494 Preparatiues to the Councell ot N1ce.Nowfomc do thinkc thefc A Herein arc theque(lions vnroAmicchHt cJ canons not counrerfctt,but to be vnderflood tcd, which are not thisauthors: bee forbids ofa priUIIc~ge grauntcd aboue ordinary vnothes. toPope/n/""• and that rheywereabrogatc 9 AncpiflletoSer•pion, byrhcfecond canon of rhegencrall fynodc 10 Ancpifl!etoalhhcBrethrenthrough ofConflanrinople. Egypt,&c. TheCouncd"f Romevndtr Conftantine 11 Afermon ofChrHts mother. ThereandS7/vefter, in is N qloriHshcreGcconfutcd, therefore it Counterfeit altogether: and not mentio· was written afterthcCounccll ofEphift 11• ned at all by htflonographers. u A fermon vpon thatof the Gofpell; Whofoeuer fl1all fay,&c. ATHAN AS[f'S. Euagrim in hu J. bo•k!, chap. 31.f?.irh, that the Neflorians and Eutychians pubhlhed many of Appollin.ru his booket cloking them vnderrhename and credit of ./ltha•a– firJS: The workesfalflyimpofcd vpon him arc thcfe: 1 The b"k.!of dium quej/ion 1 •f the hol] ScriptHrevntoKmg Anti~chus,fctth erin great A thanafus is cited: que(f. 23· and S. Gregom Na~ian~cncisnamed twifc:qurft.J 17.& 129. Dionyfius hi& MJfttca theologsaalfo is there al– leadged, which wasvnknownein Arhar..jiHI his rimc.Swcn(.Btbboth.bb,4, • The 16.<;1ucfiion of thewor01ip of the cro!Te,in the4.aaion oft he7. Councell,th~> isaCcribed to one L<antitu, thatliucd aboUI MaHritilll hiS time. 13 The difputation in the Councell of Niceagaiofi Aril~s. 14 An cpifllc to the folitariclluers: it is partly an cp1flle, partly a fragment of ano– ther worke. And fome things arc there pro– B mifed,which now are nor extantthere. The aurhor of C•mmelinHt edition. r5 TheworkeofthelifeofAmonit, This was btely added vnto the orhero, tt is iuflly fufpeaed; for it is idle and trillint,: in many thmgs. Hi An homilieofthe fewer. 17 The declaration ofLeuiricus. x8 The epitlleroPopeFt/i.~, therein he faith the Church of Rome isj.cer """" inquoomniflvertumur. But this alluUonnei– ther is,norcan be made in Grceke, therefore it was rather wrutcn in L:Hinc. Bdides,chcrc are many things herein d1fagreeing fromA– than4jiur,as wh.cn hefaith thattbeGofpel was 3 The rrearife of Theologickc de6niti– om.Thereqregor] NJ!Jenut is cited. 4 The d1fpurarion concerning faith held C at Laod1ceil bcrweeneAritu, and Atb~tniijiHI. The author of this workelhewerh, that this Arius was not tharJ\.rch.. herericke, bur ano– ther. Caffandcr thinkcthitdone by f/igilius rheMarryr. 5 Thecommentaries vpon Pauftepifllcs vndcr Arhanafi#s his namc,tbeyareTheophi-, [4fl:s. 6rfl preached at Rome, and that it was de· creed in the Councell of Nice, to appeale to the Bilhop ofRomein all caufes./11eU, 19 T.hc epifllc to Pope Libtriulin the 1, tome of the Councels, is fooli01 in rhcalle– gations of Scriprurc,and therefore not to be attributed vntoAlhanajiHt, 6 The exhortation to theMonkes. 7 Thebookcofthepallionofthelmage of Cht~flcruct6ed inBerith inSyria, for this happened in the yeare764-Sig<bm. . ' 8 The cpifllc to Pope Marcut for the' c<>pies of the Niccne Councell,(becaufe the copies of Alcxandnawcrcburned by theA– rians,) rogc~herwithMarcHt hts anfwer, thts burnino of oookcs wasvnder ConftantJus. A– thanaf.~ifl,ad orthodoxOI, Bur at that time\n~ Morcut dead.BeUarm.de ['ont.lib.t.cap.t5. 9 The[econd epifllcvmoSerapion,ofrhe bolyGbol1. Thefeareallforgcd. .. Tht[< wor~etojAtbann/iut .re(ufPe· aed,.u•••hi&. 1 ThetreatifcofChrills incarnation. z Ofthe healrhfull comming. 3 Afermon agaiRfl hercfies. 4 The 16 orationvntoMaximus. 5 An ep1Hic to MarceOinu1of the inter-, pmation ofthePfalmes. DOR 0 THEYS•{7jrs11. The fynopfis that bearcsthismans nan,1e, is both faJfly afcribed vnro him, and·aiJ:o.o it felfe full of faigned talcs,Amof1gl1r)lct7%. .difcipks, hec numbrerh 1!Je Eun11ch of-the Qgeceneof AErhiopia, a_l)d_l'\>aketh lH/ia, a woman, a Bifl11>p:and 11CI)laketh thar·C•(ar thatis mentioned in the epiflletotheV)lil(pD pians,rhe4.Qhapter,nafll~ly Nm, a_Bifhpp alfo.BeU,rmin. .!,,, L .':"' · · ;. -~· ,;, l.) I J) AM.A.S.·Y>f. J:ll L . , , ~: ·:• 1 1 l ·::,"lF The litleopitllc o(!Jis in thcfrcaod tQrnC ofHimmuworkes1 Era(~¥S.do1h (u~p~>fe re' be falfly a(cribed vmohim ; th.e epiflle' alfo to the BilhopsofNumidia is forged; forio Darnafushisrimc, theBjlhopofRomc had nothing to doewith the Churche• ofAfrica; ta whome not~<>tthflanding thisauthor pto· pounds·his cdias, and rhrearneth thofe that rranfgreiTe them. Ann.J]O. 6 Thefcrmonofvirginiry. · 7 Tefiimonies ofholy Scripture. EPHREM. . Ann.38o HiswerkesinS;rinn (theton;;uewbcrein I 8 Thefermon ofour Lordspanion. he ··-