euils and dangers, whcrcinto thofe that and pleafure,eucn ~then heisaffi,Cled, Prou. areafH1Cled might runne, tf they hnd their 3,1 I.Myfonne-~. benatgrjmedat my corre£fton: hearts deftre, and were eafed, not at his will, tharis)let irnot be rcdiousvnto thee, be conbut attbeir ownewi01cs. vVhen the children cent to beare it.Our dutytherefor~ is,meekeof!fr>el eamcinto Canaan. they were inforly to fubiect ourlelues vnto the hand of mcd,thatthcy lbould dwell togetheriYith the God,asthechild dath vntothecorree!ion of Canaanitl!s, and Mores rendreth a rea[on his father. thereof,Dcuter.7.u.Lej1(fairhhc)thewifde II. That though affiiClioos belong and 6eaftroftbefiddmulripiJ•g•inf/thee. And for C tedious, yet God willatlengthgiueaioyfull the preuenring ofthis euil,the lfrael1tes mull andcoruforrable llfuc. For (o himfelfe hath endure fome annoyance by the Canaanites, promifcd, Mattb. 5. 4· Blef[,Jarelh<J that Exod. z 3· %9. Euen [o (he Lord keepethhis mol!rne,Jartl"]fbAil becomforud. Pfal. 34· 19. (Crtt.lnts vnder the crolfe, for the prcuenting Gr~at are th( troubles ofthe righuous, but tht o(greater finncsand offcnces.This OJOuld flay Lord ~Villdelirur himoutofthem•"· Pfal. 37·7J· the mindcs ofmen, and make them content Marktthcvprightrnan, and 6eholdtheiufl 1 fo7 ro waitc vpon God for deliuerance, when th(endoftb~tt manU peace. they ore aiRiCled. I I I.Affiictions bethey ncuer [o heauic, in I I I.The rhitd and la!l point is, that God regard ofcontinuance, yetthey are in nofort ai\Yaies bath and dorh exercife his be!l fercomporable tothofceternall byes, that God uants,•·lth long and continued cro!Tes. Abrabath prepared forthem that loue him. This ham was childletitill hewas 70. yeares ofage, was Pauls meditation,whoindured thecrotre, and atthofe yearcs the Lord promifed him euen to his dying day. O•rlight aff/iflron(faith z,Cor.4·'7, 1lfue. B:Jt this promifewas not accomplill1e8 he)whicl; is butfora moment, work~thvntovs,cn till along rimcafrer,when he was an hundred excelimt and eurnaflrvaig!Jtofglort(, Andelfcyearcs old.DJuid had a promi[eto be kingof D where he profelfcrh, that hcdidnot coHnt the Icrufale:n,andluda: but the L.ord exetc~fed ,.ffl,awwrofrhuprefenttim•.an[wera6/c in val•• h1 mby many ::mdgrieuousaffi1d'ions, before ra the ulori( , which {IMU 6e reuur/(d vnto Gt~ds hecamero the crowne, in (o rnu::h that he cbi!dr~n, Rom.8.18. Saint Peter rels them to f-1ics ofhlm[elfe, Pfal, I 19 82. that his cie1 faiwhomhewrore,th:tt in regard oftheir atfiued t~d 1vid1 waitin~ vpan hiJ God,Zacharieand Elihope o(cteraall hfc,rhryjhotddreioycc, though zabeth prayed to God,both ofthem in their n011J for 3 (ca(on,thcy werei.I'J heaHi!JejJethrouuh youth,andmany yearcs afccr for itfue,bur the manifold tcntationJ, 1. Pet.I, 6. LaO:l y, theA6u~ Lordgrantednotrheir rcque!l till they were rhor to the Hcbrewes, comfot!Cth the ald.Luk.I.IJ. Churehbytlmreafon, becaufeitu }'taV<rJ Hcb.!•·l7 To adJe no more examples; by thcfe we lit/(while,andh( rhat.{lut!lcome, wifl come, and fee the Lords dealing, euen with holy men willnottarru. and women,bis owne dc.areferuants, that he I V. Though God withholdeth his h•nd; l dothnoralwa1es granrthe1rreqLJefls,nor con. in refpeCl ofdehuerancceoen ro dcath,yethis dtfccnd to rhe1r defires at the firll, bmas it louci.,conflant anti vnchangeable, and the 1 werc holds them ~ff, and fufpcnds h~s grace crolfc which wevndergoe,cannot fcparateva l and fauour for a mne.And therefore 1f1t O~al from tbat loue,wherewith he hath loued vs in pleafc hm1, thu;to deaiC\vith any of vs, we ChrHl,Rorn.8.Js.And thus much ofthe fir!l parti-