'Demonjlratiurt •of the Probleme. 4-95 bee wrote them) canno•~owbc gorrcn;but A 5 The cpt!llc to C.{orea the noble wo· either in Gri:ckc orLatine, • mao,isofno found authority; GR EGO R T 'of NJJT•• . .. :J' \.) H i•inllrudiuc oration ofthe foulc,is'cor. rupreJ by hereclkes :Niceph.t".'LC·, 19••HIS ororiom alfo, &thole of .Ampl!llochmr,Chrr o,1ome, (yril of Alexandria, and Andrew of Cmte, vpon the fea(l oftlie Purification;fc t downeby Lippomanus andSursHJ, areaiJ of a falfe broodc: for this feall had his inlluuri– on bur in luj/iniam rime.Looke Dur..ndui his Enchirid.lib.7. The Tragcdlcvndcr his naine doth not fauour at all of his llylc,nor obferuerh llria– ly the hmbicke verfc according to his CU· llome. The Author feemerh to imllatc <•· ripidrJ.Fulk_. CTR ILL of Ieruf.Iun His Catcchifmes arc fufpeacd,lo{i,uSim– ler in his lnd<li (a~<h, that of the Grcckc books which the llareof Aufpurgbought of AntonJ the Prefidc)ir ofCorfu,arc narued iS. Carcchifmes ofJ.hnBi010p oflerufalcm,for thofc who were newlybapriled; and 5.which intcrprc:tc the myfleri~s and Ceremonies, wh:rcfure it wo.uld be looked vqto, Jell pct– h•ps they be /ohm(who was long after{jril,) and yet are of ferre purpofe impofed vpon the other to procure the grcateramhoriry. In his Bibliotlleca, hisepillle vnroAuguf/ine of H~eromu miracles, i~ a fidion. Ir is well knowne that heedied before Hierome. And tillS epillle condemneth Sa6inian far afcri· bing two wils vnro Chnll. BASIL!... 'rbe{eworl:.!to{hU are ~itfu,. doU6eeJoj;'oi' jHre'ty corrUpted. ~·,·.~:·' 1 His bookc of the holyGh.bf!: in the m!dd~(l whereof are fome th~ngs inferred, which Er4{mur holdcth di!fonant lromBA– ft!J phrafc and formeofwriting.- · .. •· z His afcctica orconrempJariues :tre not in the c:ttalogue of his monuments inN4:.?;.i~ an~rne his Monodi·,a-or funcrall pm~me. Eu– ft•dJiur firfl of the Armenian Monkes is thought of fomc to bee the author of them. So<Amrn.li6,3.c.p.13. 3 TheRulcvnder hisnamcisfufpeaed. 1Va~ian~eru neuermeiltions it, and tlicrc is alfoahother fatberedvpon him which harh bur J5.chaprcrs. Therein arc many things dilfen(ing from Bn{t/s oihcr.writin~s:., · ,. ' 4 Thehtlc bookcofB.(llr life vnde't'Am– ph>lochiur his name, is afalfe birth,.full o.f fa– bles, an~ oonrrarie to approoued "Jiillorics. Lo~kc butsReply toHardin~.art.1.(ell.33· PRVDENTIPS. Thepr~ycrsat the end of his Hamartige. ncia,are not his iabours,Gi(eline did fee them printed by themfcJqes WithOUt hame of au– thor,they doplainlyconrr~diclthe 7: ode of his Cathemerina,in thcfe words: In th~tt 614JregWndo~ 1crtmet1CJrabmt,&c. A veryimpiousfaying, and not tobeafcri· bed to Prudentiut. Looke /Uyricmhis cata– logue fet forth in the yeare 1 s98.pag.•S<i. AMBRDSE:. B The{<,or*<r•refa!JIJ thruf1Vf'" thM hoiJ Farher. 1 Ninety and two lhort ferlilons to the people:fomc ofthem arc found among!IS. A ug•flinn,as rhefe: Ambro(e hiS; f Auguftinu ' >s:·ll9· 18. 73.dtrempore, 69. , 31.aejan8u, 7.~ is ';>-19,deVerbuDomi.ni. 9· j j l$.deverbu Apojloli, 37· n.derempore. 68. j · 1z6,de{anflW. 1. 31.de(ant1u, 2,J , 33,de(4n8u. 1 His fermonof Agncr:it cndeth thus: C f hus muchI Am6rs/e. 3 Hi•fcrmon orAugufiinubaprifme: he there adomes him with a blackecowle, and fa!Oy maketh him me ~uthorof monkery. 4 HisbookcofS•/won. 5 The preparatiue prayers to the malfe, arcnot ofAmbrufe, there is adorationof the facrament. · · 6 Thc!bookeoftheApologyof Dauid, 7 Twobookesofthecallingof theGen– tifc.·:fallly afcrilred vntoAmbroje,or toPro– fP;rof4q•iraipe,who in hi> verfe• againll the ,ingratefull,oppugnes rhevniuerfal grace and .redemption, which the fore·mdbookcs doe 1 mainr~inc. · 8' The booke 'to the deuout virgin. D , 9 The bookc to the fallen virgin, it is a declamation, and almoll,all extant in Hie– romer epillle to the mother and daughter. H(IJPit~idn, ' -' ~·· i · 1o The booke of Dauidr expollulation 1 o·r-complaint. 1l The bookeofwiddmves direCIIyop– pvfite to his commentaries vpon the Ro· manes,cap.t. u The Commentaries vpon the HeJ b. rewcs, are likcli.er to bee made byRemigiru or Aoje/me, 13 That Hrgr{ipput llorie\vas tranOatcd byAm6ro(eout of(hc Greckc, is inEra{rn•r 14 The commentaries vpon the Rcucla tlQn,Six.Smen{.lih.4. tutfg~ment,a thingnotcredtble. l ,__________________::____.::....._____:·_ __::T:...:_r..:•:__ ___ _:'~5__.-:_:::be