Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I demonjiration oj the Prubleme. 493 I by no approoued amhor of any anriqu1ry: A Nay rhe auocient ~ookeso(Gr111i4nhaue no !Uch d1 UJndton,asdnt•ni'l~ coofi!iferh, 1.p4rt, Hiflor.TIIul. 8.cap.t.(ell. 8. rhat chapter(faith he) is O()t in rhoauncienc decrees, and there. fore neither be certaine what Con/lAM· tine didgiuo, nor how nl'Jch. 5<> rellifierh al· fo M:ld,or C4n,locsomm.l.lo.c.s. Moreo. U!!r, rh11 Popeso,vnedecreesconcerning this donacion,d1ffer grearly onewith another,for in the 9<i.dil!im!hon,chapter (onjiAntinm: it is Caid,thatthe city ofRome,and all ltaly,to· girher with the E111pireofthe Wd!, wasgi· uenvotOSJh•effer. But in Se~:tH41lls decre· rals,l.l,tit.6.dfet:!Jsrmc ,c~t.fundamentmn,thcrc menr1onisonly made: of thcgifcof rhecit1e. B N4uckrJuinhlsfccond volume, and I 1. ge· ne•at.writeth thus: Ofwharqt11nriry orva· lue IV ere Conf/antin" gifrs ro rhe Church of Romc,it is not yet :agreed vponbyrhc1n that rreareof it. Thetcxr in rho chapter Confl••· linru,dothaffirme,that he g~ue CV S.SJb~cftcr, and rheChurch of Romc,rheciryof Rome ir felfe,Iraly,and al the Prouinces ofrhe E.n– pire of the Wcfl,as<r is recorded in rhc 9<i. ddcmd10n,chaptet Conf/Antinm.Others con· temnc that text a~ chalfe,:md as proouing no• thmg whtch de[eruerh credir. For after this, CQnfl:uztinc left the inheritance of rhe fore~ fa1d kingdomes,vnto hitt fonnes,and they re– mained long afrer vnder rhe f1vay ofrhe Em· pcrours, andCathohke K1ngs, by right of (uccdlbn. Which is not Ocndcrlyconfir- C mcdby the chaEtcr Fundamc11tii,DcCicEIUmc, Pope. ThusfarrcNa*clerm. ThtCanonrofth<jirfl C•uncrl!oJNiu. Allaboue rwenry arc forged. T heodm t in his firil bookeand 8.rhaprer, dorh acknow· ledge 20 of rhem ccncerning ChurdJ.go– uernment, but no more. lr "therefore faI(' to l10lde7aof them to be from rheFarhers. Befides,in the vulgar tomes tbelc canons are corrupted, thcrrucones arcexraut inRHffi· mu, a• Cyr~/lwirnelferh in biSEpiltle ro the Counceli ofCarrhage,wh~eh is cxranr in the firfl romeofthe Counccls, in rbeaC!sof the Councel; ofAfrica. ThtE:p>f/lrof thu Councrllof Niceto SJiv<· ffer, iscoonrcrfeitcd :forrhcreioM~tcl'lruu is f•idtobetheBifhopof the Churchot Con· fl•ntinoplt, which was not as th<nm thewhole world. Syivtrj/ersreji:ript,or an!\ver to theaJ, is a bird ofthe fam< feather :as alforhe SoA– rAinancAnonl. 1hr(ounallof SinucJfA·· Mcrttioned by no ancient wrirer at aiJ,thert– in iris{aid,that Dtscletiantalk~d wuh Miircd~ lint, which is falfe. SigoniU4de Regno occidet~tali.lib.J. The prefaccvnrorhis Councdl,<x– tant in thefir(! tome ofthe Councels,is done by none knowes whoruc,and thereforeofno moment mantiquity. The(icond CounctUof.drltJ-•• Mofi manifefily depraucd, and beudcs, of vncertaine time. It isfaid ro haue beenevo– der(onf/a•tin<andSJ!vef/er, andyer therein hmention made of theBon,jiaci, cap.17. and of rhe 61ft Councell of f/.[a, chap.l8.which was held vnder Pope L<othefirfi. Ef/SEBIVS. M. G. wh1chdo1Cnbing rhe domrion of Con– ftfl>~tinc, mentioncth the cityof Rome as the onely gifr, ncu" fpeakingof Jcaly, or the o– ther Prouince;. No more doth the Canon fitturt~m, tz..q. a.whicb texrf.ith,rhat Conf/An· tint hauin~ attainedvnro the rrmh of religiHi_sChronicle is corrupeed.Pcta(fairh he) on, (enr letters vnroall parts of his Emp~re, rhefirG B101op of theChri:lians, \\'hen hec commaundiog tbcnl not oncly ro become had fOundedrhcChurchar _A,ztioch, went to Chnfi1ans, buralfo to bu;ld Churches for R ome, where bee preachcdtheGofpellzs. publike deuofiOn; lmd ordained lmings ro years, coutmuingll11hol' ofrbat ciry [o long. bee giuen for their maintenance, bull< the Bucmhis 3.booke,anJ hrll chapter hefairh, great ChurchofS.Pet~at bis ownc colland thatPtttr preached 10 Pontm, Galacia,tapp4• charg~s,andereC!edhischayre;giuingmoO dot>a, andAfi•,tnd towards rhe end of his fumpruous gifts thereunto, in fo much that hie being placed at Rome, wasrherecrucifihe rdigned h11 Imperial! feate,ro the benefit ed. Looke aifo rhe fourth chapter. ofS.Pettrand h1Sfuccelfours. Thi<parral[o D Thr CoMnceUofS AR 'D !{A. is confirmed the more by this, thar whar(oe- ' The third,fiith,andfeuenrh Canons thereuernow belon!}< v'nco rhe Patnmonieofthe ofarcfufpetted, for in rhem rhcappealevnChurch of Rome, is wholly found ro hauc ro rhePope is allowed,and it isdecreede that bin befiowed thereupon by fiYCceetling pnn • hee may (end h1a Ltgatuitatm, who in his cesof afrcr times~ others thiokt:orhcrwitC:; oamc m.:ay make agreements in othc:r Pro~ letrherrurh preuaile. Againe :Of thi• gifr uinces. But A•g•flindn his EpiOle vntoCa-~ and g(ant there IS nothing extant 10 aoy au· 1 lrflinm, faith rhus, Wee finde it not decreed thor, faue in'(Oe DecretaIs : no nor in rhe 10 any c,.... uncell of the Farhers, that any moG anncicnt v.olul1je• of rhem neither, as rbould bee f.7m as from theflueol your boJi. w~ rnotf~h ~ntonine, Btfhop of Florence, in nes. AndthcJamcPatheragatnfi Crefcortim, ~is Chronicles, which I doe grutly wonder lib. 3· cap.34. acknowledgerh no Counccllof ar, finccthar J(idm, wholmd Soo. yca(csa· , Sa•dicA, ~>htch IS nor hererkall. And<<> thi! goc, (<t graue author, and one rrucly holy) .1greerh Cardmall Cn{•nm de coHcordia Ca· 1 dorh plainly (ay in hi• h1fiory, rhar he,(viz. dJ•I.Iib. z. cap. zs. Bdides, thcle canons a11 Con.<i'"ri•e,) left thecity of Romevmo the I diredly oppolire vnro rhe 5· cano" of rbc Tt Councd l