Preparatiues to the 15 The booke agamll the Aria~s,touch· A ingfaith aCcribed toNa<.ian~ent in cheLa– nne edition of Jmworkes, tranflated byRuf· jinu.. 16 H is MilfaiJ mentions thefeaflofthe Atfumption, which was nor inlljtute<J vntill long time after him. , r7 Tbeworkeofthe lifeofGerva/imis none of his 1 fqr it path quny thingJ repug· nantto his rrueworkcs. · 18 H1s 8i.ep1llleis Pro.ffm,Su.rc.<>. HIE ROME. Th<[tfol/'w•rk<sin thecommon iHdge· mml of4/l rrr..m,are nocbi/drm •( thu Fat/;er. The Hebrew traditions vpon the three B bookesof rhc Kings and Chronicles, con· demned bySe~enfts,ilb.i.& LJr•. rBaruch. I The two book. of Ma– chabees. Theprefacesvnto~ThePfal,rer: in number ] two. ·· · 1TheProb~tbs ofSalo– LJnoo,twoalfo. · Foure Homilies vpon the Canticles. Hebrew places vpon theACls, they doe citeHieromt himCclfe,cap.Z7. . . The commentaries vpon theLamentat1· ons of Immie,SenM[.Iib.4.theyareof Rab•· nm Maur11-1 his doinglor els of B(du)as E,_,j~ "'"' thinketh. . C His commentaries vponMark,with their pref.ce.Sentnf.lib.i. The prefacesvnto Lui:f andbhn, The commentaries vpon the Pfalmcs, Cenfured by Lindan, CAnll4, Erll[mm, and Bruno. The prefaceandcommentaticsvpon Job, i·4• The third booke of his C\)mmenta,ries vpon the Prouerbs, in the3r,chapter Grego– ,-u is cited. The commentaries vpon,t~eEpilllcs of 1 Paui,Srnenf.lib.'f. , The EpiU!e to Demetri.u, is Pelagim his I worke. Gregor.Arimin. ~.d. z6.qu. J,art.J.. lr is manifell fo to bee out of Samt Auguf/tpes D bcoke de gratia Chrifli & originsli ptcc•to, chap. 37, and 38. wherein Pelagiooaffirmed bee wrore vnto Dem#ruul . are rebearfed, and are very like to thefe her< alleadged.It is plainealfo our of AugHj/,epi· file to Jub~tna~ mother eo DtmerriJU, where the words ofPtiagiwarc rehea.rfed which are ' contained in this epiflle. · rqeruntimhis daugh1ter. Thecpilllcs~ MarccOa. · . voto \Abanifl1edvirgin. .dnneusbeingficke,· v•· <-touchingapcrfctt man. The inflruClion ofafric~d inthekn?w: ledge of Gods Law. Oftbrccvertues, - A fcrmon ofMaritt alfumption , vnro PAHia andE:uflochium. Ofhonouringourparcntr. Of thefeaucn degrees of theChurch vn· to.!i•Pic,.,BitbopofNarbon. . Oftpcar~ifeofvirginity,vntoMAH7ilim hu daughter. OfGods~!tributesin the~criptures. An cxplaqati~noftheCrecde, vmoDa- '!'•(m. . . An expofition ofourfai~h,v,nto CJriU. ToPu(iditu the Deacon; concermngthe Pafchall taper. Ofthekeepingof Eaflcr. An obiurgation again!l Su[ann• bceino fallen, " , An obiurgationvntoEuagrim for Lruira, An exhortation to a fouldiour of the world. Ofthe ten temptationsoftheICraelitcs, An explanation ofthe 4e.& 117.pfalmes.' To DardaniU conccrnmg the kmdes of muGcke. r~thc refurreClion of • Chrill. 4-fermonsof chenati4ity_of Chrill. 3 che Epiphanie. 4 <hcLent Ten C<rmons vpon EaUero euen,touching the eating ofthe Lambe. ToE:uflochium,of Peterschaiocs. Ofthe keepmgofvigils. · Exhortations roPAmmachi1u&. OctAnm. T oa fecular penitent, Ofrhe diuerliries of leprofies. Of thetwofonnes, theprodigall,andthc thriftie. The ruleofmonkcs gathered by .f:HPI<Ide 0/tve:a. A dialogue vndcr the namesof Hieromc andAuguf/me. ' " An Homily of the body and blood of our Lord. • Anothervpon Saint MatthermGofpel. An Apologic for Origen. Neither his,no• Pamphifm theMart]rt. A qraiogue,of fomc ecclefiaflick writers. Anepi(t1Ho .7Jra/~, ·vponthe death of his daughter. ToOceanm, touchingfuffcrance of r.cpro· ches. The anfwertoD•m•fmhis epillle. ToPau/a andEHf/ocbiHmot the venue of thcPfalmc•. . To 'Damafos concernin'g the offering of the altar. A ruleformonkcsof41.chapters. ChromAtilll and HeliodQTHS to Hirronu, with the rcrcript thereunto. OfMariesnatiuity. E:uje6iHshis,epi!llc toDamafius,of f!ieromsl death• . Auguf/ine,ofHieromes woithinelfe. Hieromulife,by an vnkoowne Aurhor. Su(fufled.