Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

! 4-92. Preparatines to the I, HistreaCilc:ofSinaandSton.z.Ofthcfirr- A fufpetled, becaufe theliues of the Saints d•ng fohn Baptlfls head,rhe;c he talkcs ofp;. j rlwr lelfons and hymnes vpon their feaCis' I pin theFrench King. 3· His cxpolirion oftho were not in vfe vnrill Ch11rl~m4in~r time ir: \ Crcedementioneth the Arrians : Hieromea(- theycarc 8o7.when they wcrelirlt inCiitured. criberh ic vmo Rt:Jfimu. 4· His booke of Pan/mAEmi/iuJinhislirll bookc oftheaCls Prieils flnglencs,it is (ul ofbarbarous words, of the .Frer.chmen. Stg,bert alfo vpon the vnknownc to theLatincton~ue, aslnordinA~ yeare 8o7. bi!itcr,canrubcrl'1abt(;r,coniuga7ittU,aG.(t·ntar~:all .ARNOBIPS. Ann.l90• which fauot~rofaGloffyl, or a c•f••fl. s. His twelue (crmons of rhe cardinalJ workcs of His bookes again!l the Gentiles, are in Cl1rifl ,arc donebyan vnknowneAuthor,ils number but fc~uen, as Hier~rr# rccordeth in P4me!lm,:'ln.dSrx&us Sm~nfiJ Bt6fifJtb.lib.4.d0 his epHilevnr<i Magntlr:theeighth no;. pub- '· a!lirmc. 6. H1SfermonufChri!lsj3;pri(ine hfhed Isnot ofrhe fame.amhors 1 as SixtutS~- JothdtrectlycontraJH'l Cypri~tm koowne o- •••lit holdeth in his Bihltoth•ca. f.'J. And yet p1n1on ofrhe rcbaprizing ofberetikcs.7.His that learned DoctorFu/~ofblcifcdmemo- ~ooke ofrhe pra•(e ofMartyrdom•, atfecterh B l'ie, is ofopinion that it was made citbcrby quirkes and conccits. 8. H1s booke of tbe Arilolmuhamfdfe,or by MirmwuFcltx, The dovbl< n>a1 tyrdome, talkcth oftheTurkes, commentariesvpon rhe Pfalmc~ Jharbco::rc 1r· wh·>(a,\vnot theworld till very n~ere atbo•Jhisname, are ofafarre more moderneforge: (,nd )"Cares afrer c,,;,•. 9· HIS bookcsof warnelrc Brl/;~rmine deamip:grat. & Patt-Jp~ctftlducabofes, TritemiHJ and Pamelir/4 (ffoth cati,ltb.4.c4p. 9· for they mention the Pclagil!arncJ Pap1ils)do hold that worke a< counan herelie. · rerfeit.l o.histreaufe ofthe !larre, the Sages, anJ rhelnn"occnts dearh. 11. his fermon aThf()unul/ojJ.Veoc.ifari.t. Ann,3to, gainfl the z. his booke ofGcn'fi' and ··- - 1 Sodom~1hcld t(J beTcrtu!liansbySi.\·t. Smenfh. The colkllor ofthe Counceh doth attri· Bi6/tfJt.b. J. 4· 13. his Pailion was writtC'tl by bUtC\tlltothis Councell no more but fourlP.m/the Deacon in theycare 8.o7.asSigchcrr tf.'enecanons,not foureand t...,·emic)as fj'ratJj ;(an aunoientChronicler)recorderh. 14. his •nfaith• ' . bookeofDtcm, 15, his prayer fortheMar· EPS E B !PS C•(arimfr. Ann.33o. l)rJ.r6.hisprayerforgoodFriday. J7. The c bookeofCypriam repentance. d~Q. 15. c•p. The Pap1!ls doecauillatEn(,hiP.- ecclefi. s,ma, Rom-<na. Io this booke hce is laidJo aflicall hiCiorie,burvniulily. For adnut bee . haue becneaMlgttian, wrichisvntrue, or werean Ani4n,aod too carndl adefender of our C1pri411 was by pro(dfion a RhetoriciOngm; yet his hillorieis offufticient crcdir. . an , as H1.romein his Catalogue, and m hts E11[ebimdid comriue hisEcclefia!lical hi(io. j con1rneota:-ievpon the thirdchapter ofJ~nJU rtc: wathgrcar praafe,fanhHitrmte: :mdB14Jif, J ..a_ffirmeth; bur hemaketh no mention ofhis caJJcch lllri) ,;f,G~r.worthlc to be credited. ; M.agick,Dcr Cyprittnhimfelft>, in rhedefcrip· ooofbrs.conuerfion.lib.z._ept{l.:. nor PontjA~ LACTANTJPS. I his De;wn .in rhe likot c,prian. 18. hi• His l'cr(~;.of Chrillspamon .re cQunter- ' hooke'ofrhe vnitte ofthe Church is couup- ' red by the Pal"'cie to proppe vp Pnm pri· felt:fot rheycontraditl all LaEI•ntimj}js uue l ; macie;Y"orrhefe words,andgaue his lheepe ro wrttmgs in thcfewords. .m I him to be f£dde 1 and thcfc: bee ordained one $nnl•,•nd•dornhecroJ[<S(•crrdf<fD[l. , ~ Chayre:and rh.efc,P(ttr-Jprimacie was.giuen, Befid~s in Saint Himmrs catalo;"i~ they to01ewone Cbutch,and one Cl\~yre:., alfo: .D are neuet named in the number ofhas works, \ WhofoforfakethPermCha.ytevpon which though orheilt>enamed wh~th now arenot theChurch is foanded: thefc1\:0tdsIfay are extant. · not ro bee found in moll of the.old manu.- Hisw~ikeofthe refurreClion is afc;ib.ed i .fccipts.Lookc ~he catalogueofT.l•wm, His vntoPmanti11s in the Vatican eopie, as Tho- •Vorkes ofdifpipline, <tnd of thegood ofcham.(iHsaffirmeth:His Ph<nix[ecmeth tohaue I llitietoNouarmthe heretike, that hope of beene made l.>y no Chrillian Author, auhe pardon isnotto bee denied to them that arc (aid witnclfe alfo ;uerreth. failen,rhefeare al:thoughtnot tobeC;pri•"'· TJuDonationof(o»j}ifntinf. Ann.~fo, METHODJP.S•. Thefe matters concerning Conflantine His booke o(the creation is not named in are in my iudgemenrapocryphal,asalfo ma. Hirrome. I. Sim/erf.U in his Bibli.othecAdoubny other grearand tedious charters a!Cribcd ' terho(lt. vnto C/•m•ptand AnacleuPopcs,fairh{u[4· .. GREGORT nt~J in his boake de CtmcordM CatholiG4,!tf;, )• 1 ofN euc.e(t4ria~ c•p.:.C•nf/anlt•• bequeathed Jralic Vnto hi• His Homilies ~t!l'e~nnunciation,&c.are fonne"s bywiland rcltamcnt (alch.iVauc!er~u, h6.z.gn1~rat. 11. Thu donarronrs recordc·d . \ by ·.--·